In the morning, the sky gradually brightened.

After taking a bath, Arthur only wore a navy cap and returned to the upper deck to try one of the six navy styles, shaving.

That is, stepping on the air.

Every time he took a low step in front of him and kicked violently in an instant, Arthur would feel very strange.

It seemed that in his concept, stepping on the air was impossible, and his subconscious mind did not approve of such a thing.

No matter how Arthur trained or what method he took, he could not stay in the air for even a second.

Arthur tried little by little, questioning more and more, but never stopped practicing.

"Will this work?" Just when he doubted, Cooper on the side couldn't stand it first.

Cooper used his wings to stay in the air, kicking his eagle claws frantically, and lay on the deck in less than a moment.

"Cooper..." It lamented dejectedly, and didn't believe that creatures could step on the air at all.

From 9 o'clock to 14 o'clock, the warship sailed calmly on the sea.

The weather in the East China Sea was pleasant, the sun was shining, and the sea scenery was very beautiful.

But in order to practice the six styles, Arthur focused every minute and every second on the repeated process of stepping on the air.

Until his stomach began to growl, he also lay tiredly beside Cooper on the deck, with a frown on his face,

"It shouldn't be, it stands to reason that my physique should be stronger than that of Dorag now, and the basic conditions for learning the six styles are fully met. What went wrong?"

Five hours of continuous focused training did not let Arthur figure out anything.

At this time, a major who followed Dorag on the warship approached him and Cooper, blocking the sunlight in the sky and looking at them.

The visitor was tall and burly, with a stern bald look, extremely white skin, and a beak-shaped mask embedded with metal (actually a loudspeaker).

He wore a lavender tie around his neck, a black feather coat on his upper body, and dark black pants on his lower body.

The major opened his mouth and looked at Cooper fiercely, with veins on his forehead bulging as if blood was about to spurt out: "I hate chickens!"

Hearing someone call him a chicken, Cooper, as an eagle, immediately climbed up from the deck and confronted him angrily: "Cooper!?"

Cooper knew that he was adopted by humans, but he felt deep down that he was a raptor, the most powerful creature among birds, an eagle.

Why would someone think he was a chicken when he looked so domineering?

"Hehe..." Arthur, lying on the deck, saw Cooper and the major quarreling, and couldn't help laughing.

Maybe he raised Cooper as a chicken...

"I hate chickens!"


"I said I hate chickens!"

Because he couldn't speak human language, Cooper couldn't understand no matter how much he explained, except for Arthur, no one else could understand what he said.

So, he was angry and directly waved his wings to attack the major to defend his dignity as a raptor.

The wings swung out, and the major had no intention of dodging, his serious eyes fixed.

Cooper's wings pierced the major's body on the spot, cutting him in half.

Seeing this, Cooper thought he had killed the major, and his heart tightened. He quickly retreated to Arthur and gasped.

"This ability..." Arthur keenly discovered that the major's body, which was split in half, split into a large number of black products, turning into crows and attacking Cooper.

Realizing that his attack was not hostile or murderous, as if he just wanted to teach Cooper a lesson, Arthur had no intention of taking action.

Because the other party did not really want to hurt his only partner.

"Cooper!" (What the hell!)

Cooper was beaten up by a group of black creatures that turned into crows. He lay on the ground with a bruised face and begged for comfort from Arthur:

"Cooper." (He hit me, Arthur.)

Arthur glared at it, hugged its eagle head and coaxed it: "From the fight just now, I think... Cooper, you should be very strong after learning the iron block."

Not only for himself, but also for his companions.

He had already imagined the scene of Cooper's wings turning into iron wings, fighting one against a hundred.

"But you look like an eagle." The major came to Arthur and wanted to complete the task that Dorag gave him to teach Arthur:

"Get up, recruit, I have a skill to teach you, and you will most likely rush to the front in this battle."

Arthur heard this and stood up unwillingly to confront him on the spot: "What do you mean, I want to rush to the front as cannon fodder?"

From the observation of the ability just now, Arthur seemed to have seen this ability somewhere.

There seems to be only one person who can turn his body into a crow after being attacked.

That is the future commander of the Revolutionary Army, the Natural Type Coal Coal Fruit.

Looking at the bald head and the fury rising on his foreheadVeins bulged, and he was sure that the guy in front of him was the Raven Commander.

However, he was now a major in the Dorag Navy.

"What else?" Major Raven spoke very harshly: "As a new recruit, you must show your value and don't treat small-scale wars as a joke. Come here quickly, I have skills to teach you."

Major Raven was about to teach Arthur skills while speaking harshly, which also made him feel better from Major Raven's harsh words.

I always feel that this person is the type of person who is harsh in words but treats his subordinates very well in his heart.

"What skills?" Arthur followed him to the side of the ship.

Major Raven stood on the side railing and said to Arthur: "Stand up."

