He looked calmly at the frost swirling around Arthur's body, and the word "six" was written on the back of the feather.

He glanced at the subordinates who were frozen nearby, slowly pulled out the knife from his waist, and held it in his hand to confront Arthur.

"The navy always likes to meddle in other people's business, launching wars everywhere and selling weapons. It has caused the most casualties in the world, but it calls itself justice and the guardian of world peace."

"You look a little different from those navy who are fighting and roaring. Why do you stand in such an executioner camp?"

Cooper, who was standing in front of Arthur, also felt from him that he was calm and powerful, just like Arthur in normal times.

He was a strong man who fought with a knife.

He was alert to the surroundings and keenly observed that there were human corpses everywhere nearby, and one would fall every second.

At this moment, Arthur recalled Sakaski's question in his mind and smiled again:

"I will create my own experience, and then pursue my own free life on the road of becoming stronger and stronger."

The moment Arthur finished speaking, the warrior in front of him had quietly crossed in front of Cooper with a knife.

The blade in the warrior's hand was covered with Armament Haki, which easily passed through the frost spinning around Arthur, and slashed directly at Arthur's neck, wanting to kill him with one blow.

The swift movement, with infinite killing intent, was captured by Arthur's Observation Haki as soon as he made the move.

The moment he succeeded, Tabian saw Arthur swinging the knife in his right hand, cleverly intercepting the fatal blow, and pressing down on the ground below.

After losing coordination, Arthur could not control his strength at all, and the tip of the blade in the warrior's hand pressed to the ground in front of him, cutting a gully.

The frost quickly condensed and quickly froze in the crack on the ground, freezing the weapon in the warrior's hand in it and making it unable to move.

"The sword is stuck..." When the samurai reacted, his right arm, which was swinging the sword, was already pressed to the ground along with the blade.


Arthur took the opportunity to slash him from the bottom to the top, cutting him in front of him.

The sternum was cut together, and the power of the sword was so great that even the Armament Haki Armor could not resist it.

"The Armament Haki is..." The calmness on the samurai's face was broken by Arthur's sword. He couldn't imagine that he was seriously injured by a guy who seemed to be dying.

The whole process took less than a few seconds, and the confrontation between the two was as fast as lightning.

"Captain Sisien!" The pirates nearby saw this scene and screamed in horror, looking at the blood spurting out of Sisien's chest in disbelief.

The enemy's blood splashed all over Arthur's face, almost dyeing his face red, and the blood soaked into his eyes.

"Cooper!" Cooper turned quickly, waved his eagle claws, and then kicked the samurai man away from Arthur with a strong kick.

"Pursuit... What does a self-disciplined person need to pursue?" After Arthur severely injured his enemy with a knife, he began to talk to himself again: "It's just repeating the same day, doing the same thing alone, fighting with wild game in the mountains, and then selling aphrodisiac meat, living alone... for ten... ten years..."

Arthur's momentum calmed down, and his body stabilized his swaying body as his momentum surged again, holding the knife and standing still.

The pirates went to support the samurai, and their shocked faces were full of disbelief.

"Captain of the 6th Division..."

"Is the gap between geniuses... so big?" As soon as Xishen stood up, he saw a white crescent slash rushing in front of him.

Before he and the pirates around him could react, everyone was pierced by the slash.

Frost spread on the ground, and in just a moment, all turned into human-shaped ice sculptures.

"Hmm... cough cough..." Arthur used the power of the blade to quickly freeze the enemy. Soon, due to the injury on his neck, the scarlet in his mouth could not stop coming out, and he coughed violently.

Wave after wave of pirates charged at him, forcing Arthur and Cooper to fight in a desperate situation.


The golden light in the east of the island shone, as dazzling as the floating light of salvation, and collided with the vibration force that appeared on the sea just now.

The island was shaking violently again.

The pirates under Whitebeard were heading to the front line of the conflict between the Flying Pirates and the Navy.

