In the year 1492 of the Haiyuan calendar, Grand Line, Magic Valley Town.

In the chaotic streets, the pirates gathered together and kept fighting.

"Oh! It's a top-notch, look where~"

"So beautiful, why is such a blonde beauty coming to this island?"

A giant sailboat was docked at the dock of Magic Valley Town, which had just been baptized by artillery fire. An elegant woman with blonde hair and a white dress landed on the island with a small bag.

The pirates looked at her hungry eyes, like a kitten waiting to be slaughtered, and wanted to hold her in their arms and ravage her.

"Hehe~" The woman looked at the pirates with lustful eyes and smiled coquettishly. Not only was she not afraid of their lust, but she also took the initiative to seduce them.

"Oh oh oh~"

The atmosphere on the island was instantly baked to the extreme. Every pirate took the initiative to approach her and chat with her, but they were all ignored.

Until she walked in front of a boy who was covered in wounds and bleeding outside a tavern.

"You've been so badly hurt that you can only hide on this pirate island?" The woman looked at the boy and said, and she found that the boy closed his eyes and held his hand on the handle of the knife.

The murderous aura was overwhelming her.

"Hey, beautiful lady, you'd better not get close to him. Many of us were killed by him..."

"That little monster, did you come here specifically for him?"

"When he arrived on this island, that guy caused us to be attacked by a large group of navy, damn guy."

An eagle carrying a newspaper suddenly fell from the sky, stood in front of the boy and glanced at the woman: "Cooper...?" (Aren't you the human woman in the jar?)

Cooper recognized at a glance that the short-haired woman in front of him was the woman in the nutrient solution jar of Punk Hazard a year ago, Stussy.

A perfect clone created by the MADS organization, the body structure and function are completely comparable to real people, except that the brain acts according to the instructions of others.

Stussy squinted, not understanding what Cooper was saying at all.

Latest Daily Report:

1. MADS was torn apart by the government's pursuit and faced the risk of disbanding.

2. The newly formed Beasts Pirates, Captain Kaido led many subordinates to fight with the Golden Lion and Whitebeard Pirates, fiercely competing for territory.

3. Roger's Pirates returned to the Grand Line from the East China Sea and were challenged by newcomers.

4. Admiral Sengoku proposed to create an organization called "Seven Warlords of the Sea" to allow powerful pirates to join the government and serve. They will be hailed as "legal pirates" and further guarantee justice and the safety of civilians.

5. The head cone of the Eight Treasures Navy Cone Dragon Green Pepper was flattened by the hero Garp, and he announced his retirement from the pirate industry.

6. The legendary samurai of Wano Country joined the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Whitebeard Pirates became stronger again.

Arthur looked at the content of the newspaper with a sad face, then looked up at the woman in front of him: "Why did Vegapunk send you to me?"

Stussy was not surprised that Arthur guessed the purpose, because Vegapunk had poured a lot of information and data about Arthur into her brain.

"Invite you to join the organization to avoid falling under the wave after wave of pursuit by the navy." Stussy handed Arthur a note and observed the injuries and expression on Arthur's body.

It seemed that she felt him and had become accustomed to this state.

It was clearly written on it that an underground organization was created by top figures in six major fields around the world.

They are:

Entertainment field dominated by dopamine,

Money field of usury,

Assassination field sent to perform missions around the world,

Intelligence field that knows all kinds of intelligence in the world,

Storage field that can store all kinds of prohibited items,

Transportation field that can transport all illegal materials.

Seeing this organization, Arthur immediately thought of the "underground dark world", but he didn't expect that it has now been established under someone's control.

"What do you think I am suitable to join?" He asked Stussy, and he already had the intention to join.

The life of escape really hit him one after another. He had no guarantee of life and safety, and he couldn't bear to rob civilians. If he wanted to survive, he had to have a job.

"It depends on you, right?" Stussy kept smiling, and every answer was full of humanity.

"Is there money to take?" Arthur asked him again. Now it is better to believe in money than to believe in anyone.

"Of course." Stussy smiled again when he heard this.

With Arthur's current strength, he will definitely make a lot of money if he joins, and he feels that he doesn't have to worry about this at all.

"Then let's go." Arthur agreed at once.

Stussy never thought that he would recruit Arthur so smoothly.

Little did he know that Arthur has been looking for a place to go, a place where he can be safe.


Suddenly there was a sound in the dark.The gun went off, and the bullet shot towards Stussy in front of Arthur, and was suddenly cut in half by a flash of knife light in the air.

"Huh?" When Stussy reacted, Arthur had already rushed to the group of pirates who were shooting at her.

His body was driven like a cheetah, and he swung a knife at the man who fired the gun.

"Damn guy, he actually cut the bullet in half...ah!" A crack was cut on the man's body, and he fell miserably in a pool of blood on the spot.

Seeing this, everyone quickly dispersed and fled from Arthur, unwilling to stay in the thick murderous aura, as if they would be the next to be killed.

In the disorderly Demon Valley Town, murder and arson, all kinds of evil can be seen everywhere.

People died every day when Arthur fled here.

"So fast, this kind of swordsmanship." Stussy praised: "You will be a good sword."

"I won't kill innocent people indiscriminately. I understand the principle that things will turn into the opposite when they reach the extreme." Arthur put away the knife and walked to her side. His clothes had been torn by the pursuit of the navy and could not even keep warm.

"It's also so cute. Such a big eagle head is bigger than my fist." Stussy suddenly began to rub Cooper's head.

The soft white fingers made Cooper immersed in happiness.

"Cooper!" (She is so gentle, Arthur!) Cooper closed his eyes and enjoyed it, and said to Arthur.

"What is it saying?" Stussy couldn't hear it, and asked Arthur, whose eyes were gray and colorless.

"It said you are so gentle." Arthur replied coldly, waiting for her arrangement, despising Cooper's face full of enjoyment.

"Doesn't it understand that the gentler the woman, the more dangerous she is?"


Hearing this, Cooper was startled and immediately distanced himself from Stussy and hid behind Arthur to be alert to her.

"Hahaha~" Stussy was amused by its sudden action, and then said: "But I won't do anything to you, you are already miserable enough."

Arthur observed Stussy in front of him coldly and found that she was a younger version of Ba Jin. He asked curiously: "How old are you?"

"1 year old, I was only born a year ago." Stussy walked to the dock and motioned Arthur to come with her: "Let's go, the underground world welcomes you to do the commissioned mission, Arthur."

Now Arthur, who had nowhere to go, could only go there. He took out the record pointer with the broken surface glass on his body and threw it behind him.

I don't know who will arrest me next time in the navy. Instead of constantly fleeing and fighting, it's better to do something meaningful.

"A 1-year-old kid?" Arthur said to her.

This made Stussy turn around and pout, "What's wrong with being 1 year old? I am now an emperor, earning money for my research."

Such a coquettish act, Stussy thought Arthur would have a normal reaction like a man, thinking that he was cute or something.

But he found that there was no emotion in those cold eyes.

He was not moved by her beauty, nor by her coquettishness, as if he no longer trusted anyone.

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