“Enemy, enemy attack!”

“Colonel Smogg, it’s an enemy attack!”

Several soldiers reported to Smogg while picking up the phone worm that connected to the sentry and handed it to Smogg.

“What the… What happened? Outsiders who broke in by mistake, or was there really an enemy attack? ”

Smogg picked up the phone worm and asked immediately.

Unmarked desert islands, sometimes passing travelers and pirates, are conceivable problems.

In this case, the sailors in charge of the sentry will send a signal to the comers, in the name of the naval corps, to expel the passers-by.

If such a thing occurs, it will not sound all the police reports in the base.

In any naval organization, the alarm is the clarion call to battle, and the guard will not make such a judgment when it is not a last resort.

“Colonel Smogg, there is an unknown vehicle ahead, and it is speeding towards us!”

“A wake-up call signal has been sent to it, and the other party has ignored our signal!”

The sentry sailor replied nervously.


I just took over Tina’s affairs, and there were so many troubles at once. Smogg squeezed the microphone heavily in annoyance, and said in a deep voice: “Second-level combat readiness, three groups of people come out with me.” ”

“Level 2 combat readiness!”

“Level 2 combat readiness!”

“Level 2 combat readiness!”


For a while, the news of the battle spread to all corners of the base.

In addition to the sailors on duty who were responsible for guarding the gates of the three storage warehouses, the remaining nearly five hundred sailors who remained in the base, one hundred and fifty of them sorted out their equipment and followed Smog out of the gate of the base.




“This kind of big guy really can’t use it, and I don’t know what the effect is?”

Dull but even speed smashed on the ground, listening to Jin Yi felt annoyed.

Cool military armored vehicle!

Kim Yi’s family demolition weapon he got when his eldest daughter was born!

After landing on the island and discovering that there was a naval base ahead, Jin Yi had a plan in his heart.

The appearance of a naval base in such a secret place is definitely not as simple as training soldiers, and there must be secrets in it that they do not know.

Without clarifying the identity of the enemy in front, Jin Yi simply changed into an armored car and greeted the navy he encountered.

“So big! It’s like a small house! ”

“What kind of iron monster is this, how did it appear on this island?”

“There are no ships nearby at all, is it the special combat capability of the capable?”

The sailors lined up neatly and raised their scum-like guns.

Smogg, who came from his headquarters, had seen equipment cars with similar shapes in his research.

It’s just that there have been no new breakthroughs in research in recent years, and armored vehicles, such high-tech combat items, have not been officially put into use.

“Get out of the way!”

Smogg stepped forward from the crowd, the cigar smoke in his mouth blowing out a gentle smoke, and even his figure was wrapped up.

“Colonel Smogg! The enemy is a little strange, do you want to surround and test to attack first? ”

Dusty persuaded rationally.

“Do you think I can’t handle it alone?”

Smogg’s fierce eyes fell on Dusty.

Every time he decides something, no one can stop it.


Smogg’s smoking speed has obviously not accelerated, but the expansion of white smoke is increasing.

“Oh!! I remembered that Colonel Smogg is a natural fruit ability! ”

“Nature? Could it be that Elder Tina asked him for help, and really sympathized with the guy who broke in. ”

The first time they saw the natural ability to make a move, the navy soldiers all cheered up, for fear of missing some wonderful pictures.

“Which ability should I be, it turned out to be this guy!”

“Regardless of the strength for the time being, how to say it is also a natural demon fruit!”

Jin Yi in the armored car, through the front mirror, saw bursts of white smoke rising, and immediately recognized Smogg’s identity.




Kinichi adjusted the series of buttons on the console, loaded three powerful compression bullets, and controlled the barrel to slowly aim at the front of Smogg.


A sharp cannon sound was heard, a pinch of flames flashed at the mouth of the long barrel, and black compression shells blasted out.

“Huh? Still dare to aim here? What an impolite bastard… White net! ”

Smogg jumped up in the air without care.

While the white figure jumped, the white smoke condensed into a thick net, protecting the more than a hundred soldiers behind him.

“Colonel Smogg’s body has become longer! That’s awesome! ”

“Ordinary attacks are useless for those with natural fruit abilities!”

“This kind of shell is not enough for the natural ability to tickle.”

As if they had seen the result, the sailors all stood in place easily.


“How is that possible?”

When the compression bullet touched the white net, the super impact force made the calm Smog change color and suddenly livid, and his figure quickly returned to its original state in the eyes of everyone, and was compressed to the rear.

“Ugh! It’s armed color domineering, it’s not good … Flash away! ”

Smogg volleyed and shouted to the sailors behind him with a heavy face.






The energy released by the compression bomb formed a strong explosion at the gate.

The sailors, who could not react at all, were misjudged by Smogg once, and the loss of seventy or eighty people in the pit was lost!

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