A blue-flaming firebird wearing glasses appeared in the air not far from Arthur, and shouted to his companions behind him:

"We seem to have arrived at the front line. We must do what Dad said and try to make a big noise so that we can also become famous!"

"Hahaha, Marco, you are only 12 years old and you are the commander of everyone. Is it really okay?"

"Stop talking nonsense, charge!"

A group of cadres, the oldest of whom is less than 16 years old, all rushed to the front line where he was.

The deeper they went, Marco, who was flying in the air in the form of a phoenix, found that there was a fierce conflict near the hundreds of ice sculptures below.

"Wait, aheadSomething is happening!"

He hurriedly asked his companions behind him to slow down, and led everyone forward to check the situation.

"An eagle and a naval officer... are fighting three Flying Pirates cadres..."

"11th Division, 9th Division, and 7th Division's animal-type devil fruit ability users..."

"Squadron 11, squadron 9, and squadron 7 ...11, and squadron 7's animal-type devil fruit ability users..."

"Squadron 11, squadron 11, and squadron 7's animal-type devil fruit ability users..."

"Squadron 11, squadron 11, and squadron 7's animal-type devil fruit ability users..."

"Squadron 11, squadron 11, and squadron 7's animal-type devil fruit ability users..."

"Squadron 11, squadron 11, and squadron 11's animal-type devil fruit ability users..."

"Squadron 11, squadron 11, and squadron 11's animal-type devil fruit ability users..."

"Squadron 11, squadron 11, and squad ” (Arthur, save me!) Cooper was covered in blood after being scratched by a humanoid black panther, and even had three scratches on his eyes.

He was beaten back repeatedly and called for help from Arthur.

Arthur, who had just finished the battle, had difficulty breathing. When he immediately ran towards Cooper with a knife, he suddenly missed his foot and knelt on the ground.

He found from this battle that using the power of the blade consumed a lot of physical strength.

“I will resign if I can go back alive this time. Who the hell has to go through so many life-and-death battles every day? Damn it!” Arthur used the cold air on the blade and aimed at the black panther that was biting Cooper and swung it.

The cold air slash was dodged by the humanoid black panther, and she immediately changed her target and rushed towards Arthur.

She pounced and threw Arthur to the ground, pressed him with her limbs and roared at him, saying:

“You monster! Can you still fight when you are injured like this? What is your body structure made of? "

The roar sprayed Arthur's face with saliva. She looked at Arthur's slightly raised mouth and felt something was wrong.

"I have to say, with such a body curve and a slender figure like a black panther, you must be very beautiful, right? Auntie." Arthur said to her, and pinched the blade in his right hand fiercely:

"Ice Dragon, bloom on her..."

Before the woman got angry and shocked, the blade in Arthur's hand suddenly became violent, and a large amount of cold air rushed into her body, blooming brilliantly.

The woman who realized the danger had already discovered that her body was instantly filled with a large amount of cold air, and her body that looked like a human beast began to freeze rapidly.

"I'm only 23 years old, who are you saying is auntie? ! "When her body was about to freeze into an ice sculpture, she bared her teeth at Arthur angrily and swung her claws at Arthur's head.

The claws scratched three scars on Arthur's face, and blood flowed out of them... Arthur gritted his teeth in pain, staring at her in front of him as she turned into an ice sculpture bit by bit.

"I don't like old people. What are you if not an aunt in my eyes?"

Arthur lay on the ground to rest for a few seconds, turned his head and looked at Cooper, who was covered in blood and motionless, lying on the ground like himself and breathing heavily.

"Cooper..." (Sorry... I'm too weak... Arthur...)

"These people are cadres. It's amazing that you can hold on for so long." Soon, Arthur got up and walked towards Cooper, wanting to check his injuries.

A group of young and familiar faces ran out from behind the lava rock not far away.

Arthur looked at those familiar faces, roared to the sky, and rushed towards them with a knife:

"Fuck you, God! Open your eyes and look at the wounds and blood on my body. I don't believe that you have nothing in your eyes."


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