Arthur was a little skeptical: "You are not going to push me into the sea, are you?"

"I am your major, how could I do such a thing to harm my subordinates!" Crow cursed in a low voice, but it was so loud that it almost spread throughout the entire deck of the warship.

The navy soldiers who were watching and standing guard on other decks were watching.

There was no choice, so Arthur had to stand up obediently.

After standing on the ship's side railing, Major Crow threw a gun and a bag of ammunition to Arthur: "Take it, I'll make a target for you, and you shoot."

"Ah?! Am I going to start practicing my accuracy now?" Arthur was stunned, and then he understood Major Crow's intention.

"Didn't you say that practice makes perfect?" Major Crow continued to say to him: "So, I don't plan to teach you theoretical knowledge, just start training directly."

"Although shooting is useless to many strong people, it can often protect your life when your physical strength is exhausted."

"You have trained the Navy Six Styles·Shaving for more than five hours today, and there has been no progress. Now train shooting for an hour, and then go to the cafeteria to eat!"

Arthur looked at the other soldiers on guard and the soldiers on the observation deck. Everyone seemed to be doing their job and working at their own jobs.

I just joined the navy but there is no clear division of labor. It seems that I don't look like a serious soldier.

Seeing Arthur loading the gun with bullets, Crow used the Coal-Coal Fruit to create many crows in the sea ahead as targets for him to train.

"Shoot, Arthur." Major Crow ordered.

"Humph, when I was in college military training, I was a quick shooter who never missed a shot!" Arthur thought with a disdainful smile.

He pressed the butt of the gun against his chest, raised the gun and aimed at the black crows in the sea in front of him, and pulled the trigger continuously.

Bang bang bang x6, six consecutive shots were fired, and six coal-ball crows in the air disappeared on the spot in broad daylight.

"Easy!" Arthur smiled proudly, thinking it was too simple.

"Then, what about the moving targets?" The crow's control ability made those stagnant targets move, making it difficult for Arthur.

Arthur still disdained to raise his gun and shoot, and soon found that the hit rate was greatly reduced.

He was not discouraged, and continued to shoot even though he missed. He said firmly: "As long as I control the rhythm, everything is within my prediction."

While shooting at the target, Arthur was still thinking in his mind why he couldn't step on the air at high speed.

More energy was still focused on the six styles, and whether Crow's ability to create a large number of targets would consume physical strength.

"Maybe I will fight with many devil fruit ability users in the future. If natural system battles don't consume physical strength, wouldn't it be invincible?" Arthur saw that Crow didn't breathe even after creating many targets, and was very curious whether the natural system consumed physical strength.

If you eat the natural system devil fruit, will you really become one with the natural element?

If you eat the superhuman system devil fruit, will you really become one with the superhuman element?

The only thing that Arthur can confirm is that if you eat the animal system, you will gain the power of the animal, and after awakening, you will be occupied by that animal and lose your mind.

This is also the pros and cons of the devil fruit ability. While giving you powerful power, you also have to pay a little price.

For example, the curse of not being able to swim. Anyone who eats the power of a devil fruit will be cursed by the sea. If they drown and no one saves them, they will surely die.

Thinking of this, Arthur felt that he would never eat a devil fruit...

But he would find a human fruit for Cooper so that he could speak human language and facilitate communication.

In less than half an hour, he hit the moving target with every shot.

The crow who was watching Arthur from the side found that Arthur's reaction and concentration were particularly strong. His body swung with the muzzle and he had adapted to the moving target.

"This guy is amazingly talented!" The crow was shocked by Arthur's talent.

After an hour, the training ended.

Arthur took Cooper and the soldiers who were changing shifts on the Dragon warship to the cafeteria for dinner.

In the cafeteria, the soldiers who had been on guard for a day finally relaxed and talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was peaceful.

Some were talking about their families, some were talking about brothers, some were talking about parents, and some were talking about their newborn children.

It seemed that everyone joined the seemingly righteous team for what they wanted to protect, praying for peace and prosperity.

Arthur and Cooper listened quietly without saying a word. Someone came behind him to say hello, but Arthur focused on eating and did not respond.

This gave everyone the impression that he was unsociable and extremely indifferent, and no one was willing to get close to him anymore.

Dorag, who had slept for six hours, also woke up at this time in the afternoon.

Yawning, he walked into the warship cafeteria, and after getting the food, he sat next to Arthur who was eating fiercely: "How is the training? Arthur."

Arthur, with food in his mouth, glanced at him, and saw that it was Dorag, and then responded: "No progress, my feet can't even step on the air."

"Learn slowly, it will take at least a year to master the six styles of the navy. Even if the foundation has been completely laid, it will take a long time to think about it." Dorag also ate and said to Arthur.

"I'm thinking about something, Colonel Dorag." Arthur suddenly asked him:

"Do you natural ability users consume physical energy when using your abilities?"

