"Speak for me? You knew they were going to assassinate Barrett, but you gave me this mission." Arthur gradually calmed down.

After some analysis, it was known that this was simply a conspiracy.

Upon hearing this, the reporters all looked at Zhan Guo.

"Mr. General, is what he said true?"

"You must answer this person's question."

The judge saw a group of reporters who were making a fuss without knowing the occasion, and knocked the hammer in his hand again.

"Silence! Anyone who dares to disturb the order of the court will be convicted!"

As soon as this was said, all the civilians and reporters on the judicial island stopped asking questions without authorization.

"Arthur." Zhan Guo suddenly responded: "The most important purpose of this mission is just to hone you, I don't know anything else."

"Bullshit!" Arthur struggled and cursed at him.

Zhan Guo, including the navy behind him, were all eclipsed.

"Arthur, there is only one way left for you now. If you accept it, I will defend your crime to the judge and the government." Zhan Guo said to Arthur below again.

In the court hall, when Zhan Guo spoke, the judge would hardly interrupt him.

Everyone listened to the conversation between the two quietly.

"Do you think I will kill civilians?" Arthur's expression suddenly became firm, and he calmed down and asked Zhan Guo: "You trampled my kindness on the ground, defiled it, and stomped it. Have you thought about it?"

From Zhan Guo's cold tone, Arthur learned that this was a conspiracy.

Facing Arthur's words, Zhan Guo recalled the report that Dorag presented for the first time.

There is no doubt that he would not attack civilians, let alone commit the crime of genocide.

The reason for doing all this is that Zhan Guo wants to keep Arthur completely in the navy in a way.

Completely erase his idea of ​​resigning from the navy.

Such a rare genius, if he leaves the navy in this era, it is better to get rid of it.

"Answer the general, you damn kid." Another guard standing next to Arthur suddenly imitated his accomplice and hit Arthur's head with the butt of his gun.

Arthur stared at him fiercely with a butt of the gun.

In his firm and calm eyes, an invisible momentum suddenly poured out, and a gust of wind was set off in the court hall.

The majestic breath seemed to be suddenly controlled and poured into the guard's body in an instant.

"Ah..." The guard foamed at the mouth on the spot, his brain lost consciousness, his eyes rolled back and fell in front of the pillar where Arthur was.

"What's going on! Hey!"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the court hall retreated in fear, not knowing what happened.

Arthur, who was tied to the pillar, had no ripples on his expression.

He was only filled with anger, angry at this conspiracy.

He just wanted to resign, but was rejected and framed. Who could tolerate it?

Zhan Guo, who was in the audience, was shocked to see this scene, and the navy behind him also understood what happened to the guard.


"If this kid can't be kept... he must be killed..."

They were shocked and whispered to Zhan Guo.

The guard was quickly carried away by the medical staff who rushed over, and the judge began to speak:

"Arthur, you colluded with Barrett to launch a massacre against the country of Jarzburg, committing a crime against humanity. Do you admit your fault?"

Arthur looked calm and disdainful at the judge: "I admit your grandmother's leg!"

"Refusing to admit your fault and insulting the judge is aggravated." The judge immediately pronounced the verdict, and he was not panicked at all.

In his opinion, Arthur was just a fish to be slaughtered, and his words and deeds represented the sacredness to punish and judge him.

However, the judge glanced at Zhan Guo, and then asked Arthur: "However, Admiral Zhan Guo, considering your contribution and performance in the short time since you joined the Navy, has decided to reduce all your crimes, on the condition that you must serve the Navy for the rest of your life and make up for the crime you committed this time in the name of justice." "Ridiculous..." Hearing these words, Arthur couldn't help but curse inwardly, it was too absurd. The judge knocked the hammer in his hand, feeling that Arthur's attitude made him lose his dignity as a judge, and shouted loudly: "Please answer, yes or no!" Arthur began to analyze, this is undoubtedly a fatal question. If you are willing, your freedom will be bound in the Navy for a lifetime, although you can escape when your strength grows to a certain level in the future... But the moment he stays in the Navy now, his personality and body and mind will be extremely disgusting. If you refuse, it is nothing more than announcing a death sentence... Such a question made Arthur laugh, and the laughter was very loud, spreading throughout the court and entering everyone's ears.

He looked at Zhan Guo and suddenly smiled: "It's you, right? You want to use this method to make me feel that you saved me from the conspiracy and make me grateful to work for the navy until death?"

"It's like you broke my leg and gave me a crutch, and then you think you are doing it for my own good?"

Zhan Guo's expression was indifferent, but his heart was hit unprecedentedly.

He didn't understand how Arthur knew it, and every word was always firm that he had harmed him with conspiracy.

Now he wants to use a trick to keep him in the navy.

In order for the navy not to lose such a combat power, Zhan Guo continued: "Arthur, as long as you agree, I promise the future..."

"I... refuse..." Arthur lowered his head, and the anger in his heart had reached a critical point.

After being rejected, Sengoku felt sorry for Arthur's answer and sighed deeply: "That's really... a pity, Arthur."

The judge banged the gavel and announced the verdict: "The verdict is that Major Arthur of the Navy Headquarters colluded with foreign parties to kill government agents and 800 soldiers. He was sentenced to death and immediately taken to the heavy central execution platform of Judicial Island for public execution!"

After hearing the verdict, Arthur bowed his head and closed his eyes, muttering to himself: "Excuse me, the Celestial Dragons massacre a non-member country every three years around the world. How do you sentence yourself?"

The crowd was shocked. Hearing this, even Sengoku stood up from the spectator seat, and ordered the soldiers to block the door of the court hall with fear in his eyes.

"The Celestial Dragons are oppressing civilians all over the world. What crime have you convicted them of?"

"Why are the Celestial Dragons never tried here? Ah? Why are those brought here deemed to be doomed before the trial even begins?"

"I've been out at sea for a few months and I've seen such ugly human nature..." Arthur's voice got louder and louder, and he became more and more excited: "I really don't know why I want to join this outrageous and disgusting organization."

"This organization commits anti-human actions all over the world every day..."

When the reporters heard these words from Arthur, those reporters who already knew the character and style of the Celestial Dragons began to ask questions to the judge and General Zhan Guo.

The endless questions, the doubts and speculations in their hearts, all wanted to be revealed at this moment.

Zhan Guo asked a child beside him who was rescued from the abandoned garbage station in the New World to activate the fruit ability on Arthur.

The ability of the Silence Fruit was activated. Arthur wanted to struggle to continue speaking, but found that no matter what he said, there was no sound from his body.

His voice seemed to be isolated.

"These words are just fabrications made up by him before he died. Don't believe them!" The officer behind Zhan Guo rushed to Arthur and blocked his mouth.

Then he was escorted to the central square of Judicial Island to be executed.

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