The Pirate’s Green Bull Marshal

Chapter 307 The whole ship turns its bow!

The roaring and roaring all over the sky, even the sea breeze seemed to be filled with infinite killing intent.


The coat of justice behind Vidal was straightened by the wind, but there was a sneer on his face. At this time, in front of all the surrounding navy, he raised his right hand slightly, and raised his middle finger towards the sea forest in the distance. .

"Kill me? Come after me!"

He seemed to be worried that Eye Dragon, Galan, Pine and other crew members of Roger couldn't see his gestures clearly, so they combined photosynthetic energy in a domineering way, and gathered a five-meter-long, thick green body in front of him. The middle finger, whose fingertips point directly at the other person.


This operation stunned the navies at all levels below, and Sakaski was also silent for a while.


On the other hand, the eye dragon trembled angrily at the green middle finger, gritted its teeth angrily, and let out a murderous look.

"Too arrogant——"


Facts have proved that it is only a forest, and it is difficult to completely stump these Roger crew members, who are the worst generals. It didn't take long for them to break through the interception of branches one after another, destroying every mangrove tree and catching up again.

With the death of two partners who had been together day and night, they couldn't just let it go.

"Hehe, chase slowly, chase slowly, I have plenty of means to play with you."

Vidal was not surprised by this result. Instead, he smiled casually. He was not afraid of Roger's group chasing him, but he was afraid that they would not chase him, so there was nothing he could do.

At this time, he retracted his raised middle finger, then stretched out his index finger and hooked it towards the sea.

[Bang bang bang...]

Rhizomes with large green leaves popped out of the sea, and at the same time, huge long red fruits popped out, which made Yanlong and the others nervous.

Who knows, what's the use of these huge red peppers.

Normally, they might bypass them, but not now, when will they be able to catch up with the warship after a circle?

no way,

They could only bite the bullet, protect their bodies with armed colors, and break into this pepper forest.

At the beginning, these red peppers didn't move at all, until they were in the central area, and in the blink of an eye, all the peppers burst into an ominous red light.

"not good!!"

The only female combatant in Roger's regiment, Yamon, who was dressed as a jungle warrior, saw this scene, his pupils shrank and he quickly shielded the spear in his hand in front of him.

【boom! boom! boom! 】

"Wow, this bomb pepper is so strong..."

Vidal looked at the continuous explosion flames soaring into the sky, and the oncoming heat wave filled his face with a happy smile.

Although the head-to-head confrontation with the top powerhouses will make his blood boil, but the feeling of hanging a group of top pirate crew members' kites is also good.

For the next two hours, he showed everyone the diversity and magic of plants, while Eye Dragon and others demonstrated their effects for the Navy.

More than five meters in diameter and wide, there are layers upon layers, and when they explode, they will burst out huge green and poisonous mushrooms like sulfuric acid.

Like a Neptune, with its bloody mouth wide open, it is a purple piranha that rushes out from the bottom of the sea trying to swallow people.

A sunflower that emits dazzling golden light and scorching rays.

The whole body is blue, and it can rotate five wide fan leaves, blowing the cabbage and cabbage in front of the wind.

Such as thick city walls, lined up side by side, huge nuts with amazing hardness, etc., every kind of plant will bring a lot of trouble to Roger's group, which makes them more and more tired, and many people have little physical strength left. .

【clang! ! 】

Reilly collided with Bogart midair.

The two silvery-white saber lights of almost the same color exploded and shattered together, and a violent roar erupted, causing the surrounding air to tremble.


Powerful power was suddenly transmitted to each other's hands along the blade and handle.

Bogart leaned back, groaned, a blush appeared on his face, and flew backwards towards the fleet, finally stabilizing his balance with moon steps.


I saw Karp's adjutant major general, his chest rose and fell sharply, his mouth kept breathing heavily, and sweat slid down his forehead.

[click! 】

Although I don't know why Rayleigh on the opposite side suddenly stopped the crazy offensive like a torrential rain, but this is a good opportunity for Bogart, he quickly took out the last mung bean from his coat pocket, stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it go down.


