The battles in the two missions made Arthur realize that in this world, physical strength is everything.

Everything else is a skill.

Including his swordsmanship to resist others, and his clever use of force to deflect Kaido and Abel's moves, which are also skills.

"After being slashed twice so hard, can I still move freely? It seems that I underestimated my physical fitness."

Arthur walked slowly from the laboratory to the outside of the laboratory, put his palm in front of his mouth and blew a whistle.

The whistle soon covered the central area of ​​​​Punk Hazard.

Cooper, who was looking for Arthur at the highest point of the island, heard the familiar whistle and immediately swooped down from the highest peak of Punk Hazard towards the ph-001 base.


It shouted Arthur's name loudly and spread its wings to hover over the laboratory.

"Here, Cooper." Arthur stood in the open space outside the laboratory gate and waved to the sky.

Cooper's beak and claws were stained with hot blood, which he had caught on the island to satisfy his hunger.

The moment he found Arthur, Cooper went back to him like crazy, and kept touching Arthur's face with his head.

"Okay, come with me, I want you to help me practice." Arthur put it on his shoulder and walked into the dense forest outside the laboratory.

After awakening the Armament Haki, Arthur decided to train the Observation Haki, and the best way he could think of was...

Blindfolded and let Cooper attack him continuously.


The top of the Red Earth Continent-

The fairy mist is lingering here, and the scenery is charming.

The vast green belt forest area has many castles where the Celestial Dragons live.

The top of everyone's dream, the holy land of Marijoa-

In the lobby of Pangu Castle, the Five Elders gathered together.

In front of them stood a naval intelligence soldier wearing a cloak of justice.

"Five Elders, regarding the arrest of Vegapunk, the son of the hero Garp has been asked to do it." The soldier reported the intelligence to the Five Elders.

"Drag? As long as he is in Punk Hazard, Vegapunk can't escape even if he has wings."

One of the Five Elders said.

The soldier continued to report: "Colonel Drago's warship was sunk in the sea while fighting with the experimental body. We need to send a warship to support it."

"Did Kaido escape? What a pity, that ultimate organism."

"It's just right, send a CP0 to transport them, we need to ensure that Vegapunk survives."

The Five Elders discussed, in order to ensure that Vegapunk was arrested safely, and then use Vegapunk's knowledge and talents for them.

"Who should be sent to escort?" The navy soldier asked the Five Elders.

At present, there are many good seedlings in the CP secret intelligence agency who are being trained from an early age, and there are only a handful of talents that can be mobilized.

"Send Guernica, that guy is proficient in the six styles, and his strength is not bad in the current CP0."

The intelligence soldier did not leave after receiving the order, but took out the battle report file of Arthur and handed it to them, saying in surprise:

"There is another surprising discovery in this mission, the Five Elders."

The Five Elders took Arthur's battle information and looked at the content with moving expressions.

"The boy in this information performed very amazingly in this battle. He joined the navy only five days ago and was able to compete with Kaido."

"Marshal Kong decided to let you take a look at his information and let you give some ideas."

The five people were shocked and moved when they saw such information.


"A draw with Kaido?"

"Really? Did Dragon recruit this guy?"

"If it's true as recorded in the document, this guy is a talent worth training, but we have to confirm his loyalty to the navy and the government first."

"That's right. The world conscription is about to start. Let's observe first."

The five people agreed that Arthur was neither too old nor too young.

At the age of 14, he already had his own will. It was not easy to instill the government's ideas and train him into a cold-blooded person.

The evaluation of Arthur in the document reads: A righteous boy with a fiery heart, who cares about the interests of civilians and has a kind heart.

This sentence is based on what Arthur said to the civilians and Akainu on Lionheart Island.


Punk Hazard, rain and fog filled the forest.

After a night of heavy rain, the island seemed to be brand new and full of vitality.

Under a huge tree, Arthur was using Cooper to practice his observation skills.

He shook his body and kept moving his feet on the mud, avoiding Cooper's claw attacks every time.

"Cooper..." (Why didn't you kick him? Arthur, you had your eyes closed...)It was very surprised. It thought it could take this opportunity to beat up Arthur, but it didn't expect that it couldn't hit Arthur once since it started training in the early morning.

"After hiding for so long, I seem to understand that Observation Haki seems to calm myself down." Arthur continued to shake his body and said while avoiding Cooper's attack:

"Make your heart quiet, use mental power to strengthen your senses to detect the opponent's breath, and then dodge."

Cooper, who was attacking Arthur, was stunned, as if he understood, but also as if he didn't understand.

"Well... In simple terms, it is to infinitely magnify the animal's keen instinct for dangerous things, and then control it."

Arthur himself said all of this, as if he had it all.

Because he had been living in a food chain for ten years, and he had to be aware of the risk of being attacked by other creatures at all times.

You have to know that some people can't realize that they have the power of "Haki" in their entire lives, but he easily noticed it and began to gradually control it.

The power of being able to strongly sense the "sound" of the other party is called Observation Haki.

Once this power is improved, the position and number of enemies outside the line of sight can be read, as well as the actions that the enemy will take in the next moment.

Observation Haki has a lot to do with psychology. It requires calmness to ensure its use. Observation Haki cannot be used when emotionally excited or losing reason.

This just corresponds to Arthur's calm psychology in the face of anything.

Realizing the importance of strength, it is not difficult for him to learn these things.

It just takes a certain amount of time to get familiar with and fully master them.

The sky gradually brightened, and a group of seagulls delivering newspapers flew over Punk Hazard.

"Huh?" Arthur suddenly opened his eyes after noticing it, pointed at the seagulls in the sky, and said to Cooper: "Cooper, go get a newspaper."

"Cooper...!" Cooper spread his wings suddenly and rushed straight to the seagulls in the sky.

The group of seagulls saw the bald eagle and thought it was to hunt them, so they immediately scattered and fled.

A seagull that reacted slowly was stopped in the air by Cooper, staring blankly at the bald eagle in front of him and himself wearing a hat.

"Cooper...!" (Robbery, hand over a newspaper!)

The threatened seagull had no choice but to take out a newspaper and pass it to Cooper in order to survive.

"Oh...!" (I've seen humans robbing, but I've never seen an eagle robbing newspapers...!)

After calling out, Cooper let the seagull go.

Cooper returned to Arthur's shoulder with a newspaper in his mouth and put the newspaper in his hand.

As long as it was not a newspaper sold in the civilized island, Arthur could read it for free without spending a penny.

"Let me see, what happened in the new world?" Arthur opened the newspaper, looked at it, and frowned immediately.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Navy hero Garp, together with Roger, fought against Golden Lion, which led to Golden Lion's failure to seize the secret weapon of the World Government and retreated in shame."

"The World Government has strengthened the prohibition of exploring the historical text, otherwise they will be arrested as criminals."

"Don Quixote Homing Ancient Saint, who abandoned his identity as a Celestial Dragon and lived in the lower world, did not live a satisfactory life on the surface of the North Sea. He became the object of venting scorned by the world. His wife died of illness, and his two sons picked up garbage to fill their stomachs in order to survive."

"A 13-year-old war hero named Douglas Barrett was born in the Kingdom of Koltzberg in the Grand Line."




PS: The main storyline is about to begin. How should I put it? I feel that I am still writing it a bit sloppy.

I just want to lay the groundwork for the front, and I don't want to write whatever I think like before.

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