"Admiral Flying Squirrel, all your men have returned safely, and they should have arrived in Marinford now."

Ron sat in front of the flying squirrel, fiddling with the skewers in his hand. The temperature of the charcoal fire below was just right under his care.

The flying squirrel was tied to a thick tree, sitting cross-legged on the ground. The aroma of barbecue kept drilling into his nose,

making his stomach growl, but his strong willpower forced him to suppress his desire for food.

If it weren't for what Ron said just now, he would never open his eyes to have any communication with him.

But at this time, he was really surprised to hear that all his subordinates had returned to Marinford intact, and he was more frightened.

"What did you say? They are all safe and returned to Marinford? When did the pirates become so kind?"

The flying squirrel looked disdainful. He was full and had nothing better to do. He actually believed the pirates' lies just now.

And Ron could see that he didn't believe it, so he threw a few photos in front of him. It was the three empty warships that returned to the Navy Headquarters.

Seeing this,

The flying squirrel really believed it. It was the pictures in the photos that made him believe it.

But there is no free lunch in the world, he still knows this.

Then he looked up and looked at Ron helplessly, "You can tell me what you want to know, but if it involves the top secrets of the Navy, I can't tell you!"

Ron smiled. It's really easy to talk to smart people!

I shook my head and said, "I have no interest in your top secrets of the Navy, and your Navy has no secrets in my eyes."

The flying squirrel was stunned. What do you mean that our Navy has no secrets in your eyes?

Before he could say anything, Ron spoke out his thoughts.

"What I want is very simple. I am very interested in the Navy's Six Styles. You...................."


Before Ron finished speaking, the flying squirrel refused directly with his expression.

"The Six Styles of the Navy is the biggest secret of the Navy. How could it be handed over to a pirate like you? It's a pipe dream!"

"Hey, hey, hey, are the vice admirals of your Navy Headquarters so rude?" Ron picked up a skewer and interrupted him impatiently.

After taking a big bite, his mouth was full of oil. The extremely tempting aroma of barbecue made the flying squirrel swallow his saliva.

"I said, I am just very interested in your Six Styles of the Navy. I didn't say I wanted to learn it. I just wanted to take a look."

"Huh?" The flying squirrel was confused. What's going on? Just want to take a look? Doesn't he want to learn it?

A series of questions made him lose confidence, and then he whispered to confirm,

"Are you sure you just want to take a look?"


Hearing Ron's affirmative answer, the flying squirrel smiled, but still thought carefully for a few seconds, and finally felt that it was just a look, what's wrong with that?

When their navy fights pirates, they often use the Navy Six Styles. If you can learn it just by looking, then what's the point of calling it the Navy's top secret,


After taking a breath, the flying squirrel readily agreed to Ron's simple request.

"It's okay to take a look, but............"

The flying squirrel stretched his voice, staring at the remaining barbecue in Ron's hand without blinking,

He didn't know how the other party roasted it, but he felt that this special barbecue aroma was too fragrant, hundreds of times more fragrant than the one roasted by their navy chef!

"Hey, these are all yours, eat them and show me how to do it."

Ron generously pushed all the remaining skewers in front of the flying squirrel and loosened his hands.

He was not worried that he would run away. If he dared to run, he would be knocked unconscious!

Lt. Admiral Flying Squirrel was not polite either. He knew he couldn't run away, so he simply accepted his current fate. Even if he wanted to resist, he had to fill his stomach first before he had the strength to resist. He just picked up a skewer and ate it.

The banquet was still going on.

Various singing and dancing performances were extraordinary!

The slender, charming and smooth belly slid across Ron's eyes like a slide.

Looking from the side, it was a mountain, and from the side, it was a peak. It was different from far and near!

Then Ron saw Hancock, who had a charming face, sitting on the throne at the top, sulking at him.

"Hmph! Husband, when will you come to accompany me? I miss you so much that I can't eat anything~"

"I'll go to accompany you when my husband is done." Ron waved his hand and let her go play by herself.

He found that since Hancock fell in love with him, although her IQ increased, it dropped to a negative number when facing him.


This woman didn't think about it. If she robbed the navy today, wouldn't the navy come to retaliate tomorrow?

If she doesn't learn some life-saving skills quickly, tomorrow not only will he, but the entire Nine Snake Island will be completely destroyed.It's all over!

About half an hour later,

The flying squirrel sat on the ground, his mouth full of oil, holding his stomach and unable to eat any more,

"It's so... so... so delicious, I've never eaten such delicious barbecue in my life!"

"Ron, what on earth did you put in it that makes it so delicious!"

"What a pity, if you weren't a pirate, maybe we could really be good friends."

The flying squirrel's face was full of lament and regret, otherwise Ron's words would have made him stunned in place,

"When did I say I was a pirate? Is being with a pirate a pirate? What a fallacy."


The flying squirrel was speechless, he really couldn't answer this, but then he thought about it, from the time he met Ron until now, it seems that the other party has never admitted that he is a pirate,

That is to say...

Ron is not a pirate? !

"Then are you a pirate?" The flying squirrel was too lazy to think about it, so he asked directly.

"Of course I'm not a pirate. In my hometown, those beauties all say I'm a good person."

Ron thought of the class flower he had a crush on in his previous life. When he mustered up the courage to confess to her, she politely rejected him and said he was a good person.

From then on,

Ron kept receiving good guy cards, and he was a good person until he crossed into the pirate world, so he didn't lie.

"Since you are not a pirate, we can definitely be friends." The flying squirrel's eyes brightened instantly.

"Okay, my friend, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel."

Ron shook the flying squirrel's right hand very familiarly. The two met too late and really became friends!

"Brother Flying Squirrel!"

"Brother Luo!"

"Hello, hello..."

After chatting for a few words,

Ron went straight to the point, "My friend, can you let me see the Navy Six Styles that you are proud of now?"

"Hahaha, of course!"

The flying squirrel stood up happily. What's wrong with friends?

"Brother Luo, the six styles of the navy are divided into..."

Before the flying squirrel finished speaking, Ron interrupted directly: "Show it quickly, I know everything you said, I just want to see it."

"Okay, okay, I will show it to you right away."


"Moon Step!"

"Finger Gun!"

"Iron Block!"

"Mist Kick!"



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