Without waiting for Hina to express her opinion, Gion stood up and said with a sweet smile: "I'll do this kind of thing, and sister Hina will stay at the navy base to catch pirates."

Hina was silent. She had never done seduction, let alone thought about it. She was even more surprised. Since when did the navy need seduction to achieve its goals?

This made it difficult for her to accept it for a while.

What's more, Ron was so young. The age difference between the two was more than ten years. There must be a generation gap. There might be mistakes in daily communication and values.

Then if they were together and had children, would there be disagreements on the education of the children?

When the children are older, will there be disagreements on what school to send them to?

Will there be disagreements on whether to let the children join the navy or inherit the throne in the future?

Then, the child will grow up and get married, and then a little bit...

"Hina? Hina? Hey! Wake up!"

Hina suddenly came to her senses and looked around blankly. She found that everyone around her was looking at her strangely. Gion was even more giggling, "Hina, you just said something about having a baby, the child going to school, etc., do you want to have a baby with Ron?"

"Ah! Hina didn't! Hina didn't think about it!"

Hina hurriedly shook her head and denied it. It was too embarrassing. How could she think about such a thing?

It's okay to think about it, but why did she say it in front of everyone?

Damn it!

Hina is very embarrassing!

"Marshal Sengoku, since Hina's sister also wants to participate in this plan, let's do it together first.

In this way, even if one of us fails, the other still has a chance."

Gion stood up. Although she said failure, all she could see in her eyes was confidence!

This is her old profession!

She has been proficient in various geisha skills since she was a child, entertaining those erotic guests in order to lure out the people behind these pirates.

So this seduction plan is completely child's play in her eyes, especially for a young boy, it is even easier to catch.

In addition, she found that Ron's resistance to beautiful women is almost zero, which makes her plan's success rate reach an astonishing 99.9%!

But she didn't expect that Hina, who has always been only concerned about catching pirates, is also interested in seduction plans.

What's more outrageous is that Hina has even thought about her and Ron's children?

There is a disagreement about whether the child will become a navy or inherit the throne in the future.

What's going on?

She was confused for a while.

Facing Gion's proposal, Zhan Guo also hesitated.

"Two people..."

He was a little unsure. According to the original plan, one person was enough to seduce Ron.

One more person would increase the difficulty of the plan.

Of course, if the two cooperated well, it would make this matter easier.

So this matter must be carefully thought about. Thinking of this, he looked at the chief of staff Crane.

Feeling Zhan Guo's gaze, Crane also turned his head and met his gaze, and suddenly became a little angry.

"Zhan Guo, why are you looking at me? Do you still want me, an old woman, to participate in your plan?"

"Hahaha, Zhan Guo is really something. You don't even let Crane go." Garp laughed out tears when he heard this. He didn't want to miss any opportunity to laugh at Zhan Guo.


Everyone tried hard to hold back their laughter. If they really dared to laugh in this situation, they would definitely not have to come tomorrow!

Zhan Guo's forehead was full of black lines. Only He He dared to say this to him. If it were someone else, the grass on his grave would be so high that he didn't know how many meters high it was.

"Okay, since both of you are willing to do this, then you are allowed to participate in this seduction plan.

Remember, you must cooperate well with each other, so that you can achieve twice the result with half the effort, instead of making it more difficult for each other out of thin air."

Gion and Hina nodded seriously, feeling excited and excited.

After the meeting, the two stayed and exchanged some experiences, and then went back to prepare.


The next day,

Just as Gion and Hina were ready to go out to sea to find Ron,

a piece of news that shocked the world broke out!

They were urgently summoned to the meeting hall again. Needless to say, the plan must have changed.

When they arrived at the hall, they found that many people had gathered here in advance.

But everyone's face looked very bad, shocked and shocked, and a little confused at the same time.

"Everyone, what happened?"

Gion and Hina came to Tsuru and asked hurriedly,

"Look for yourself, walls have ears, alas, it seems that the navy's defense should be strengthened." Tsuru shook his head and threw the newspaper in his hand to the two.

Gion and Hina looked at each other suspiciously, picked up the newspaper on the table and started reading,

You don't know until you see it, you will be shocked when you see it,[[A mysterious man named Ron, killed four vice admirals in one move! The Navy Headquarters is frantically covering up the facts! ]]

[[It's the mysterious man Ron again, who went to Impel Prison alone and rescued the devil's heir, Douglas Barrett, single-handedly! ]]

[[Shocked! Shocked! Douglas Barrett is suspected to be the younger brother of the mysterious man Ron! ]]

[[Who is the mysterious man Ron? He killed the admiral-level figure, the director of the Impel City, Magellan, in one move! ]]

Four eye-catching headlines were magnified to the maximum and hung in the most conspicuous place in the newspaper!

It's hard not to see it!

"What's going on? How come the contents of our meeting yesterday were all exposed?" Gion's pretty face was full of shock. Now the Navy had no choice but to respond.

"What about our plan? The whole world is waiting for the Navy's response.

Once the Navy responds, they will have to issue a warrant for Ron's arrest.

Will the seduction plan fail?

Hina is having a headache. This is too difficult!"

Hina rubbed her aching head and felt her head grow bigger.

"Where is Marshal Sengoku? What does Marshal Sengoku say about this?"

Gion looked at the meeting hall, looking for Sengoku.

At the same time,

The door of the hall creaked open, and Sengoku, Garp and the three generals walked in with gloomy faces.

"Everyone, I'm sure you saw what happened this morning.

It's true that man's plans are not as good as God's plans. We were one step slower after all.

Now the whole world is waiting for our response!

The seduction plan against Ron has failed before it even started!

This is entirely due to the mistakes of the Navy's security system. I take full responsibility for this!"

Sengoku bowed his head deeply and apologized to everyone. The faces of others were also not good.

To put it bluntly, everyone is responsible for this matter.

The hall fell silent for a while, and things seemed to be deadlocked again.

After a while,

Suddenly a voice broke the silence, it was Hina,

"Marshal Sengoku, Hina thinks the seduction plan can continue."

"Huh?" Sengoku was stunned, "The matter was exposed, we are about to issue a wanted order for Ron, how can the seduction plan continue?"

Hina smiled, "It's very simple, as long as Hina..."


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