After leaving the warship, Arthur slowly woke up at the dock of Alva Town, looking at the bandages on his body and recalling what Jiaji said on the warship just now.

"Don't be so self-indulgent, Navy licker... I don't need your sympathy for my experience..."

That being said, Arthur was still very grateful to him in his heart.

But the past has become the past, which cannot be redeemed or changed.

You can only look forward and reshape yourself step by step.

He will not impose his tragic experience and emotions on others.

"Wake up...! Hide quickly, Shanks..."

"Huh?" Arthur, who felt the timid breath, looked at the Ol Jaxson, and the hull in front of him made his eyes suddenly widen.

"Ol Jaxson..."

On the side of the ship, Buggy hid on the deck, not wanting to be seen by Arthur.

However, Shanks calmly confronted Arthur below and asked:

"Long time no see, Navy. What happened to you? What caused you to become like this now?"

Arthur looked at the young Shanks wearing a straw hat and found that he was not as domineering as he would be in the future.

Now he is just a young child, but his psychological quality is terribly strong.

"I am no longer a Navy, nothing happened, and it has nothing to do with you." Arthur responded to Shanks calmly, then looked up at the island.

"So what is your goal now? What are you going to do? If you keep being hunted by the navy like this, you will die."

"Challenge the strong and pursue strength."


Shanks was shocked by Arthur's answer, and suddenly looked at the island with him: "Wait, you don't want to..."

"Who is your pirate group fighting with?" Arthur stared at the battle atmosphere in the distance, and always felt a little familiar.

"Barrett, like you, is a super rookie."

"Barrett...!" Arthur clenched his teeth when he heard the name.

A monster who does things without thinking and only knows how to kill, he hates Barrett very much.

What he is experiencing now is closely related to Barrett.

"Cooper." (You are still injured, don't get angry, Arthur.) Cooper noticed Arthur's angry fluctuations and immediately dissuaded him.

"I'm going to chop him, that damn guy!"

Obviously, Arthur couldn't listen to anything. He just woke up and started a new round of conflict.

"Hey, the captain and the vice-captain don't like others to disturb their duel. You'd better..." Shanks kindly reminded, and found that Arthur and Cooper ignored his advice.

So he sighed: "Alas, what's wrong with that guy? He is so reckless with injuries all over his body?"

Baki, who was hiding on the deck, also spoke up: "It would be strange if a guy who attacked Red Harbor had no brain problems."

"What are you afraid of? Buggy, you coward!"

"Shanks, what are you talking about? I'm not timid, it's my survival instinct!"

"Tsk, timid is timid, what's the explanation?"

"Do you want to fight?"

"Let's do it, who's afraid of who!"

On the deck of the Ol Jaxson, Shanks and Buggy started fighting again because of the noise.


Arthur brought Cooper to Alva Island, the site of the forest conflict.

"Hey, someone is here."

"Your face looks familiar, what is he doing here?"

"The news said that he is still missing?"

The members of Roger's pirate group recognized Arthur and the eagle following him at a glance, and they were excited without any fear.

Roger, who was watching the battle between Rayleigh and Challenger Barrett, heard the noise and turned to look at Arthur.

At this moment, Roger himself suddenly coughed in public and covered his mouth with his hand.

Blood spilled on his palm, which stunned the entire pirate crew.

"Captain Roger!"

Everyone was shocked and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief, not knowing what happened.

"What's wrong with me?" Roger couldn't understand, looking at the blood in his hand and the symptoms that suddenly came from his body.

Seeing this, an elegant man with a ponytail stopped Arthur: "This road is blocked, please take a detour."

"Don't stop me! Where is Barrett?" Arthur could hardly suppress his anger towards Barrett.

Looking at Roger crouching on the ground behind Spencer, he discovered something unusual when all the members of Roger's pirate group went to help Roger himself.

I can't understand, what happened to such a powerful person?

Why vomit blood?


Revealing the side of weakness?

Rayleigh and Barrett, who were clashing fiercely, stopped fighting when they found out the situation.

Barrett was deflected by Rayleigh's sword, and asked him with some dissatisfaction: "What's wrong? Didn't you say that I can challenge the captain only after I defeat you? Are you, the Roger Pirates, going to break your promise?"

"There seems to be something wrong with Roger's physical condition..." Rayleigh put away his sword and walked towards Roger. It was hard to accept his sickly appearance.

"Barrett!" Arthur was furious, and he released his Conqueror's Haki directly in the crowd of Roger's Pirates towards Barrett who was close at hand.

Barrett, who recognized Arthur at a glance, smiled at him: "Isn't this the guy who was beaten half to death by me? Why are you here too?"

Arthur's angry Conqueror's Haki spread nearby, and all the members of Roger's Pirates were enveloped in it, but no one fainted.

"You fucking beast!" Arthur drew his sword and crossed the crowd, rushing straight to Barrett.

Haki wrapped around the blade, generating a stream of flowing air around it.

"Haki! This guy can also..."

"That's Ryusakura on his blade..."

After a year of fighting with the navy, