"Stop, Arthur!" Zefa's voice suddenly came from the playground.

Everyone looked over when they heard the voice——

"Heh...Heh..." Arthur's breathing had changed from heavy panting to a weak and feeble appearance.

The two took a big step back and stared at each other.

Zef looked at Arthur's weak, tired, exhausted, and excited appearance, and forced the fight to end: "Let's stop here, if you continue to consume..."

"I'm afraid you will really die."

Hearing this, Arthur didn't want to continue.

He was already feeling unwell, completely different from the previous excited battle, but his body was experiencing nausea and vomiting.


Arthur put the blade back into the sheath, and then looked around at a loss.

Found that all the navy recruits were staring at him with shocked faces, as if they were staring at a monster.

He sank in momentum, and forced himself to stabilize his shaking body and walked towards the more secretive and dark building alley.

He said, "I have to hide and rest. Cooper, you keep watch for me."

He had never experienced such a battle and consumption before, and now he realized the true horror of this world.

Four days were almost all spent under the extreme strength of Zefa. Although it was not a real battle, it was enough to describe it as terrifying.

Under the gaze of everyone, Arthur walked to a narrow box in a semicircular military building, fluttered and fell inside, unconscious.

Cooper spread his wings to block the entrance, blocking all the students who came to check outside, and shouted:

"Cooper...!" (No one is allowed to approach...!)

"Send him to the infirmary quickly, why did you come to the alley alone?"

"He fainted, right? That's normal."

Zeff walked over slowly, and everyone immediately made room for an entrance.

He looked at Arthur in the alley and was confused. He thought to himself:

"Why didn't he fall down in front of the crowd? Instead, he chose a narrow and secret place to hide and faint quietly?"

Such an action is completely incomprehensible, just like watching a primitive man looking for a secret cave to recuperate after being injured.

This behavior puzzled the navy such as Zefa, Gion, and Kake.

Looking at Arthur, who was covered in blood and fainted alone in the alley, they felt a little pitiful for some reason.

I don't know what kind of experience Arthur has.

Little did they know that all this was related to Arthur's experience after he traveled through time. If he didn't find a secret place to hide and sleep, he would be eaten by the carnivores in the mountains and forests.

"Cooper." (You are not allowed to come here either.)

Cooper wore a navy hat and immediately took an attacking posture when he saw Zefa walking towards him.

"You want to protect him? Haha, why?" Zefa smiled at Cooper's appearance.

It looked like a cute bald eagle, but at this moment, it took an extremely determined attacking posture to stay by Arthur's side.

Cooper was silent, and was caught by Zephyr's swift arm in an instant: "I don't know how many days he will faint in that state. He must receive professional treatment and nutrition distribution. I am doing this for his own good."

Arthur was taken to the infirmary.

This sparring battle soon spread throughout the navy.

That night, Vice Admiral Garp, who was chasing Roger's pirate group from overseas, drove his ship back to the Marinford dock.

Wow, hahaha~

The moment he stopped the ship, his hearty laughter immediately spread from the dock to the entire Marinford.

"Take out the senbei, Sengoku!" The young and vigorous Garp laughed heartily, crossed the square in the Marinford Bay, and walked directly to the office of Admiral Sengoku happily.

He was broad-minded and full of vigor.

Garp, who returned triumphantly, ran to Sengoku's office immediately, opened the door and walked in with a big laugh.

He handed all the matters on the warship to his adjutant, Bogart, to manage.

"Get out! Garp, I'm busy, I'm dealing with official business."

As soon as he entered the room, he was scolded by Sengoku-

However, Garp ignored Sengoku's scolding, found a pack of good tea in his room and brewed it for himself:

"Don't be so cold, Sengoku, take out the senbei!"

Sengoku was used to it, and glanced at Garp: "No! Garp, a boy who fought with Zephyr for four days came to Marinford four days ago."

Garp, who had poured the tea, was about to drink it, and was suddenly shocked by this.

He held the teacup and stared at Zhan Guo in astonishment: "What? Four days!"

"Yes, that man was recruited by your son Dragon." Zhan Guo saw Garp's shocked expression, and felt inexplicably refreshed, with a smile on his face: "Amazing performance unprecedented."

Garp was on a mission overseas and had no idea about this."The news has reached the Five Elders, who told us to train him well and instill in him the idea of ​​absolute loyalty to the World Government."

"Tsk, no one likes that group of scum now." Garp retracted his surprised expression when he heard about the Celestial Dragons, drank a sip of tea and asked, "Where is Dragon? What is he doing?"

"Marshal Kong gave him a vacation, and he spends the whole day drinking in the town near the headquarters." Sengoku said, and the pen in his hand suddenly stopped.

His eyes were fixed on a task document on the table:

"What is this? Koltzberg's employment list for non-member countries? Didn't that country just produce a war hero? Is it lacking military expansion and needs help from the navy?"

Garp, who finished his tea in one gulp, got up immediately after learning the news about his son: "I'll go see him first, Sengoku, prepare the senbei, I'll be back to eat it soon."

"Who wants to prepare senbei for you, bastard Garp!" Sengoku's thoughts were interrupted, and he put the task list aside for the time being.

"I am now a general and can order you to do anything. If you disobey my orders, you will be court-martialed!"

"Oh, whatever you want, remember to be ready." Garp's voice was getting farther and farther away, and he didn't take Sengoku's words seriously at all.

"Asshole--!" Sengoku was so angry that he slammed the desk: "The world conscription will be open soon, you will be busy!"

Late at night.

In the town on the island of Marinford-

A gathering of many plainclothes navy soldiers, all drunk here.

"That monster newcomer makes me feel like I'm not living in reality, you know?"

"Me too, I actually persisted under the hands of Chief Instructor Zefa for four days, four whole days, 14 years old."

"And he almost stabbed Chief Instructor Zefa when he fought with a knife, it was terrible."

Drag sat at the front desk of the tavern, his face was slightly drunk, enjoying the taste of whiskey in his hand alone.

Hearing the words of other soldiers on leave, he acted calmly, as if he had known Arthur's amazing test results long ago.

"Haha." Dorag suddenly smiled: "I told you that your talent will shock the whole army, right?"

"Oh, did you encounter any troubles? You drank so much." Garp walked in from outside the tavern and sat on the chair next to Dorag.

The drunk soldiers stood in awe when they saw Garp, and saluted him with infinite respect.

Garp waved to them to sit down and continued to drink and play.

Garp also heard the comments about Arthur just now.

"Old man, you are back from the mission too?" Dorag looked at his father, always feeling that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

Garp, who was always cheerful in front of outsiders, was extremely stable in front of him.

"Tell me, what's wrong with you, Dorag." Garp also ordered a glass of wine from the waiter, trying to enlighten his son.

Under the influence of alcohol, Dorag stared at the wine in the glass and said without beating around the bush:

"Dad, tell me, what happened in the West Sea Valley of Gods? I'm going to O'Hara tomorrow. If you don't tell me, I'll go there and check it myself."

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