Marine Headquarters,

After a month and a half of reconstruction, the entire new base exudes a fresh and vigorous atmosphere from the inside out!

The construction of the pavilion uses the latest design drawings,

Surrounding the huge statue in the center of the field!

At the beginning, this design was strongly opposed by both the World Government and some vice admirals of the Marine Headquarters.

The reason is simple. They think that letting the statue of the pirate stand in the Marine Headquarters is a great insult to them!

But Sengoku overturned all this with facts, because this statue has a strong pressure and has an excellent effect on training the will of soldiers!

You know, the owners of the domineering color domineering are extremely rare, and those who have this domineering have always been the best among people and extremely arrogant.

How can you use the domineering color to help others improve their willpower? This is completely impossible, and the improvement of willpower is of great help to the improvement of personal comprehensive combat power!

Whether it is to overcome fear or to constantly break through the limits of one's own will, it has excellent magical effects!

There is nothing wrong with this point, and everyone unanimously passed it.

So when Zhan Guo presented these uses to all the navy and the world government,

both sides took a step back and the statues could exist to train the soldiers' will and improve their overall combat effectiveness,

but the premise was that the statues' appearances were destroyed and no one could know who this person was.

Although it was a bit like covering one's ears and stealing a bell, in terms of improving the navy's overall combat effectiveness,

the benefits far outweighed the disadvantages!

In this way, no one complained, and even some navy vice admirals spent three or four hours every day to exercise their willpower.

Three days later, this navy vice admiral actually broke through the navy's six-style restrictions and realized a kind of life return!

I did not reveal which one it was.

When this news broke, the statue square immediately became the most popular check-in place in the navy!

The navy's combat effectiveness improvement naturally ushered in a climax!

The changes in the navy are far more than that,

On the other hand,

Since the salary increase, everything has changed a lot from before!

For example:

At noon, when the canteen was serving food, some soldiers directly ordered two servings of minced meat and eggplant!

When we were hot and tired during the training, we went to the canteen to buy drinks without hesitation, and each person had to buy one bottle!

No one was allowed to buy on credit, otherwise others would think that our Navy Headquarters couldn't afford it.


There were so many changes,

but no one knew, and everyone kept silent, silently thanking the person who brought them a better life!

Love Saint!



Doflamingo sat in the main seat of the conference room with a dark face, and on both sides were the cadres of the Don Quixote family.

At this time, everyone had a serious face and was very alert for the next discussion.

"Everyone, Jack, the drought disaster of the Beasts Pirates, is on his way here. I believe he will arrive within three days."

Doflamingo raised his head slightly and looked out the window, as if he had crossed the distance of time and space, focusing on the young figure, his brows furrowed deeply,

"Jack is our boss and nobleman. I am not worried about his coming, but I am a little surprised why Ron came with him!"

As he said, his eyes intentionally or unintentionally swept over Violet, Baby-5, Monet, and even stayed on Little Sugar for a few seconds.

The meaning here is self-evident.

Trebol: "Mingge, don't worry, this is our home ground. He is one of the Five Emperors, but don't forget that we are also standing behind the Emperor!"

Violet: "If possible, try not to be enemies."

Doflamingo: "..."

Baby-5: "I think so too. It's too unwise to be enemies with a sea emperor."

Doflamingo: "!!!"

Monet: "Each of the Four Emperors has incomparable abilities, especially Ron, who is so mysterious!"

Doflamingo: "???"

Sugar: "Brother Ron is so handsome, I want to treat him to candy~"

Doflamingo's heart snapped and shattered to the ground. He is just one of the Four Emperors. Is he really that scary!

Roen, who was known through various channels, made Doflamingo understand that once Ron came to Dressrosa, Violet, Baby-5, Monet and even Sugar, there is a 99% chance that they will be wiped out!

You know, these ungrateful wolves, I am your family!

But what they said was also true. If possible, he really didn't want to be an enemy of one of the Four Emperors. After all, it would do him no good.

But, when he thought of his lovely and beautiful family, he would becomeFor someone else's forbidden food, he couldn't help but go crazy!

You know, he has raised Violet for so long, but he hasn't touched her at all! ! !

"Damn it, Ron must not get them easily!!!"


Three days later,

Ron woke up from Jack's ship in the morning like sunshine,

Last night was another night of exercise, which has been draining his body to become stronger, causing Robin to not wake up yet,

Coming to the deck,

I found that Barrett was confronting Jin, with crazy fighting spirit flashing in his eyes, as if as long as Jin nodded, his fists would fall wildly!

"Hey, I heard you are good at fighting."

Jin said nothing.

"Speak, boy, what's wrong with your two wings? Where did the flame behind you come from? Fruit ability?" Barrett looked at Jin hidden in the armor.

Jin still said nothing.

"I said you're deaf?" Barrett couldn't help itching, "Flame Disaster Jin of the Beasts Pirates, if Luo Ge hadn't said not to fight casually, you would have been dead long ago, you know? Dead!"

Seeing Jin still ignoring him, he shook his head, "What a fool, it's boring."

Then he saw Luo En coming over, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he hurried over,

"Luo Ge, I heard that you found me a sister-in-law?"

"Go away, what sister-in-law, that's called a confidante."

"Confidante..." Barrett was thoughtful, and learned a new word!

At this time, Jack also came over. His body looked bigger than before. I don't know if he was fat or swollen.

"Lord Ron, you got up early enough."

"In my hometown, there is a saying that the early bird catches the worm. If you get up late, you may not even find the worm hair."

Ron pointed to the front. Dressrosa had revealed a clear outline at this time. It was dark and there were a group of people standing on the shore!

"There are many people who got up earlier than us."

Others also saw that Jack laughed and raised a proud smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Joker is a good boy. He knew that Lord Ron was coming and made such a big scene to welcome him!"


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