
Kuzan, who has always been calm, felt unable to understand Marko’s behavior at this moment!

But Marko didn’t pay attention to him at all!


The huge blue flame wings that were more than ten meters long, wrapped around Marko and Kuzan, would be instantly shattered by the frozen sea of the Ice Age, and the two of them fell into the sea together!

For a time, the ice slag in the sky exploded in all directions, and the sea water gushed out wildly, splashing all around! The terrifying impact force spreads above the ice! On the entire ice surface, dense cracks appeared!


Immediately afterwards, in the coastal area, the entire frozen sea surface continued to burst, countless ice blocks were lifted, and the sea water rushed up!

Bang bang!

The penguins and bicycles that remained not far away were directly blown away by the force of the ice surface bursting, and I don’t know if luck or what happened, the stupid penguins and bicycles flew off, fell on the coast, and did not sink to the bottom of the sea.

In seawater.

Marko, who was originally holding Kuzan, suddenly exerted his strength and kicked away the ‘dry duck’ Kuzan.

The huge force directly kicked Kuzan and rolled in the sea water several times, causing Kuzan’s face to turn blue, but he couldn’t care about the pain at the moment, and Kuzan, who could not use the ability of frozen fruits, became a real dry duck in the seawater, struggling indiscriminately, trying to survive from the sea.

At this moment, Kuzan’s eyes were full of incredulity, and his mind was full of questions!

What’s going on?!

Everyone is a dry duck?!

Why can Marko ‘kick’ me hard in the sea?!

But at this time, Kuzan couldn’t care about this, he struggled desperately, trying hard to bring his body to the surface.

After tasting the taste of sea water for the first time and drinking several sips of salty seawater, Kuzan finally struggled instinctively to rise from the sea to the surface and breathe.

As a result, as soon as he raised his eyes, Kuzan was dumbfounded, and he saw that Marko was vibrating his flame wings, easily suspended in the air, like watching a circus performance, watching himself struggling desperately in the sea!

Kuzan, who is still struggling on the sea at the moment, is full of shock and… Go to pieces!


At this time, a wave rolled over, knocking over the struggling Kuzan in an instant, and Kuzan, who was washed into the sea again, only saw white waves and blue flames…!


At this time, the stupid cute penguin who was caught in this bag finally found that something was wrong and rushed into the sea!

Crash! ~~!!

After a long time, the penguin rushed out of the sea, carried Kuzan, who had been choked by the sea, with difficulty, slowly swam to the shore, and turned Kuzan to the shore, and the penguin was so tired that his tongue was sticking out.


Kuzan, who burped a lot, barely opened his eyes, and immediately vomited several mouthfuls of seawater.

Wow! ~!

Marko fell from mid-air, the blue flames dissipated, he could have killed Kuzan in the sea, but… He didn’t do that in the end, and finally let Kuzan’s little pet penguin save him, and then he fell.

The short spear left by Kuzan on Marko’s body had already been dissolved by the blue flame, and there was not the slightest wound. It is obviously unwise to fight a protracted battle with a naval admiral, so Marko chose to drive it into the sea, so that he could quickly fight and defeat Kuzan in the shortest time!

“Why didn’t you kill me.”

After half a ring, Kuzan, who was stunned by the sea, looked up at Marko and asked puzzled.


In Kuzan’s mind, there are too many questions and shocks!

“Blackbeard will definitely die at my hands in the future, and everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates will also be slaughtered by me!”

Marko has his own plans, if he can have such a strong assistant as Kuzan, it will definitely be of great use in the future, not to mention, he who has read the original book clearly grasps Kuzan’s character weaknesses.

This former admiral of the Navy Headquarters attached great importance to kindness and retribution in his heart, and belonged to the kind of person who ‘spared his life today, and will definitely repay with his life in the future’.

Moreover, they have a common enemy … Hoping to completely wipe out the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, and looking forward to getting rid of Marko’s red dogs!

Obviously, the benefits of keeping Kuzan are far greater than killing Kuzan!

The only thing that made Marko retain killing intent… That is, Kuzan will not make a decision easily, and once Kuzan refuses, Marko will not hesitate to kill him!

Kuzan supported the penguin and stood up, covered in sea water and sand, extremely embarrassed, but he quickly regained his calm.

“You’re no match for Blackbeard…”

Hearing Marko’s words, Kuzan subconsciously said that in his subconscious, the current Blackbeard, double-fruit ability, powerful to terrifying, almost the strongest existence, is no longer something Marko can deal with… But suddenly, Kuzan remembered the scene when Marko was not cursed by the sea just now, and Kuzan’s whole person couldn’t help but be shocked!

It is clear that Marko is an able person, but in the sea water, he can actually erupt terrifying power, and he can use the ability of the immortal bird unharmed to fly out of the seawater!

Thinking of this, Kuzan’s whole person was shocked like being struck by lightning!

It’s a new world full of unknowns, full of weirdness, full of wonders… Could it really be that there is some kind of power that makes those with Devil Fruit abilities no longer cursed by the sea?!

Kuzan’s heart was shocked like a sea of rivers, and when he thought about it… Marko is not cursed by the sea, he should have had some kind of adventure!

And thinking about it… Kuzan couldn’t help but be horrified!

“What you said… Maybe it really will become a reality! ”

Kill Blackbeard, and the Blackbeard Pirates…!

【Collection, flower evaluation tickets! 】 Give it all to me! 】

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