"Of course!" Dorag frowned and replied: "If it didn't consume physical energy, my dad would have been beaten up by me a long time ago!"

"Puff!" When the navy in the cafeteria heard this, they spit out the food in their mouths and looked at him in panic.

"Uh..." Dorag was also stunned by the gaze of his subordinates, and recalled the bad childhood memories. He looked at Arthur with an awkward smile, "Just pretend I didn't say it just now, hehe..."

"But I'm a little curious. According to the speed and strength you approached me on the island yesterday, you should have learned the Six Styles very quickly. How come there is no progress?"

Hearing this, Arthur seemed to have an epiphany. He turned his head and stared at Dorag, put down his bowl and chopsticks, clapped his hands, and thought:

"Yes! I only rely on brute force to step on the air. There is nothing but destructive power! High speed, high speed! Only by combining strength and speed can you use the Navy Six Styles: Shaving!"

Arthur quickly finished his meal and ran to the deck with Cooper.

"Hey! What's wrong with you? You are so excited?" Dorag really couldn't figure out Arthur's character. He quickly finished his meal and followed him out to see what Arthur had discovered.

The sunset glowed on the sea, and the sea surface showed a beautiful sparkling appearance.

On the deck of the Dragon warship, Arthur used the method of launching instant steps to approach the enemy and began to train the Six Styles·Shave by stepping on the air explosively at high speed.

Bang, he stepped on it several times in a row, trying to master the Six Styles·Shave.

A sonic boom cloud suddenly burst out under his feet, and Arthur, who was training, also felt the feeling of landing with his toes stepping on the air for the first time.

He was excited, with a sunny smile, and kept bouncing in the air.

It was like an infinite double jump in the game, which was amazing.

"Success! Using the sword drawing... body skills..." Arthur said, stopped abruptly, and changed his words: "Using the instant step to try the Navy Six Styles·Shave, it really succeeded after a few times!"

Dragon, who came out of the cafeteria, had his eyes popped out, looking at Arthur who was warming up in the air with the Six Styles·Shave: "Uh... He... learned it!?"

The infinite wonderful feeling spread throughout Arthur's body.

Even he himself could not believe that a person could do the fact that he could stomp and stop in the air.

Arthur showed a sunny smile, held his head high, and his high-spirited look in the air was particularly contagious.

"It's done, Six Styles·Shave."

A sound burst cloud appeared under Arthur's feet in the air.

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

He successfully mastered the Six Styles of Shaving with his own tempered body, in just less than a day.

"Then it's the Moon Step?" Arthur grinned at the shocked people below, and started his own attempt again.

Using the Six Styles·Shave, he moved at high speed above the warship, and his body was like an afterimage, making it almost impossible for ordinary soldiers to catch it with their naked eyes.

"Oh, ho, ho!" Arthur made an excited sound, wantonly releasing the excitement and expectation in his heart, and moving faster and faster in the air.

"Come down, Arthur, using the Six Styles like you is very physically demanding!" Dorag persuaded below.

The six styles are powerful, but it is rare to learn them in one day.

However, the physical strength and muscle strength consumed cannot be ignored.

The whole sky above the warship was filled with the sound of Arthur moving at high speed and stepping on the sonic boom cloud.

Circles of sonic boom clouds continued to appear, as if announcing to everyone that Arthur's future was destined to be extraordinary.

While making people look at him with admiration, it also made the navy soldiers on the ship envious.Hate.

But how could the excited Arthur stop?

After measuring the Moon Step and Shaving, he suddenly kicked in an unknown direction, using the principles of the Moon Step and Shaving.

"Mist Kick!" Arthur shouted these two words in the air with high momentum, as if there was an inspiring force that spread to the ears of everyone on the warship.


A huge chopping wave of breath surged from his toes, cutting through the air and rushing diagonally towards the mast of Dorag's warship.

"It's over..." Arthur was so proud that he found that his sense of direction was wrong and accidentally aimed at the mast below the warship.

The chopping wave shattered the solid outer shell of the mast, splitting it into two and falling into the sea.

"Ah!" The soldier on the lookout shouted in fear and fell into the sea with the head of the mast.

The soldiers in the cabin thought it was an enemy attack, and ran to the deck fully armed to find that there was no enemy at all.

"Fool!" Dorag cursed at Arthur, holding his head as if he was about to collapse, and quickly controlled the power of the wind to rescue the soldier in the sea.

Arthur fell from the air onto the broken mast on the deck, and instantly felt a sharp pain in his feet, causing him to cramp and fall from the mast to the deck, howling.

"My muscles hurt so much..." Arthur was in unbearable pain, and he didn't expect the six-style to consume so much energy.

Cooper stared at Arthur's masterpiece in a daze, and couldn't believe that he could fly without wings.

