The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 482 Soliciting Again

Ralph Drew has already floated to the surface of the sea. The magnetic field of the new world is chaotic. Tsunami, storms and various extreme weathers occur from time to time. Without specific coordinates, it is difficult to find such a deserted island in the rough sea, and most people will not go there. Remote areas.

You must know that Elbaf of the giant is already equivalent to the edge of the world. Only the strong physique of the giant can barely survive, and the location of Ralph Drew is even more remote.

But what if? What if someone landed on the island again? Wei Wei was in a hurry to leave at the time, she didn't know if Joey Boi had a backup power supply, if someone landed on the island, it would show up again? So they also need to be ready to go to war immediately.

She and Robin start discussing the military in Alabasta.

Now that Alabasta has continued to dismantle its troops, the number of its troops has dropped to 400,000.

From Weiwei's point of view, the number is still too much.

Raising 100,000 elites is enough to overwhelm the world. 400,000, including the previous 600,000 troops, are completely cumbersome. Apart from wasting food and consuming the gold in her hands, it has no practical use, but she also knows that haste makes waste The abolition of 200,000 people is already the limit that the people and the government can bear at present. If the abolition continues, before she rebels against the world government, these people will have to rebel against her first.

Weiwei unfolded the Dead River, and took out the gold she "floated" from the Golden Emperor, Captain John's treasure that she had snatched from Hive Island, and the third piece of red history text.

Captain John's treasure is not only gold, silver and jewelry, but also many historical documents and nautical diaries collected by Rocks D. Gibeck.

This big pirate, who needs the cooperation of the pirate king Roger and the naval hero Garp to defeat, is ambitious. Of course, ambition can also be said. The three people represent the three choices of the D family.

Rocks is an absolute radical, and what he advocates is to attack, attack, and attack again, life is endless, and fighting is endless.

Karp is obviously a compromising faction. He joined the navy and became the "running dog" of the world government. From the perspective of many members of the D family, he is definitely a traitor.

Roger is a centrist, advocating true freedom. .

The three Yingjies of the D family took completely different paths. Weiwei estimated that the five old stars must have been very happy when they saw the three of them fighting in the Valley of the Gods. They didn’t lose anything on their side, and the enemy was on their own. Fight, is there anything more fun in the world than this?

It doesn't matter which of the three heroes is right and who is wrong. The important thing is that Lockes's voyage diary is hidden in Captain John's treasure.

It involves the hidden historical knowledge of most of the world.

Weiwei was too busy, so she didn't have much interest in it, so she left it all to Robin. Historians like these things, and now they can be regarded as what they like.

"By the way, is that guy still there?" Weiwei asked without beginning or end.

Robin frowned, but he relaxed it quickly: "Now, he has been wandering around the islands that the sea train passes by, sometimes staying for a few days, and sometimes just sitting by the beach and fishing in a daze."

Seemingly knowing what Weiwei was going to say, she said, "Go ahead, I've let go of what happened back then, he spared my life back then, he was actually kind to me..."

Three days later, Weiwei was like a pure passer-by. She wore a beige dress, a sun hat, and a flower umbrella. She was followed by the duck Karoo. The city of the spring queen of the station.

Gu Yan

It is said to be a city, but it is actually an island.

The sea train connects the four islands of Carnival City, Gourmet City, City of Spring Queen and City of Seven Waters into a single line. The world government and navy attach great importance to this route. This is a golden route where every inch of land is precious. If there is trouble on any route, they will be severely cracked down. Over time, the law and order on these four islands and the entire route has been good.

Weiwei stepped down from the station and looked left and right. As an island that is like spring all the year round, this Queen of Spring City is just like its name. The environment is beautiful and the climate is comfortable. The faces of pedestrians on the street are full of joy. The man is handsome, The woman is beautiful. Compared with the new world where rainstorms pour down and blood splatters at every turn, walking into this island is like coming to another world.

"Quack!" Karoo the Duck was uninformed. He took out a binoculars, looked left and right, quickly determined a direction, and then entered the town with the owner of the pendant.

They stopped in front of a signboard called Camel Coffee. Weiwei knocked on the door, waited for a few seconds, and then opened the door and went in after hearing a call from inside.

Sitting in the cafe and grinding coffee is Aokiji's big penguin named "Camel".

The big penguin waved at the duck Karoo, and the duck also had the expression of seeing an old friend, so he ran over and patted the big penguin on the back as a sign of comfort.

How difficult it is, look, the pet has to grind coffee for the owner!

It couldn't help but glanced at Weiwei, we pets are so heartbroken to take care of you confused owners!

Aokiji's big penguin was walking in the high cold wind. After grinding the coffee, he beckoned for them to follow.

Not long after, Weiwei saw Aokiji sleeping in the backyard.

The structure of this store is very similar to that of Weiwei's medical center in Wano Country. The front is open for business and the back is for people to rest. However, there will be a few trees planted behind Weiwei's medical center...

"General Qingzhi, long time no see." She greeted first.

It is worth mentioning that neither the world government nor the navy canceled Kuzan's Aokiji code name, even though he is no longer in the navy, the code name is still retained.

There is another one who has the same treatment, that is Zefa, and Zefa's title of "black wrist" is still retained today.

Qingzhi lazily opened his eyes, and after looking at it for a long time, he finally recognized Weiwei's appearance: "Ah, it's General Yuelong, please don't mention the past, I'm no longer a general, now I'm just The owner of a coffee shop. The dignified admiral came to see a pawn like me in person...he didn’t come to see me for coffee, did he?”

"I'm not that free. I'm looking for you this time for a serious business." Wei Wei paused: "Sakaski died in battle, do you know about it?"

Aokiji's tone was flat: "I know, I heard. Edward Newgate is indeed the strongest man in the world."

"Now the world government has appointed a new marshal, a guy who parachuted from Marie Gioia, code-named Green Bull."

Aokiji replied indifferently: "It is a good thing that all generals unite under the command of the new marshal to wipe out the pirates and eradicate the era of great pirates... So, what does this have to do with an idler like me?" ?”

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