The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 539: Sixth Floor Underground

The fourth floor is extremely hot, and the fifth floor is a veritable "extremely cold hell". The temperature here is extremely low. From this floor onwards, criminals with a reward of over 100 million yuan are imprisoned. For the whole world, the reward The money is over 100 million, and these prisoners are placed outside, and they are all strong men who rule the roost.

Back then when the sand crocodile became Qibuhai, the bounty offered was only 80 million.

Because of the low temperature on the fifth floor, the phone bug cannot be used. Because Weiwei is afraid of the cold, her Homiz is also affected, so she deliberately avoids this floor. The two of them didn't get the exact information, so they had to come down to check it out.

Facts have proved that the heat can be tolerated, but the low temperature is unbearable for many people. Along the way, many prisoners were covered with frost, curled up in the corner, and did not respond to the outside world. Let alone Weiwei and the others passed by the cell. Opening the door of the cell, their stiff brains did not have the consciousness to escape.

Weiwei is not afraid of heat, but cold. Low temperature will cause blood to coagulate. For her, this state is very uncomfortable.

Today, she is no longer afraid of exposing her abilities. She uses the thunder fruit to heat her body, and the arc breaks through the air from time to time, making a crisp "pop" sound, and the whole body is surrounded by lightning. From a distance, it looks like a Super Saiyan state 21 Sample.

Magellan couldn't help but look twice more, not knowing where her ability came from. Fortunately, the prison warden knew that the person next to him had set off a rebellion, so he asked rashly, which was really taboo. I didn't talk too much.

"Prisoners on this floor..." Weiwei looked around, there were obvious footsteps on the passage, and Blackbeard came a little earlier than them, and she must have seen that these prisoners were lifeless, and it didn't matter whether they were let go: "There seems to be no motivation, let's go to the next floor together."

"Okay!" Magellan needed Weiwei's help to suppress these felons in the prison, so he didn't say much, found a way, and soon reached the sixth floor, which is the bottom of the city's prison, the infinite hell.

As soon as they set foot on the sixth floor, a five-meter-tall man with two horns on his head attacked them brazenly when he saw them.

The opponent was bare-chested and wearing tattered trousers, and punched out his fangs and claws. The target was Weiwei who seemed weak.

"Damn it, the prisoner has already come out! This is Abaro Pizarro, the 'King of Evil Government'!" Magellan worried that Wei Wei didn't understand the situation, so he hurriedly explained to her.

"Evil government king? The guy who was defeated by the revolutionary army Monkey D. Long?" Weiwei no longer regards this kind of enemy as an opponent.

"Don't you stay,

I'll stop him! After Warden Shiliu of the Rain defected, Hannibal, the deputy warden of Jinjin City Prison, who was considered the third person, kept whispering that Magellan was negligent and that he should be the warden.

This guy dressed like an Egyptian pharaoh looks funny, and actually wields a huge naginata, which is very windy. Because the blade of the naginata is smeared with grease, when it is swung quickly, it will rub against the air and produce flames. Hannibal Vice Prison The head is very fierce, wielding a flame naginata, and takes the lead in stopping the evil king Pizarro.

Pizarro had a disgusting smile on his face all the time, he pressed Hannibal's flame naginata with his palm, ignored the burned palm, and then kicked out a whip kick with lightning speed.

There was a loud bang in the air, Hannibal could be the deputy warden, and he would be a warden in the future. He held a knife in his right hand, tried hard to take a whip kick, and slammed the evil government with the elbow of his left hand. In Wang's chest, both sides were hit at the same time, and no one took advantage of it.

Leaving Hannibal to deal with the evil king, Weiwei and the others continued to rush in.

The second prisoner I encountered was a giant, San Juan. Dire Wolf. This guy is completely different. An ordinary giant is 20 meters tall, with stronger blood and better talent. 21 meters and 22 meters are the limit. 180 meters tall! The giants Weiwei knew couldn't hit his knees even if they jumped up, they were really too high, standing there, like a giant mountain.

Gu Yin

The San Juan wolf looks tall and mighty, but in fact it has a cruel and violent personality, and its passion is destruction.

"Let me do it!" With the flick of Princess Mononoke Perona's fingers, the ghosts behind her lined up like followers, launching a series of explosive attacks on San Juan.

The explosions of the ghosts one after another were extremely violent, and the walls made by Hailoushi were blown out by the shock wave to form a large crack like a spider web.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and San Juan Bad Wolf rubbed his head as if he didn't feel it, showing a somewhat terrifying smile.

Weiwei knew that Princess Mononoke had a child's temper. Under her detection, there seemed to be no sand crocodiles in the city prison. In order to divert attention, she deliberately said: "Xiao Pei, your ghost can't explode. The one in front of you You can't kill a big fool, let alone a sand crocodile."

Princess Mononoke trembled with anger: "Who? Who said I can't do it! I will definitely avenge Lord Moria! Negative ghost! Give it to me!"

A large group of negative ghosts pounced on San Juan. Wolf after exploding the ghosts.

San Juan, the mutant giant, is full of evil thoughts, and his brain structure is completely different from that of a human being. The negative ghost irritated him instead. He raised his fist and slammed it on the ground.

Princess Mononoke's eyes were full of contempt: "You are a big fool, how dare you be arrogant?! Blast me!"

"Kamikaze Ghost!"

"Great kamikaze ghost!"

"Super super super big kamikaze ghost!"

Princess Mononoke was very upset with this rough-skinned and thick-skinned enemy, and she forgot about the sand crocodile for a while. After the conventional ultimate move didn't work, she created a super-sized exploding ghost, which grew bigger and bigger, and finally made a A ten-meter-tall super ghost.

San Juan's strength is really great, and his physical strength is extremely abundant. He is completely a model of hand-dismantled Gundam. Relying on pure physical strength, he insisted on Perona's ghost bomb. No matter how violent the explosion is, he can withstand it. Carrying, Perona became more angry, and the two of them, one huge and the other small, quickly became a ball.

San Juan, who would call Godzilla Big Brother whenever he saw Godzilla, had a ferocious expression on his face and wanted to shoot Princess Mononoke to death. Wei Wei clicked his tongue, and at this time she still did not forget to discredit the World Government.

"If I'm not mistaken, this big guy is a product of the laboratory, right?"

Magellan knew the prisoners inside the prison like the back of his hands, and he nodded after a while: "Yes."

Weiwei chuckled: "I've seen some experiments by Doflamingo. He injected human children with a growth hormone in the giant brain, turning humans into giants. During the process of becoming giant, many functions of the brain will be destroyed. In the end, the mutated giant became a weapon in the hands of the world government, this big guy...should be the product of super-dose injection of auxin using giants as the foundation, right?"


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