As a burst of green light emerged from his skin, he only felt that the exhaustion in his body was rapidly fading away.

To be honest, if it weren't for the powerful effect of this mung bean, he wouldn't be able to survive at all.

Unfortunately, it's gone.

On the other hand, after this period of crazy fighting, the anger in Lei Li's heart has also subsided a little, or he has regained his calmness and reason.

"We can't go on like this, or the whole regiment will be in danger..."

He could see the tiredness of Yanlong and the others in the distance.

On the contrary, due to Vidal's order and Sensen Guo's strong field control ability on the navy's side, these two hours are completely idle, and many wounded have even recovered to a similar extent.

In addition, it is already some distance away from the sea area of ​​the Whitebeard Pirates, and the navy's scruples in this regard have also been resolved.

This is the disadvantage of the small number of people.

Although the crew members of Roger's regiment are all elites among the elite, they are not as strong as him after all.

At least with the strength of major generals and lieutenant generals alone, it is impossible to catch up with the warships with paddle wheels, turbines, and many plants blocking them. If this continues, they will only be dragged to death!

"And Roger, his situation is not good..."

Raleigh's gaze turned to his own captain. Although there was an increase in rage, it was obviously not enough to suppress Garp who was going further with the 'Iron Fist'. He could keenly sense that Roger was struggling a bit.

He glanced at Bogart, who was standing not far away on the moon steps and staring at him.

Knowing that this adjutant Garp, who is good at swordsmanship, would not take the initiative to attack.

The other party should just hold him back, which made him feel a familiar Vidal style, coupled with the green beans that the other party stuffed into his mouth from time to time, it was too obvious.


At this moment, Rayleigh took a deep breath, and then shouted at the crew who were still gnashing their teeth and chasing in the distance.

"Stop chasing!! Come right back!!"

His voice could be described as a roar, and immediately the air in front of him was stirred like water.

The sound was so loud that it not only made Eye Dragon and the others subconsciously stop their movements, but also made Jabba and even Roger stop.

For a moment, all the intense roaring stopped abruptly, and the eyes of both sides were focused on Lei Li.


Roger looked at his original partner, Rayleigh, who had been the deputy captain for decades, and almost instantly recognized the determination in the other party's words.

Riley is serious!

Roger put away the steel knife in pain, and stared at the young figure standing on the mast of the warship with his hateful gaze over Garp who was silent in front of him.

"What's his name?"

Obviously he was asking Karp, the opponent who had chased him all his life, who hesitated for a moment, and finally answered.

"Forrest Vidal, a very good navy!"

After finishing speaking, Karp added another sentence with an emphasis.

"Roger, I will take care of his growth, and Warring States!"

The implication is to warn Roger, no matter how angry you are, you can never touch Vidal.


Roger snorted coldly, glared at Garp viciously, then turned around and flew towards the Oro Jackson.

Cap didn't stop, and he didn't know why.

In the distance, Yanlong, Taro, Mr. Momola, Spencer and other crew members who were mixed between hatred and Leili's order saw that Roger took the lead in obeying Leili's order, so they had to drag their tired bodies , unwilling to choose to return.

"Hmph, come and go when you want, how can it be so easy?"

But Vidal on the other side smiled disdainfully when he saw this scene, thinking that the ground was almost ground, and it was time to close the net.

Although he didn't have much energy left, he didn't need to make a move in person. Again, this is a battlefield, not a one-on-one duel.

Why will? How handsome!

"Turn the bow of the boat to catch up immediately, all the generals rush up to me and leave them behind!"

"Oh oh oh!—"

With an order, most of the generals and academies on the ten warships, whose physical strength and injuries have already recovered, suddenly showed ecstasy.

They could all see the exhausted appearance of Roger's regiment, maybe they would have a chance to catch or kill one, Sakaski even showed a cruel smile, his lower body turned into hot lava, billowing black smoke It will be sprayed out.


At this time Cap returned.

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