Level 6!

This is the bottom of the underwater prison, located in the deep sea!

In addition, the entire Impel Prison is surrounded by huge sea kings in the doldrums.

It is impossible to escape!

In addition, the buildings here are all made of seastone, which makes it even harder for prisoners with devil fruit abilities to escape.

And there are surveillance Den Den Mushi here, and every step they take will be seen by others.

If it weren't for Domino and Little Sadie's help, he might have to spend more effort to get here.

In addition, the prisoners here are just like what Little Sadie said.

The criminals imprisoned here are all too vicious and are monster pirates that have been erased from history.

The criminals on this level are all close to legendary figures. Some of them are even covered up by the World Government!

Their fate is either death penalty or life imprisonment.

Walking in the dark passage, Ron looked normal. There was nothing else here except the gloomy and scary. If there was anything, it was a little cold.

"I should have worn an extra layer of cotton clothes."

Ron took two more breaths, and the air in his body was transformed into vigorous life essence, which could warm the whole body and drive away the cold.

"Much better."

Feeling warm, his steps became faster.

When he crossed the end of the corridor and came to the official sixth floor,

he saw that the prison space here was divided into many irregular cells of different sizes.

The large cell was as big as a truck standing upright, and it was naturally used to hold those larger criminals.

The small cell, the smallest of which was as small as a rat hole, was probably used to hold the dwarfs.

Ron was interested in these. He leaned over and looked down at the rat hole. Although the light was not bright, he could vaguely see that there were no criminals inside.

Huh? Why is there no one?

As he was muttering in his heart, he suddenly heard unbridled laughter.

"Hahaha, pretty boy, your butt is so good, just stick it out like this, let me take a good look!"

"I can't help but want to give him a thousand-year death. Boy, open the cell door quickly, or I'll tear you apart!"

"Where did you come from, you idiot? I guess you haven't seen a dead person yet. Let me teach you how to play!"

"To be honest, I like him. Don't fight with me. I want to pick up soap with him!"


All kinds of laughter are endless, all of which are insulting, disgusting, and make people want to punch him to death.

Ron smiled, looked around, and found a bundle of sticks in the corner of the door. It was covered with a layer of dust. It was probably left there for a long time.

Thinking of the scattered broom heads next to it, it seems that this bundle of sticks is used to assemble brooms to clean the cells.

However, now, the cells don't need to be cleaned.

Ron picked up a stick and held it to find that it was just the right size.

"Boy, you must be scared to pee, come on, open the building, this stick is not as big as my grandpa's fist!"

"Haha, brother, yours is probably only a little bigger than a toothpick, what are you bragging about?"

"Aren't you ashamed? Let us check it out!"

"Hey, I'm talking to this pretty boy now, don't............"

The criminal who just turned around and talked to his companions with a laugh suddenly stopped before he finished speaking!

His face flushed, and his facial features twisted together because of the severe pain!

The chrysanthemum was broken, and the ground was full of wounds. Your smile~~~

"Fuck! Too...too fierce!"

"Haha, kid, good job, haha!"

"Wait, who of you saw how he did it just now?"


With one sentence, the whole cell fell into silence in an instant, and you could hear a pin drop, as if time was paused!

No one knows!

It's like the wooden stick, which was originally inserted from the chrysanthemum! The door of the big man's cell is opened ... and the lock made of Hailou Stone is being played by Ron in his hand. It feels like he is very interested in this lock. He accidentally opened it and played in his hand. Everywhere, let me be the buddy again and again, let you die again! "The voice of the big man who was in power echoed in the cell.

The other prisoners stood silently in their cells with serious expressions.

They saw Ron open the cell door just now. His calm expression was definitely not fake.

Let me ask you,

Is there a fool who can come to the sixth floor of the underwater prison alone?

If he didn't have absolute strength, how could those people above allow him to come here!

So, the ridicule at the beginning was just a vent for their long and boring prison life.

I didn't expect that the stupid big man actually took it seriously. He really thought that this kid was a soft persimmon that could be squeezed by anyone?

How stupid!

He didn't know he was being used as a gun!

But the big man had already rushed to Ron to attack him, using the wooden stick that was inserted into him. At this moment, there was still some yellow and white stuff on it, which smelled disgusting.

"So noisy."

Ron raised his eyes, and the domineering aura of the overlord condensed into a sharp sword in his consciousness, and he chopped it down directly!


Without making any sound, the big man who ran more than ten steps fell forward uncontrollably and lay on the ground motionless.

It was as if he had chosen a good place to sleep and was afraid of being robbed, so he ran over and lay there directly.

This scene

completely stunned everyone at the scene!

The arrogant criminals, or the pretentious criminals, or the really arrogant and pretentious criminals, were all stunned now.

No one knew how Ron made the move, but the other party was killed directly.

They all knew that the big man was at the bottom of the sixth floor in terms of strength.

But as long as he could reach the sixth floor, it was a kind of strength in itself.

But he was still killed in seconds!

Being killed in seconds is not terrible, what is terrible is not knowing how to be killed in seconds!

This is what they are like now!

The eyes looking at Ron at this moment flashed and trembled uncontrollably!

Then he turned around in a hurry, not daring to face Ron again, for fear that he would be the next one to be targeted.

"Can't you be quiet for a while? You're always laughing, hahahaha, you motherfucker!"

Ron stepped over the big man lying on the ground and walked inside.

Because, all the valuable people are locked up in the innermost part!


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