"Don't check it." Arthur boarded the warship and prepared to sail. Soldiers who had fainted on the deck were waking up one after another.

"But, Sergeant, the wound on your back can even see the bone."

The medical soldier looked at the frozen wound on Arthur's back and was shocked.

"A man is beautiful when he is covered with wounds. I'm not a little girl." Arthur pushed him away, raised his knife and looked at the thousand-meter blue dragon in the sky: "Besides, the battle is not over yet."

All the sails of the warship were quickly raised and headed for the sea.

Dorag stood on the deck, looking sternly at Kaido in the sky: "Be prepared to sink the ship. I can't guarantee that everyone will be absolutely safe."

On the deck, Arthur took off his clothes that were cut.

With his bare upper body and a knife raised to the sky, his eyes were full of determination.

His lean body was as exquisite as a sculpture, and the blood on his body was gradually washed away by the heavy rain.

With a height of 189cm, it looks like it weighs only 70kg. With such a lean body, the power it can release is beyond everyone's imagination.

"Gugugu..." Cooper on Arthur's head trembled with fear.

It grew up with Arthur in the East China Sea and had never seen such a huge creature.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a matter of death." Arthur comforted it: "I usually train you hard, isn't it for this situation today?"

The cold frost lingered around the blade in Arthur's hand, and the frost became more and more, and the rotation became faster and faster.

In the current situation, the blade in his hand seemed to be accumulating power every second.

Dorag, who was standing on the deck in front of him, also showed his full momentum at this time, using the power of the devil fruit to control the strong wind to stir the sea water in the sea above the vast sea.

A storm water dragon was formed and ready to go, ready to resist Kaido's dragon breath at any time.

Above the clouds with thunder and rain, Kaido in the form of a blue dragon followed the warship closely, and the dragon breath in his mouth was condensing.

Now he was very angry.

"They are at sea, Brother Kaido, take care of them in one go!" Abel, who was standing on Kaido's head, said, and a flame slashed towards Dragon's warship.

"Monkey D. Dragon, Garp beat me up badly back then, Dragon Breath——!"

The dragon's breath rushed straight towards the warship like a huge torrent of flames.

"Why are all the people I beat up back then coming to me for revenge?" Dragon waved his hand, and a storm water dragon with a diameter of hundreds of meters rushed towards Kaido's dragon breath.

The transparent storm water dragon collided with Kaido's dragon breath, offsetting each other's attacks.

For a while, there was a stalemate, and no one could break through.

He said to Major Crow behind him: "Crow, block the fire slash of the Lunaria tribe!"

"Coal will be ignited instantly when it touches that temperature of fire, Colonel." Crow is afraid of fire because he himself has the natural coal-coal fruit.

The two have a restraining effect, and his injury from two days ago is still aching.

"Then, Arthur..." Before Drago finished speaking, he saw Arthur rushing towards Abel's fire slash with a knife using the Six Styles·Shave and Flash Step. He immediately shouted worriedly: "Arthur!"

"I'll go first, it's too hot, this world has to fight!" Arthur has already rushed into the sky.

The moment he approached the fire slash, the slash turned into a fire dragon with a big mouth under Abel's control, as if to swallow Arthur.

Arthur slashed down with his sword, and rushed forward in front of the slash: "I'm going to make a hole in you two, who told you to scare my eagle?"

The frost and the flame intertwined in an instant, and the flame slash was extinguished by the extreme coldness of his sword in an instant, solidified into an ice sculpture and rushed into the sea below.

"So fast...!" In Abel's eyes, Arthur's speed was like an afterimage, and the coldness emanating from his body penetrated his slash.

Arthur broke through the slash and instantly arrived above Kaido's head and Abel's head.

He raised the sword with both hands above his head and slashed at him from high in the sky.

"Don't cover my eyes... Cooper!" Arthur's eyes were blocked by Cooper's wings, who was holding his head tightly.

It was panicked to see the thousand-meter-long blue dragon in front of it, and the eagle head was stunned.

Boom, Abel blocked Arthur's blade with a sword.

Arthur suddenly exploded in the confrontation, and the strength of his arms instantly increased to his limit.

"Ugh..." The huge force caused Kaido Qinglong's body to sink, and the protruding dragon breath was extinguished on the spot. He shouted to Abel: "What are you doing, Abel? You are a member of the legendary clan, why is it so difficult to deal with a boy who is one year younger than you."

"Ah——!" Abel tried his best, and his hatred for the navy and the government completely broke out.

The flames raged around his body.It suddenly rose up, and in an instant, it enveloped Arthur.

Boom, Kaido, who had lost his dragon breath, was hit in the face by the Storm Water Dragon. He was dizzy for a short time, and his huge body fell from the air to the sea below.


Even the scattered storm could not extinguish the flames on Abel's body at this moment, and he was knocked back by a knife.

Arthur, who lost his balance, stood on Kaido's back with the help of shaving, looking at Abel who was almost violent in front of him.

The protection of the cold air in the blade prevented him from being burned.

"This kind of battle... I finally understand why Kaido will be called the strongest in the sea, land and air in the future." He was shocked at this time, feeling like he was in a very dreamy world.

Standing behind Kaido's blue dragon form, confronting the Flame Disaster Jinn who was one year older than him.

"Brother Kaido, hold on first." The flames that surged out of Abel's body formed five giant flaming dragons and rushed towards Arthur: "I'll kill him right now."

"Cooper..." Cooper, who was standing on Arthur's shoulders, found that Arthur's body began to tremble due to fatigue.

Arthur's eyes penetrated the giant flaming dragons and stared at the furious Abel, slowly putting the blade in his hand back into the scabbard.

"Start." Arthur finished speaking, and concentrated all his strength on a point of force, and his momentum surged.

Using the last bit of strength and physical strength, he posed a posture of diving forward.

"If this move can't hurt you, it seems that I must learn domineering." Arthur calmed down his whole body, and the next second he drew his sword and disappeared on the spot, his body instantly piercing through Abel's body dozens of meters away from him like a flash of lightning.

The five giant flaming dragons were cut in half by a knife, and instantly solidified into ice sculptures and fell towards the sea below.

"Abel...?" Kaido, who regained consciousness, felt the horrible impact on his body and said to Abel with concern.

He saw the previous move with his observation Haki, but he still had doubts in his heart, wondering if Abel was injured.

With a click, the blade in Abel's hand that blocked Arthur's attack broke in the middle.

A dent appeared on his chest that bulged into the flesh and bones, but there was no blood or scars, and he stood there motionless.

The piercing frost on his chest spread rapidly, and he used fire to forcibly extinguish it and relieve his body.

"The blade is broken? What happened just now... My chest hurts." Abel looked at Arthur behind him, who was emitting a terrifying aura, as if nothing had happened.

Looking sideways, he found that Arthur was holding a knife in a dark and deep state, like a monster.

Turning around completely, he saw that Arthur was covered in blood.

"No more fighting... Let's go, Cooper." Arthur's eyes kept trembling on his calm expression.

While using the flash step to rush towards the enemy, he drew his sword and slashed, which was his most powerful sword move.

In the past, any wild beasts and beasts in the forest were killed with one move, but now he couldn't hurt the person in front of him.

"Walalalalal!" Kaido felt that Abel was not injured at all, and he no longer underestimated the bloodline of the Lunaria tribe.

He laughed excitedly at the creature under the sea: "Kill him, Abel, that guy looks calm on the surface, but the breath in his body is disordered."

"As long as you attack him now, he will definitely not be able to stand up."

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