Pika was blown away by Marko’s punch, and even his face was flattened, and his life and death are unknown.

This made Doflamingo completely abandon the idea of ‘negotiation’.

At first, he had the idea of negotiating, but to his surprise, Marko didn’t seem to mean that at all.

Since there is no escape, and there is no room for negotiation, then you can only fight.

“You all stand down.”

Doflamingo stepped forward.

“Dover (Young Lord)!”

Many Don Quixote family cadres looked at Doflamingo at the front, and none of them chose to retreat.

“Since neither of you has any intention of backing down, let’s go together.”

Marko looked at the Don Quixote family and said calmly.

“You’re really the same as before!”

Doflamingo moved his hands,

Suddenly, the earth under his feet turned into countless thin lines, followed by sixteen huge white waves rolling up.

Each white wave is made up of tens of thousands of thin lines.

These sixteen huge white waves, the top end is extremely sharp, that kind of majestic power, as if it can penetrate everything.

That amazing tip, all aimed at Marko.


The incomparably powerful high-density armed color domineering, in an instant, covered sixteen white waves that rolled upside down.

This is the strongest move of Doflamingo’s Awakening Line Fruit ability.

16 shots, sacred murder bullets, god kill!

It’s a long story, but it’s only done in an instant.

At the moment when Doflamingo’s words fell, these sixteen extremely dangerous waves had already formed, just like sixteen huge black pythons, almost in the blink of an eye, they all rushed towards Marco Extreme Speed!

A sharp and piercing whistling sound burst out in an instant.

In the face of such a sinister killing move,

Marko still looked calm, and above his body, a layer of blue flames burst out in vain,

It’s too late, it’s fast.


Sixteen dangerous waves, with a bang, fell in unison, without exception, all hit Marko!


Where Marko was, the strata were all pierced, earth and rocks splashed, and billowing smoke rose in an instant.


Above the ground, cracks appeared, and after these cracks appeared, they spread out rapidly into the distance!

It can be imagined that these sixteen extremely dangerous waves have extremely amazing destructive power!

Marko, on the other hand, is in the billowing dust.

“Wouldn’t you? Marko has no defense at all? ~! ”

The pirates who did not know the truth in the distance widened their eyes one by one, looking at the billowing smoke and dust in surprise, one by one, they were confused.

They saw the sixteen menacing waves pierce through Marco’s body, and then blast through the earth, cracks appeared in the ground, and smoke rose with it.


Marko shouldn’t even have room to fight back, right?

Even the many cadres of the Don Quixote family widened their eyes, and their eyes were full of incredulity and puzzlement!

“Young Lord… This is a second kill Marko?! ”

Ola S. G waited for a pair of old eyes, he quickly rubbed his eyes vigorously, and thought that his old eyes were faint.

“Marko… Dead? ”

Torepol, who held his cane, stared and felt a little incredible, the enemy… It’s Marco after all!


They had just clearly seen that Marko’s body that had just burned blue flames was directly pierced by sixteen dangerous waves!


Diamanti, who had already drawn his sword, let out a long breath, he felt that no matter how incredible it was, as long as Marko solved it… It’s a good thing.

I can finally breathe a sigh of relief!

Many Don Quixote cadres exhaled turbid breath one after another.

Among them,

Only one person became extremely nervous.

That is,

Don Quixote Doflamingo!

At this moment, Doflamingo only felt a tingling in his scalp, under his red-pink feather coat, his back was cold, and the cold hair all over his body stood on end.

A gust of wind blew,

All the smoke and dust were blown away,

The place where Marko was originally located, at this moment, a huge deep pit has appeared, and countless cracks have spread out from there,

The pirates in the distance widened their eyes and stared dead at the deep pit in the ground.


All the Don Quixote family officials were stunned, and they also stared at the deep pit, feeling… Very incredible!


In that huge pit,

In addition to the broken earth and rock, and the dense cracks,

There is nothing more, where did Marko’s ‘corpse’ come from ?!

At this time, Doflamingo, who had already felt numb in his scalp, slowly raised his hands, “I lost…. ”


Many Don Quixote family cadres felt unbelievable, why did Doflamingo act like this?


Followed by

Several top cadres of the Don Quixote family were the first to feel the abnormality,

Torrebol and the others raised their heads one after another.


The eyes of several of their top cadres were instantly filled with horror!

Torebol felt his lips dry, and he opened his mouth and said a few words in horror (okay).



I don’t know when, Marko, who spread a pair of flaming wings, has appeared silently… Above Doflamingo’s head!

Not only that,

In Marko’s hand aimed at Doflamingo’s head, there was a dancing ball of blue flame, the ball of flame… Exudes an astonishing aura of destruction.

Everyone only felt a chill,

The terrifying ball of flame in Marko’s hand was already rushing at Doflamingo’s head… Press down!


Doflamingo’s body was bombarded into the formation in an instant.

Fleeting time boat,

Dust exploded in the sky,

The scene is terrifying!

At this second, all the pirates, including the Don Quixote family, were instantly stunned!

[Fifth change.] 】_

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