The warship fell from the sky into the dock——

Arthur was carrying a box of supplies from another warship full of supplies to the warship of Dorag.

He saw the pirates who were defeated and arrested by them last night being escorted to another warship that was specially used to escort prisoners.

He crossed his arms in front of his chest and made a very affirmative and firm expression to Arthur when he saw him passing by.

An expression of a boss who has high hopes for his subordinates.

"Uh..." Arthur looked at him with disgust.

Dorag saw that he was being despised and immediately cursed: "Asshole, what's that expression of yours? I'm very optimistic about you!"

"Colonel, everyone has their own destiny, and survival of the fittest." After saying that, Arthur left him with the supplies again.

"Arthur, what... do you mean?" Dorag retracted the high hopes on his face, feeling that Arthur's state of mind was a little unusual.

It didn't seem like the thinking and IQ that a 14-year-old child should have.

"Nothing, hurry up, let's go to the next target." Arthur responded to Dorag.

Soon, the warship was resupplied. Dorag personally counted the number of troops who could go to the next destination together.

800 people, only 371 people, including himself.

On the deck, Dorag looked at the document in his hand seriously:

"This number of people is enough to escort the experimental subjects, and it will take about two days to go there."

Arthur brought the iron casserole to the deck and began to insert his fingers into it frantically, preparing for the training of finger guns.

He has the wrist and finger strength foundation, but he feels that he really doesn't have the ability to pierce someone's body with one finger.

The warship slowly set sail and left the Lionheart Island dock-

Arthur, who was poking iron sand, suddenly looked up and looked at a dark island in the distance.

The island was covered with volcanic rocks, and some hot magma was still bubbling on the ground.

There were even some black statues in a fleeing posture that were not destroyed.

"It's none of my business. What makes me uncomfortable is my values ​​before I crossed over..." Arthur thought to himself and lowered his head silently, no longer looking at those things and continued to train.

The sunset, which he originally thought was very beautiful, made him feel uncomfortable at this moment.

"Things in this world are not in line with common sense. It's best to throw away all the ideas and concepts in my mind as soon as possible..."

"After mastering the six styles, I will leave the navy peacefully!"

Using five fingers to forcefully insert the iron sand, he is gradually changing himself now, thinking that he should do what he is supposed to do, and try not to let people think too much.

He hit the iron sand with his fingers faster and faster, and the afterglow of the sunset gradually fell into the sea. Arthur's sweat dripped onto the ground and the sand basin.

His fingers were worn out with bright red flesh, making his expression more and more crazy.

"Damn it!" Arthur suddenly became furious and kicked over the iron sand in front of him: "Why can't I calm down like usual!"


"Sergeant Arthur..."

The soldiers who learned that Arthur had been promoted five ranks changed their names for him.

"Huh?" Arthur gritted his teeth and looked at them, exuding murderous aura like an out-of-control beast.

"Uh... It's okay, Sergeant, I just want to ask what's wrong with you?"

"Are you feeling unwell after the battle?"

The soldiers' greetings made Arthur calm down quickly. He ignored them.

He cleaned up the iron sand on the deck and took Cooper back to a simple bathroom on the middle deck to take a shower.

"In this era of monsters, I don't seem to count for anything, Cooper." Arthur poked Cooper with a feather, looking upset.

Cooper pointed at the blade that Arthur kept with him all the time with his feathers covered with bubbles, and called out, "Cooper."

(You can use that knife, Arthur.)

Cooper is a smaller bald eagle, ten years old, and only he knows Arthur's secret.

The knife on his waist was brought by Arthur after he traveled through time.

He restrained himself because he didn't want to kill anyone.

"I don't think it's that far yet, Cooper." Arthur stopped patting its back, pulled out the blade from his waist and held it in his hand.

The blade was more than one meter long and was light blue, with beautiful patterns on the edge, like snowflakes stacked on top.

At first glance, it looked of extraordinary quality, but Arthur didn't know what quality it was now.

He only knew that he could only bend the blade a little bit by hitting it with tons of force, and it was very tough.

It felt heavy and comfortable in Arthur's hand, as if it was tailor-made.

"It's too sharp. After the first actual battle on Lionheart Island, I feel that ordinary domineering can't resist its sharpness. I will become excited and excited when fighting, and I will commit manslaughter."

Arthur didn't want to kill anyone, but he did want to kill Apollo last night and killed him.

BlackThe black and blue hilt, the black and blue stitching of the handle, the light blue blade, and the snowflake-like blade pattern make it look like a special item.

If sold at the market price, Arthur has a hunch that this knife can make him live a wealthy life in the pirate world.

But that kind of illusory life is not what he pursues when he comes to this world.

"Sergeant Arthur, the colonel wants you to go to his office."

On the stairs of the middle deck, a soldier shouted to the makeshift bathroom where he was.

"Got it." Arthur immediately retracted the blade and responded.

"Hurry up, Sergeant Arthur, the colonel seems to have an emergency for you to discuss." After the soldier said this, he returned to the upper deck.

Arthur still touched his knife and focused on it:

"I haven't named it yet, Cooper. Most of my moves are swordsmanship, but I feel that I still can't exert its power now..."

Can't exert the power of this knife? Suddenly, Cooper remembered the time when he and Arthur hunted wild game in the mountains of Rapeseed Village.

Arthur started with a flash step and stabbed those delicious beasts in an instant, and his whole body suddenly trembled violently.

The sharp edge made it impossible to see its eagle-like reaction clearly.

This is just one of Arthur's two ways of fighting with a knife.

The other is very slow...

Fast and slow, attack and defense...

Cooper recalled those memories and shook his body again,

"Cooper... Cooper..." (Then... Arthur, you should... never use it for the rest of your life...) Cooper swallowed his saliva and said to Arthur.

With a punch, Arthur hit it on the eagle's head.

"Are you stupid? I'm dying, so why should I not use it? I'm at the mercy of others? From the actual combat so far, my martial arts talent is really average, and the training accumulated in ten years is just so-so... It's hard to even beat the deputy of 300 million pirates..."


In the cabin of the captain's office of the warship——

"Have we found the truth we are looking for? In the early 1490s, another non-member country in the North Sea was destroyed like the West Sea God Valley, and finally there was no news."

On a quiet night, Drago and Major Crow were investigating the truth they had been looking for.

"In the 1484th year of the Sea Circle Calendar, the West Sea God Valley disappeared. After returning from that naval mission, Vice Admiral Garp was revered as a hero."

No matter how the 17-year-old Drago asked his father Garp about the God Valley, he did not get an accurate response from Garp.

"In the 1487th year of the Haiyuan calendar, a non-member country in the South Sea was destroyed in the same way again, and no news reported what happened."

"In the early 1490th year of the Haiyuan calendar, that is, this year, a non-member country in the North Sea was also destroyed in the same way on the sea."

Major Crow told Dorag all the intelligence and information he had summarized over the years.

He found that all of them had one thing in common.

That is, every time a non-member country disappeared, the Celestial Dragons would go out in groups for an annual school break tour.

Dorag analyzed what Major Crow said and asked him:

"Is there something strange about this, Crow? I think the old man is lying to me, but I want to know where those countries went."

Outside the cabin door of the office, Arthur, who had bandaged his palms, had been outside with Cooper for a long time, listening to them talking about what they knew.

"Are they talking about... the hunting game in which the Celestial Dragons destroy a country every three years?" Arthur was shocked and did not knock on the cabin door: "Could this be a sign that Dragon will leave the Navy?"

"And then develop his own army as a leader in the rebellion against the World Government?"

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