"It's just an animal fruit." Jack scratched his head. It was obviously not a mythical beast, which made him feel embarrassed.

"Ordinary animal fruit?" Ron frowned. Who was he looking down on by sending an ordinary fruit from afar?

Seeing Ron's dissatisfaction, Jack broke out in a cold sweat and waved his hand to explain, "No, no, no, it's definitely not an ordinary animal fruit. It's the Dragon Dragon Fruit·Ancient Species·Deinosuchus Form!"

"Deinosuchus Form?" Ron was not unfamiliar with this. He had heard the teacher talk about this animal in geography class before.

Deinosuchus, living in North America in the late Cretaceous period, is about 10 meters long and weighs 6 tons!

It is said that even dinosaurs are its food!

It can be said that it still has a dominant position.

In this way, this fruit is not weak.

It can be regarded as Kaido's sincerity.

Even if he doesn't use it, he can sell it on the black market. I believe that the rare ancient species can also sell for a lot of money, at least 2 billion Baileys!

"Thank Kaido for me. I appreciate his kindness. I will definitely visit him on Onigashima someday."

Hearing this, Jack was overjoyed. The task that Lord Kaido had given him was finally completed!

And judging from Lord Ron's expression, he definitely exceeded his task!

"Oh, by the way." Ron turned around and told Jack again, "Remember to go back and build a parking lot, otherwise I won't know where my will-o'-the-wisp is parked."

"???" What will-o'-the-wisp?

Jack was stunned. Although he didn't understand what will-o'-the-wisp meant, he remembered the parking lot, and the connection between the two could infer what kind of transportation it was, so he didn't care much about the rest.

"It's almost time. If we keep fighting, it will be dark. Barrett should be satisfied now."

Ron guessed, turned around, threw the devil fruit in his hand to Xiaobai, and walked slowly into the island.

"Let's go and see what's going on."

Jack also hurriedly followed. Even standing here, he could hear the thunderous sound of fighting inside, so how could he not go in and take a look, not to mention that he hadn't found Jin yet.

And from Ron's reaction, it seemed that Jin didn't show up, which was great.


In the air above the 29th island,

Behind a cloud, Morgause and his news team hid here.

I don't know what method he used to hide behind the cloud without falling down.

This is a perfect place for filming. No one will find it, and no one will think that there is anything strange about a cloud in the sky.

"Guys, this is big news that will shock the world. Film it well for me!!!"

Morgance shouted excitedly. He really didn't expect Ron to give him such a big surprise!

Execute the Celestial Dragons!

That's a Celestial Dragon!

They were executed in public!

It's really too exciting!

"This must be known to the whole world!"

"Contact the other three newspapers. No matter how much money it costs, open up the channel for me!"

"Start the live broadcast to the whole world! I want the whole world to see this scene that will go down in history!"

Morgance issued orders one after another. His madness had burned his brain and penetrated into his soul!

After a while, good news came from behind,

"Report to the boss, the live broadcast channel has been connected!"

"Report to the boss, debugging, start live broadcast immediately!"

"Report to the boss, there are three seconds left before the live broadcast starts!"

Morgans rubbed his hands excitedly, looking at the countdown on the big screen, his face flushed!




With a bang, the live broadcast started!

Everywhere in the world, all the major forces, who turned on the live broadcast of Den Den Mushi, all received the real-time picture of Island No. 29 at this time!

"Go crazy, this world should go crazy!"




In the central castle, Doflamingo crossed his legs and leaned on the throne.

He looked at the live broadcast with disdain on his face. It was the battle scene between Barrett and the three admirals.

"Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, Morgans, that bastard, finally did something serious."

The projection screen was also constantly switching perspectives, trying to get closer to the battlefield so that the audience could see more clearly.

But after trying a few times, he gave up because the battle center was too chaotic, with all kinds of domineering released wantonly.

And those news pigeons were very weak. If they were not careful, they would fall directly from the air with the pigeons and equipment. Not to mention the compensation for the loss, the important thing is that it would reduce his reputation!

He simply set up an all-round camera to shoot from high altitude.

Although the picture distance is farther, he can watch the battlefield from multiple perspectives. In this way, it makes up forLack.

"Brother Ming, the terrifying guy Barrett finally came out. Do you think he knows the whereabouts of One Piece?" Torrebol asked excitedly with a big snot.

Doflamingo's mouth curled up indifferently, "Things like One Piece are just a thought. How many people in this sea want to get it, but what is the result?"

Torrebol nodded purposefully. The result is clear. For so many years, how many people have died in the sea for that illusory treasure, and in the end, they can't even find a hair!

It's better to do business honestly and make a fortune quietly!

This is the kingly way!

Then he stopped talking about it and turned to point to the lower left corner of the screen.

"Mingge, this person is Ron!"

"Oh?" Doflamingo became interested, sat up straight, bent forward slightly, and looked at Ron carefully.

"Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, so young! It's really enviable, a bounty of 4 billion Baileys, the youngest fifth emperor in history!"

"Mingge, it seems that he is going to enter the battlefield and end this farce."

"Let's make a big fuss, this sea needs vitality!"


On the battlefield,

Ron's figure slowly emerged Now, Xiaobai followed quietly, and Jack and his group followed behind.

Looking up and looking at the battlefield, Barrett was besieged by the three admirals, his forehead and face were blue and purple, and he was almost beaten into a pig head.

And Aokiji and Akainu were not much better. They could not get any benefits under Barrett's iron fist. Both of them had blood flowing from the corners of their mouths, and their bodies were more or less wounded.

It looked serious, but in fact, there were no broken bones, let alone fatal.

However, only Kizaru had some wrinkles on his clothes, and the rest was intact. It was indeed Kizaru who deserved to be called Kizaru. He could do as much as he could with the money he got!

At this time, everyone noticed the figure at the entrance.

Ron walked slowly, and the rhythm of the battlefield seemed to slow down because of Ron's arrival.

"Everyone give me a face, this battle ends here!"


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