"Am I too high-profile?" Ron rubbed his chin. It was obvious what the navy wanted to do, to flatter him.

The newcomer had a bounty of the level of the Four Emperors, and became the public enemy of the entire ocean.

Let all the pirates who dreamed of becoming the Four Emperors in one step challenge him,

Because this is the fastest and easiest way to become the Four Emperors!

Just defeat him.


On this basis, Ron was put on the fire,

Those pirates with a bounty of 2 billion or 3 billion Baileys would be hostile to him,

Why did they struggle for decades, and you, a newcomer, stepped on their heads, isn't this a slap in their face? !

"It's so boring."

Ron sneered, then lifted his feet off the ground and lay comfortably on the reclining chair, admiring this rare night view.

"If it were an ordinary time traveler, most of them would choose to retire and hide at this time."

"It's so hard to travel through time, it's so boring to hide, the fun things in this world are often at the peak!"

"Wanted me? Good! I'll go to your Marinford tomorrow!"

It happened that a meteor streaked across the night sky at this time, dragging a long tail, flashing and fleeting, it was so beautiful,

Ron's mouth curled up a faint smile, it's time to greet the Warring States.


The next day,

The morning sun rose, flowers, birds and insects chirped,

Barrett couldn't sit still for a long time, he had been pent up these days, and the restless element carved in his bones made him want to fight with Ron now!

But Ron didn't have any martial ethics at all, just like the day before yesterday, Barrett challenged Ron, guess what happened? Pale!

The kind that has no chance of winning,

Ron raised his hand, and the unreasonable domineering aura was directly suppressed!

He fainted at that time.

When he woke up, of course he was dissatisfied, and immediately asked Ron not to use the domineering aura,

Ron smiled and agreed, this scene made Barrett very excited, and he could finally have a good fight!


Ron told him not to rush, because if he didn't use this move, it would be fine, but if he did, Barrett would definitely die.

Barrett naturally didn't believe this reason, and then Ron had to use it once,

That time,

Barrett was completely confused and only used one move!

The island was split in two in the blink of an eye!

Even the magma deep in the island was extinguished, and it died down before it erupted.

That time, he didn't know how he came back.

The image of Ron's move filled his mind.

The sky turned gray, and the whole world lost its color.

He put his fingers together to form a sword, and the sword light seemed to connect the sky and the earth, and the galaxy fell with one sword!


The island was split in two!

Afterwards, he asked the name of that move,

[The last crescent sky rush! ]

So, although he was dissatisfied with such a peaceful life, he still held back, because he knew that Ron must have his reasons for doing so.


Ron's bounty was as high as 4 billion!


Fuck! I can't refuse!

Barrett looked at Ron obediently, and when he heard him say that he was going to Marinford to cause trouble today, he was almost excited to fly!

"Brother Luo, are you telling the truth?"

"Of course, what? Are you scared?" Ron packed up the delicious food Hancock brought him, all made by her.

Barrett chuckled twice, his steel-like tendons trembling with excitement!

"Go, of course, I'm waiting to give Zhan Guo a shock... oh no... a surprise!"

"Well, you row the boat, and we'll go this time."

"Hehe, okay!"

Barrett took the oars, and rowing was all a hard job for exercise. Although this amount of exercise was a drop in the bucket for him, he was a fitness fanatic and would not miss any opportunity.

A canoe, carrying two figures with a bounty of nearly 10 billion, slowly went away.


Navy Headquarters,

Gion and Hina, the two were ready to go, and they had done a lot of homework these days. They knew everything about Ron. Of course, what they knew was what the Navy had collected these days.

It was not much, but it was better than nothing.

"This morning, the intelligence department sent a message that Ron and Douglas Barrett had set off, but they only used a canoe, probably because they didn't want to attract attention." Gion arranged her hair.

"Ah? Where are they going?" Hina lit a cigar, took a half puff, and then put it out. Now she was in no mood at all, because she might meet Ron soon.

Gion shook his head and guessed,

"According to the intelligence department, there are two possible directions for Ron and his team to go. One is here, Marinford, and the other is the Sabaody Archipelago."

"Hiina guessed that Ron would never come to Marinford, unlessHe has lived long enough." Hina wrinkled her nose, "They are most likely to be the Sabaody Archipelago, which is the center of trade, entertainment, and intelligence."

Gion nodded, "Yes, that's the analysis, so we have to go there before Ron arrives and make some preparations to create a chance encounter or set up an ambush."

Hearing the word "ambush", Hina's face flushed and she said shyly,

"Ambush, isn't it just that we throw ourselves into the trap and pretend to be captured by Ron."

Gion laughed and touched Hina's arm, "Hina, you haven't had a boyfriend in all these years?"

"Humph! Hina doesn't need a boyfriend, one person is enough! ”

“Tsk~~(﹁﹁)~~~You don’t understand the happiness of men~~” Gion teased Hina, making the latter’s pretty face red all the way to the root of her neck!

“Oh, Hina is ignoring you, Hina is leaving for the Sabaody Archipelago!”

While speaking, Hina couldn’t bear Gion’s teasing and rushed to the warship first,

“Yo yo yo, wait for me~~”

Then, a small warship quietly set off from the back door, the target: Sabaody Archipelago!

Little did they know,

They all guessed wrong,

Ron’s target was Marinford!

For the Warring States who made a fuss about him, of course he gave him a little gift.


In the afternoon,

At dusk, the afterglow of the sun spread on the sea, extending all the way to the pavilions and towers of the Navy Headquarters!

A canoe, swaying, stopped a hundred meters away from the port,

“Stop! Who are you! "

The patrolling navy found them, but didn't care. First, this canoe didn't have a pirate flag, and second, it was a canoe.

"Ah? You don't know me?" Ron pointed at his nose.

"Why should I know you? Are you famous? If you have nothing to do, just go away. If you can't find your home, report over there, pay some money, and someone will take you home." The marines began to expel them impatiently.

Ron's face darkened. What's going on? This is embarrassing, understand!

I thought he had offered a bounty of 4 billion Baileys, and everyone should know him. How come... even the patrolling marines didn't know him?

I'm so angry!

I can see that you don't study hard, and you don't want the super pirate who came to your door!

Barrett next to him tried hard to hold back his laughter, and didn't dare to laugh out loud, for fear that Ron would vent his anger on him,

"What about him, Douglas Barrett, you should know him, right?"


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