Everyone voted unanimously for Zhan Guo's decision without any objection. Who wants to play with a thousand eight hundred a month?

"Marshal Zhan Guo, I think it is necessary to appeal to the Five Elders. The repair fee allocated last time was too little. There is no wall." A lieutenant general suggested.

"Yes, now the soldiers live in tents built with simple sheds. They are exposed to the wind and sun and can't shelter from the wind and rain.

The weather at sea is unpredictable. What if the soldiers get sick again? When the pirates come, what can we do to fight?"

Hearing this,

Zhan Guo's headache was cured immediately. Not only was he not angry, he also gave a thumbs up to the lieutenant general who raised this question!


This question is good!

Originally, the Five Elders were stingy, and now the problem has come. Since they can't solve the problem themselves, they will divert the problem!

Leave the problem to the Five Elders!

In this way, many difficult problems can be solved!

For example:

The reconstruction of the Navy Headquarters,

The removal of statues,

The public execution of Celestial Dragons,

Even Kizaru's salary increase,

These can all be solved!

Just ask,

If there is no money to rebuild the Navy base, and if the soldiers cannot be given a shelter from the wind and rain,

How can they be guaranteed not to get sick?

If they are sick, how can they go to war? How can they protect Celestial Dragons?

"Hahahaha, great! Really great!"

Sengoku hastily ended the meeting and immediately contacted the Five Elders.

"Bululu boulu boulu~~~"

"Hello? Sengoku, what's up?"

The call was connected, and the Den Den Mushi turned into one of the Five Elders wearing glasses,

It was Venus·Financial War God·Zambaron·V·Nasu Shouro-sei!

Zhan Guo immediately perked up. It was a good thing that he came. The God of Finance happened to be in charge of money.

"Lord God of War, this is what happened....."

Zhan Guo simply explained that the problem was not simple. The rest was left to fate!

Jin Xing frowned instantly. Ron knew that it was this new guy who suddenly appeared last time that made them hold a meeting in their busy schedule.

Finally, he was decided to be the fifth emperor. The purpose was very simple. He provoked disputes among the four emperors, let them kill each other, and reap the benefits.

But now, why did he cause trouble again?

Rubbing his throbbing temple, he spoke,

"I will find a way to solve the problem of repair fees. In addition, your navy has captured so many pirate groups. Didn't you confiscate the savings?"

Here comes the problem!

I knew you would ask this question, Zhan Guo had already prepared the answer.

"Master Wushen, you don't know how hard our navy has been these years............"

As he spoke, Zhan Guo immediately became aggrieved and miserable.

"Although we have killed many pirates and seized many treasures, we have also lost many excellent navy soldiers.

These navy soldiers have eighty-year-old mothers and children who need to be fed. Each family needs a lot of living security.

So the treasures we seized were all used to fill these families.

Only in this way can we prevent other navy soldiers from being disappointed and work harder for the World Government!

Only in this way can we make the people believe in our World Government!

In this way, more young people will join the World Government without reservation!"

Zhan Guo kept talking about the World Government, which made the Finance Wushen a little embarrassed.

"Master Wushen, I am considering all this for the World Government.

The funds you allocated were all used for the construction of the World Government!"



Venus made the decision directly and gave it!

"It's just money, there's plenty!"

"As long as it maintains the image of the World Government and the interests of the World Government, then do it!"

"Do it boldly without any worries!"

Zhan Guo was delighted, it really worked!

Then he saw the Navy's financial staff nodding to him frantically and jumping up excitedly.

The funds are definitely not small!

Zhan Guo's face straightened: "Thank you for the support of Lord Wu Shen, everything is left to me."

"Well, you make us very satisfied, Zhan Guo." Venus praised generously,

"But Ron's execution of the Celestial Dragons this time..." Zhan Guo didn't finish his words, but anyone with a discerning eye could understand what he meant.

This time Venus was silent for a long time, as if he was weighing the pros and cons.

On the one hand, it was the face of the Celestial Dragons,

On the other hand, it was the pattern of the entire ocean!

He understood the principle that one wrong step would lead to all the wrong steps,


He made a decision!

"Zhan Guo, the Celestial Dragons are also divided into different classes..."

Hearing this, Zhan Guo understood instantly: "Understood! Please rest assured, Master Wushen, we won'tDestroy the original plan. "


Beep beep beep beep...

The phone was hung up here.

From this call, Zhan Guo learned important information about the Five Elders.

From the perspective of long-term interests, the value of some Celestial Dragons is not as great as Ron!


He let out a long breath, and the joy of successfully asking for funds was diluted by this information.

He even felt that he would always be a frog in the well.

The well where the frog is is a world.

There, people are divided into different levels, noble and humble.

Outside the well is another world.

There, people are also divided into different levels, noble and humble.

The top of the well is not as good as the bottom outside the well.

How sad!

As everyone knows,

Is there a world outside the well?

Are people still divided into different levels there?

Zhan Guo didn't know, but he knew it was time to act. He pressed the Den Den Mushi and issued a marshal's order directly: "The funds have arrived, and it will be implemented as planned! "


Island No. 29 of the Sabaody Archipelago, a place of lawlessness,

At least 30,000 people have gathered in the execution square!

It's hard to imagine that even so, there are still many people rushing here,

"Brother Luo, it's getting late." Barrett's eyes flashed with excitement. Sure enough, Brother Luo's suggestion was good.

It's too low to kill people directly. Just like now, keeping this pig until now, attracting so many enemies, the value is maximized, right?

Ron looked around and found many familiar figures,

For example:

The sloppy old man in the corner, Pluto Rayleigh,

Kizaru who lost in pursuit of Kaido,

Supernova App, Perkins, Strange Monk In, Kidd, Law, etc.!

There are too many familiar guys, but they chose to be quiet and didn't make trouble.

"Not many people came, but it's enough for you to make a big fuss, Barrett." Ron said calmly.

"Hahaha, this kind of life is passionate! "

Barrett stepped onto the execution platform and gave the sleeping Saint Charlos a big slap!


The intense pain stimulated Saint Charlos to wake up instantly!

"Ah!!! Help! Don't hit me, don't hit me anymore!"

The pig-like howl immediately caused the audience to laugh and livened up the atmosphere!

"Shut up!"

Saint Charlos looked at Barrett in horror and quickly closed his mouth, not daring to make any noise. Obviously, he was scared of being beaten.

"Very good."

Barrett looked at Ron and tilted his mouth. Ron's heart suddenly sank and he had a bad feeling.

But Barrett had already spoken!

"Saint Charlos, the Celestial Dragon, intends to touch my sister-in-law!

This crime is intolerable to heaven and earth, and gods and demons will forsake him and he should be killed!

Do you have any objections?"


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