"Okay, since I've decided to teach you, then show me your real skills."

Ron stood with his hands behind his back, looking serious, like a master.

But this, combined with his young appearance, gave people a sense of disparity that was funny and unreal.

Robin and Jin retreated to a safe area and watched the competition intently.

They had never seen Ron really fight, but they only knew that his domineering aura was very strong, and he could deal with ordinary opponents with just a glance.

But today was different. How could he teach Ace without showing some real skills?

This made the two of them very excited, and Robin had already adjusted the angle of the camera he bought from who knew where to take pictures.

"Senior, I'm ready!" Ace's fighting spirit overflowed from his eyes, and clusters of jumping flames around him reflected his excitement at the moment.

"Then let's start."

"Senior, be careful."

I saw Ace's right hand burning with hot flames, and he casually threw it around. These flames touched the ground, as if they had life, running in a circle, and finally merged together to form a huge flame graveyard!

Then, these flame circles divided into countless small flames, which merged and connected together crazily, forming circles of huge spiral flames on the ground.

"Big Flame Ring!"

"Not bad, not bad." Ron gave a fair evaluation. It was definitely good just from the appearance. This move was very cool when he watched the anime before. When he draws the strange fire, he will use this move.

"Senior, it's not over yet!"

Ace smiled coolly, then grabbed the big flame ring in front of him with both hands, and a huge ball of flame was caught in his hand.

With a bang, the flame exploded!

Then Ace's right hand sprayed endless flames, quickly connecting those big flame rings that exploded and flew in all directions!

Fusion, expansion!

Fusion again, expansion again!

In the blink of an eye, a huge ball of fire as big as the sun appeared in front of everyone!

With such power, it is easy to destroy a city!

"Big Flame Ring·Flame Emperor!"

Ace glanced at Ron and said politely: "Senior, I am going to attack."

"Hurry up, the flowers I have been waiting for are all withered."

As soon as the words fell, a huge ball of fire flew towards him!

At the same time,

Ron made a move, and his fingers turned into swords, pointing at the sky!

The dark energy, like the night, rushed out from his body, dividing the sky and the earth!

Like a sky curtain, covering the sky and the sun, the whole world lost its color at this moment and became a black and white painting!

"God-level·Crescent Moon Sky Strike!"

The sword fell!

The Flame Emperor dispersed!

Silently, as if nothing had ever happened!

Looking at the world that looked like splashed ink, Ace was filled with endless despair and even more shocked.

"What kind of move is this! It seems that even the world has been deprived of its colors!"

When everything was gone and returned to its original state, the three looked at Ron with shocking eyes, as if they were gods!

"Senior Ron, you are so amazing. Thank you for showing mercy, otherwise this move would make me disappear like this big fireball."

Ace sincerely thanked him, and he also learned a lot from the move just now, and made many improvements to his own moves in his heart.

Robin also trotted over, standing quietly aside and looking at Ron with eyes full of admiration, and his heart was extremely at ease. Following such a strong man, as long as he did not betray him, there would be no betrayal!

Jin stood there in shock, and had not yet recovered from the shock just now.

"How much you can learn from it depends entirely on yourself. If we are destined to meet again, we will meet again."

Ron acted like a hermit, which made Ace admire him very much. His eyes were filled with deep envy. He wished he could be as awesome as Ron one day.

"Jin, let's go!"

"Yes, Lord Ron."

Jin quickly transformed into a pterosaur, carrying the two of them, and cut through the sky!

"Goodbye, Senior Ron! We will definitely meet again one day!"

Ace waved his hands enthusiastically and was shocked at the same time.

Because just when he said goodbye to Ron, with his own specificity to fire, at a certain moment, he sensed the fear of his own fire from Ron!

You know, he is the user of the Flame-Flame Fruit ability, and he is a natural master of playing with fire. What can make his fire feel afraid?

Definitely a more powerful fire!

So he is now very scared in his heart, and at the same time he admires and worships Ron even more!

"Such a strong man can easily defeat me without restraining my moves. It's really admirable!"

His eyes were full of fighting spirit, and in his heart he regarded Ron as a goal to surpass!


In the air,

RonRon closed his eyes to rest, Robin was also very perceptive and did not disturb him, sitting quietly beside him reading a book,

But Ron was not sleepy at all, and drew a lottery in his mind with his eyes closed!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for installing an illusory big B, the alien spirit fire extraction is open! ]

Then, Ron's consciousness came to an empty space,

There were twenty-three golden eggs in front of him, which were very large, a little bigger than ostrich eggs,

"What is this for? Smashing golden eggs?"

[Hello host, what is in front of you are twenty-three kinds of alien fire from the alien fire list of the Dou Po Cangqiong world! ]

"Fuck! Dou Po Cangqiong! Alien fire list! So awesome!"

Ron's heart blossomed, the alien fire list was too familiar, and he was even more familiar with the alien fire on the list,

For example, the Emperor Flame ranked first,

is the ultimate flame formed by the fusion of twenty-two kinds of alien fire!

There is also the second-ranked Void Devouring Flame, which is like a bug-level existence. Because it devoured the Devouring Soul Clan before, it also has the ability to devour the blood of others.

There is also the third-ranked Pure Lotus Demon Fire, and so on!

They are all very awesome and heaven-defying existences!

"I didn't expect that I would have this opportunity!"

Just when Ron was ecstatic, the voice of the system came again,

[The host can control the spiritual fire in the golden egg if he smashes any of the golden eggs. ]

Then a hammer appeared out of thin air in Ron's hand. It seemed that it was given by the system to let him smash the golden eggs.

"Brother Tongzi, you are kidding." Ron pointed to the 23 golden eggs in front of him, "Only children make choices, I want them all!"


[This rule cannot be violated by the host, otherwise the system will explode uncontrollably. 】

"......Forget it, I'm just saying."

After hearing that the system was going to expose itself, Ron didn't dare to try it. After all, he was in his prime. If he exploded because he smashed one more egg, he would have no place to cry.

After calming down, he looked at the twenty-three golden eggs in front of him and smashed the third one without hesitation!

Not for anything else, just because 3 is his lucky number,

"The Jade Emperor, the Buddha, and the Taishang Laojun are as urgent as the law, bless me to hit the Emperor Flame!"

As long as the Emperor Flame is hit, the other twenty-two kinds of flames will be available!

With a bang, a golden light flashed,

I saw a cluster of cold, if the flames from the Nine Nether Cold Hell appeared,

Then this group of flames burst out with extremely high temperatures, it seems that even this space can burn a hole!

"The flame with the characteristics of extreme cold and extreme heat, could it be............" Ron stared at the flame in front of him with wide eyes, and immediately had a guess in his heart.

At the same time, the system sounded, which also verified that his guess was correct.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, which ranks 11th on the list of strange fires! ]

[The Bone Spirit Cold Fire has the magical properties of extreme cold and extreme heat, and is extremely powerful. The host is advised to use it with caution. ]

[The strange fire has been bound to the host and will not have any side effects. ]

Then Ron felt that he had a deep connection with the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, as if it had been a part of his body since he was born, and he could control it like an arm.

"Bone Spirit Cold Fire, wow, isn't this the dual element of ice and fire!"


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