Marinford, Navy Headquarters,

The plan against Ron has begun to be implemented. Sengoku ordered that this matter be classified as the Navy's top secret!

Starting from today's seduction plan, no matter when, you must cooperate with Gion and Hina unconditionally and without reason!


Somewhere in an unnamed sea,

A ship is sailing quietly on the sea, the sound of the sea is still there, and the gentle sea breeze blows across the fisherman's stubble,

This quiet atmosphere was broken by a newspaper!

"Boss, look! A new emperor is born on the sea!"

"It's amazing, the party building is almost on par with the boss!"

"Four billion Baileys!!!"

"I remember that the boss only has 4.0489 billion Baileys! Oh my God! Who is this person!"

Lachi Lu bit a big chicken leg and flipped through the newspaper. His squinting eyes were now wide open!

"Ron?" Everyone scratched their heads, "Who is this guy? How come we have never heard of him?"

"Is he a newcomer?"

"Are newcomers so awesome now?!!"

"It shouldn't be a newcomer. How could a newcomer make 4 billion Baileys right after his debut?"

"That's right. Those people in the Navy Headquarters wouldn't make such a serious mistake."

Beckman wiped his revolver. This is his lifelong friend. There is a deep bond between them!

Shanks was also puzzled. Then he turned to the next page of the newspaper and saw the introduction of Ron's crimes.

"Wow, this newcomer seems to be very powerful."

"Boss, what did you find? Let us see it too." Lachi Lu came over with a big chicken leg in his mouth.

Others followed closely and moved their eyes to the newspaper.

When they saw the content published on it clearly, they were all surprised and nodded frequently to show their approval.

Ben Beckman rarely agreed: "If these are true, then this newcomer named Ron really has the ability to defeat the general."

"Beckman, do you mean to admit that the other party is the fifth emperor?"

"Humph! Does this matter have anything to do with whether I admit it or not? You can go to Impel alone and see." Beckman turned and climbed the mast, as if Ron's matter was just a small episode in his eyes.

Jesus scratched his head and sighed, "There are too many outstanding newcomers on this sea. Only those who can hold on to the end can be called the fifth emperor. This cannot be determined by the navy's wanted order."

"Okay, everyone, what are you struggling about?" Shanks laughed, "What does this have to do with us? Let's continue our adventure!"

Then he turned and looked at everyone, "Is there any new information about Luffy? I haven't seen that kid for a long time. I don't know how he is now."

Several people shook their heads. They were on the ship every day. Where could they get news about Luffy?

Just when Shanks thought there was no news about Luffy again, Lachi Lu, who was holding a big chicken leg, suddenly exclaimed,

"Boss, this... here! Here!!!"

"What!? Really?" Shanks jumped off the bow in surprise, rushed to his side, and looked in the direction of his finger.

On the last page of the newspaper, in the lower right corner, in an inconspicuous corner, Luffy's wanted order was published!

"Laki, it's really Luffy!"

Shanks laughed. Compared to Ron, he wanted to know more about Luffy.

"Boss, Luffy is a good guy, but the bounty is still 30 million."

"It's different, it's different. Look at the updated location of the wanted poster below, Rogue Town!"


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