The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 534 Teacher Kai

"Damn it! The navy is a bunch of unfamiliar dogs!" Elder Ross was so angry that he kept patting the table in the temporary camp.

The successive bad news made the four elders more and more irritable and worried.

Im didn't scold the four of them, not a single word came out, if they really scolded the four of them like a dog, they could relax a bit, because they were worried because there was no scolding.

Yuelong, Aokiji and Fujitora, the three generals joined forces to set off an anti-flag. Zefa, Sengoku, Garp, and Tsuru, the older generation of navies, kept silent and continued to enjoy their retirement life. They called to ask Well, a man as strong as Karp actually said that he was sick with a stern face!

Now that the rebels are in the east and the pirates are in the west, Mary Joya, the holy land located in the Red Earth Continent, has suddenly become the target of public criticism.

They are currently seriously lacking top-level combat power.

Everyone can see Huang Yuan's intention of hedging his bets, but does he really think so? Could it be that there is also a huge force behind him, ready to come out to be a fisherman at a critical moment?

Recently, the Revolutionary Army has kept a low profile, and no one knows what these guys are doing.

Can't see through, no one knows what is in Huang Yuan's mind.

This old guy is in Marlin Vanduo to deal with errands. Compared with red hair, fat mother, and steel bones, he may not be the strongest, but he must be the best at running. When the enemy comes, he will hit him twice. Tea reading newspapers, clocking in and out of work in the headquarters every day, the fiasco of Green Bull, the defection of Wei Wei and Fujitora, and the sweeping away of most of the navy, seemed to have not affected him at all.

Is it fighting, defending, running or surrendering? As the only remaining admiral in the navy, Huang Yuan has no intention of standing up and presiding over the overall situation. When someone asks him what he thinks about the Four Emperors of the New World, he uses the catchphrase "It's so scary" to perfunctory.

The world government has increasingly determined that this product has something to do with the revolutionary army.

Also suspect is the tea dolphin.

This man didn't defect, but he didn't have much enthusiasm for fighting. When the pirate came, he would hit him twice perfunctorily. When the pirate retreated, he went back to drink and sleep.

Steel Gukong was very angry, and he kept yelling at the navy for betraying him. He scolded Weiwei, Fujitora, and Aokiji seventeen or eight times. As for what this person thinks, the fourth star also said Not sure.

Even though Steel Bone Kong is loyal, he has been out of the navy for more than thirty years,

In the past thirty years, the marshal has changed three times. How many people can an old marshal in his nineties beat? How many days can we play?

The four old stars consider themselves gods and don't want to fight with a group of "mortals".

While lacking generals, they also lack money. In any era, fighting requires money. Only now can they see Weiwei's sinister intentions. The world government has no money, the Tianlong people have no money, and everyone is poor. Same.

Normally, they can still apportion to those rich businessmen, those emperors of the dark world, and just search for it, and the money will come out.

Who dares not pay? kill him!

Now is not a normal time. The armies on both sides of the east and west are all attacking Marie Gioia, and the revolutionary army is secretly waiting for the opportunity. No one will throw money into the water at this time.

The loan shark king and the shipping king are all evasive. The queen of Joy Street, Stucey, simply disappears and hides in the new world without answering the phone calls. Ridiculous, and finally threw a sentence "no money" to coax people out.

The attitudes of these emperors in the underground world are different, but they all have a basic consensus. This time the world government is very difficult to pass the test. Even if it passes the test smoothly in the end, there is no time or energy to trouble them. Why should they be honest? pay? Nor is their money blown by the wind.

No generals, no money, the hearts of the people below are fluctuating, and Yim above is also extremely dissatisfied. This is the terrible situation faced by the four old stars.

Countries on the Great Route, Drum Country, Dressrosa, Prodence, and Fishman Island sent troops one after another to join Vivi's new world government, and they had to make a decision.

Elder Rhodes and Elder Don Quixote quietly came to the depths of the large submarine prison in the city of Advance, on the sixth floor underground, in front of Kaido's cell.

"Hey lol - what a rare visitor, let me see, who is this?" Without Doflamingo, the day of Kaido's escape from prison suddenly became impossible. Fortunately, the four old stars arranged in advance, Kaido's prison conditions were improved after the death of the dog. At this time, he had wine and meat in the cell, except that his body was covered with extremely high-purity sea stone chains, and the other aspects were not much different from the outside.

He looked at the two elders who came secretly, and felt that his chance had come.

Seeing that the two of them were silent, staring at him as if they were looking at the goods, he held his breath and drank on his own, without any urgency.

The two sides had a stalemate for three minutes, and it was Don Quixote who spoke first: "Kaido, I spared your life because you are still valuable. You must know how to be grateful."

Many people know the reason why people have to bow their heads under the eaves, but Kaido saw through the flirtatiousness of the two, and cursed angrily: "Fart! Let me guess, do you want to come here together? Buy Lao Tzu as a thug?"

Patriarch Don Quixote throws a chip: "We can set you free."

Kaido scoffed.




"not enough."

"We will give you the Wano country." Seeing that Kaido's expression became more and more impatient, Don Quixote took out a well-prepared chip to fool him: "On behalf of the world government, we can admit that you are the new One Piece. "

Kaido looked over fiercely, and the expressions of the two remained unchanged.

For a moment, he was also a little confused. With such a big bargaining chip, what happened outside? He hated Doflamingo to death. Once this idiot died, his source of news was completely cut off. Seeing that he couldn't get out of trouble, Shilieu of the Rain never came again.

In the cell, he drank only alcohol, and knew nothing about the outside world, which was really bad for negotiations.

Kaido was not going to go around in circles with the two, and asked bluntly: "Tell me first, what happened outside?"

If you want to use Kaido's knife, you must let him know this information.

The two did not hide anything, and told about the fact that the New World Government and the Four Emperor Pirates joined forces to attack the Red Earth Continent. In order to stimulate Kaido's nerves, when they talked about the coalition forces, they talked about Luffy, Sand Crocodile and When they were at Ralph Drew, they talked a lot.


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