"Drag him down, put him in solitary confinement!" Dorag grabbed Arthur, who had a cramp in his calf, and threw him into the cabin with force, and immediately ordered:

"Soldiers, stop the ship and save the mast with all your strength!"

"My leg hurts so much!" Arthur wailed to everyone, and he knew he had caused trouble.

Dragon cursed, "Who told you to use the Six Styles like that! I admit that you are a genius, you little brat. But even if you are a genius... no, even if you are a monster, you can't withstand such consumption!"

As he said this, Dragon felt that calling Arthur a genius was already derogatory.

Perhaps, genius is just his threshold... Learning three Navy Six Styles a day, it is not an exaggeration to call him a monster.

"Is this why the old man taught me to train my physical foundation well?" Dragon immediately understood why Garp was strict with him since he was a child.

Dragon and Major Crow activated their abilities and quickly repaired the broken mast that Arthur had cut with his Storm Kick.

At night, Arthur, who was imprisoned, sat on the bed in a cage on the dark lower deck, hugged his legs, and looked at the pleasant night sky outside the window and said with determination:

"I must make up for the regrets in my heart..."

The fatigue from overusing the Six Styles during the day has now completely disappeared from him, which can be regarded as one of Arthur's abilities.

After training, his recovery speed is much faster than that of ordinary people.

Creaking, the iron gate was suddenly quietly pushed open by a brown wing, and Cooper walked in with a live fish weighing about ten kilograms in his mouth.

"Cooper... Cooper..." Cooper called Arthur, hoping that he could find him among the cages.

"An eagle with a fish in its mouth broke in?!"

"Hey! Eagle, come over and give me the food in your mouth to fill my stomach!"

Cooper just glanced at them, and after finding that it was not Arthur, he ignored them and left.

"Cooper?" Arthur heard its voice and shouted, "Why are you here? Are they going to put you in solitary confinement too?"

Hearing Arthur's voice, Cooper quickly came to the cage where Arthur was with his very keen hearing and stuffed the fish into Arthur.

"Hehe, for me?" Arthur saw the food, removed the harmful substances in it, and started to eat it raw.

"Cooper!" (It's time to train, Arthur) It said to Arthur with its wings folded in front of its chest.

It has long developed a habit of self-discipline with Arthur, and it is also a self-disciplined eagle.

Having food means nutritional supplements. Arthur also trained in the cage after eating.

"Hahahaha, Arthur, you were put in solitary confinement on the first day you joined the navy, and you still need to train? How foolish! Even if a guy like you trains, you can't beat those strong men on the sea!" A bandit from Rapeseed Village who knew him mocked him.

This man happened to have seen how terrifying the overseas world was when he was young, and kept laughing at Arthur.

Arthur ignored him and continued to train quietly with Cooper without being affected by external sounds.

At this moment, in Dorag's office, he had told his father, the navy hero Garp, about Arthur's amazing performance during the day.

It is rumored that he led the navy seven years ago to defeat the then sea overlord Rocks Pirates and saved the Celestial Dragons on the island.

So he was called a "hero".

Seeing that Arthur ignored him, the bandit thought Arthur was being pretentious.He immediately cursed, "You bastard! I'm talking to you!"

Arthur stopped training and turned to look at him, "What can I say to an ant like you? Your words are like flies chirping in my ears, and they can't affect my path to becoming a strong man."

"..." The bandit was speechless, as if that was the truth.

The bandit didn't accomplish anything in his life, and was captured by the navy, so his life was ruined.

He had no strength, no talent, and wasted his life on drinking and having sex with countless sluts.

"What? I don't care about you, you can't say anything again?" Arthur gave him a fierce look, looking down on such people.

"Don't... don't say it." The bandit broke his defense and squatted in the corner of his cage with inferiority, regretting it.

Arthur saw that he was emo like he had lost his soul, and continued his training.

He just accidentally destroyed the mast and was imprisoned, unlike this kind of person who will spend his whole life in prison.

Soon, Arthur forgot about him, doing push-ups, thinking:

"From what I know about this world, if I can fully master the six styles, I will not be far from learning domineering..."

"That should be the case, especially the skill of iron block, which seems to be a move invented under domineering, the first part of domineering hardening..."

Iron block is a move derived from domineering, of course, this is just Arthur's own guess.

He felt that the principles seemed to be the same, both of which could harden the body, making the user have the same body hardness as iron, and bullets could not penetrate it.

But domineering requires a higher level and is harder than iron block.

"But, how can I learn iron block? The principle is to accelerate blood flow and speed up muscle movement?"

Arthur tried for a night, but he didn't feel the surge of hot blood in his body, and he couldn't find a clue to speed up the blood flow.

I can't speed up muscle movement either...

"Forget it, I just need to improve what I've learned and slowly comprehend the rest." Arthur firmly believed that he could fully master all the six moves.

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