The next day, in order to train Arthur, Dorag got up early and saw that Arthur and Cooper had finished training last night and started training again.

Like two perpetual motion machines, they got up earlier than anyone else, swinging swords and waving wings on the deck.

"Such a smooth and coordinated swinging of the sword. He swings the sword much more smoothly than swinging fists." Dorag opened the cabin door and saw Arthur swinging a flashing light blue blade quickly.

There was no morning mist on the sea today. Dorag poked his shoulders and felt that the air was a little cold for some reason.


Boom, Arthur stopped swinging his hands, and there seemed to be a terrifying concentrated power barrier around his body dissipating from the surroundings.

With sharp eyes, he stood there quietly holding the sword for a few seconds before putting it away, returning to his normal appearance and turning to look at Dorag:

"Colonel? It's only about six o'clock. Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"You want to learn the six styles. You will arrive in Punk Hazard tomorrow. I just have time to teach you today." Dorag walked to Arthur.

He stared at the blade on his waist for a long time and spoke slowly:

"To learn finger gun, you must master the six styles of iron blocks. Therefore, you cannot learn finger gun with just finger strength, Arthur."

Arthur wiped the sweat from his forehead and panted: "How can I learn the iron block? I can't speed up the blood flow."

"The principle of the iron block is to speed up blood flow and speed up muscle movement." Dorag covered his chin and thought about how to teach Arthur:

"Well, you just warmed up, you can feel the blood flow in your body."

"After you feel it, control it Flowing into the limbs that want to expand, such as arms, fingers, chest, and the whole body. "

These words made Arthur, who had just finished swinging the knife, knock his palm, and stared at Dorag with wide eyes as if he had opened his mind, and asked:

"Oh! Can any part expand and make it hard?"

"Yes, it is, like this... eh?" Dorag looked at Arthur's evil smile, and suddenly felt something was wrong, and punched him hard: "Asshole!"

"Don't be so obscene, you are a teenager in adolescence!"

Obscene? Arthur smiled faintly again:

"How is this obscene? Colonel, this is the communication between organisms, the combination of spirit and body, and then the crystallization of genetic cells can be born."

"Otherwise, where would you and me come from!"

Dorag interrupted him immediately, and he really had no way to deal with Arthur.

It seemed right, and there was no rebuttal.

"Okay, try to feel your own breath and the flow of blood in your body. In this world, everyone has a potential in their body that can clearly perceive the breath of others, and even the consciousness of the next action."

To learn about iron blocks, you need to learn to sense first?

However, he is really good at sensing breath.

When hunting a fast-running wild game, he will activate the hunter's keenness to sense the other party's emotional changes and vigilance.

Arthur quickly followed suit and did not refute Dorag's teaching.

He slowly closed his eyes, adjusted his heavy breathing, and gradually calmed himself down.

He devoted himself to his body and found that his body was very hot at the moment, but his breath was very stable.

Cooper, who was watching Arthur's behavior blankly, was suddenly patted on the eagle's head by Arthur and shouted:

"Don't just watch, do it together!"

Cooper touched his head with his wings and reluctantly followed the teaching.

"After feeling the blood flow, try to speed it up." Dragon said, he fully believed that Arthur had such ability.

His physical foundation was so good that it was not difficult to learn the six styles.

The CP intelligence agency under the World Government was taken to an island to train his physical foundation since childhood, and he could barely master the six styles after growing up.

It is conceivable how terrifying Arthur was who learned the moon step, shaving, and storm kick in an instant.

"You have a good physical fitness and foundation. If you know the practical method, it should not be difficult to learn."

Under the teaching and guidance of Dragon, Arthur quickly found the trick using his own method.

As soon as he hardened his index finger, he heard Cooper screaming beside him.

Cooper mobilized the blood to speed up according to what Dragon said, and the right wing was out of control like a cramp.

The entire right wing was stretched straight, and it was so hard that it was almost unbearable, causing it to scream loudly on the deck.

"Cooper!" (The right arm twitched, twitched...)

Drager thought it was normal after seeing this. It was normal to have cramps when training with iron blocks.

On the other hand, Arthur smiled evilly after successfully mobilizing blood to harden his fingers: "Humph!"

"How's it going? Did it work? You little monster." A look of rage appeared on Dorager's forehead.Cold sweat.

Seeing the smile on his face and the index finger of his right hand stretched out in front of him, he thought he succeeded.

Arthur's smile gradually froze, and he felt a little uncomfortable: "I can feel that my fingers... have no feeling!"

"Forget it... two idiots..." Dorag taught for a while, sighed helplessly and looked at the two abstract things lying on the ground and howling.

"When your body relaxes, it will disappear naturally, practice more."

He returned to the cabin and prepared to deal with his mission documents, thinking: "What's wrong with that guy? Did he lose his brain after the battle on Lionheart Island?"

Dorag turned around curiously and glanced at Cooper and Arthur outside the porthole.

Found that they were still quarreling in the last second, and they were waving their wings and fighting with their hands on the deck in the next second.

The sound of ding-dong-dong came from the deck to the corridor inside the cabin, which shocked Dorag.

"Is this a block of iron? No... they were cramping just now... how come they were using the block of iron to fight each other the next second?"

He couldn't understand the scene on the deck outside the cabin, and suddenly a feeling of being cheated emerged from the bottom of his heart.

After fighting for a few minutes, the two of them suddenly stopped fighting with the block of iron.

"Cooper, I'll go to the weapons room to get a gun to shoot your iron wing, hahaha!"

"Cooper!" (Oh oh!)

Arthur ran happily into the cabin, and as soon as he opened the cabin door, he saw Dorag, who looked melancholy and incomprehensible, standing in the corridor and looking at him angrily.

"Colonel Dorag? Why are you still here..."

"Let me test the hardness of your block of iron myself, Arthur."

Arthur smiled awkwardly and tried to squeeze past him carefully, but Dorag grabbed the back of his collar and walked towards the weapons room.

"No... no need... no, Colonel. I just want to play a trick on you...!"

"I understand that geniuses have some flaws, Arthur. I was like this in the hands of the old man. Let's get along well in today's Six-style Iron Block Endurance Training."

"I'm not a genius!"

Drager was amused by this, his face full of anger and envy, "If you are not a genius, then what am I?!"

"Cooper, save me!" Arthur called for help.

Cooper kicked the hatch open and rushed in, shouting with a serious face: "Cooper!" (Who dares to touch my Arthur!)

The next second, he kicked at Dragon, trying to save Arthur.

As a result, he fell into Dragon's other hand and turned into a dumb eagle in his hand.


Bang, bang, bang——

All day long, there were gunshots and screams from Dragon's warship.

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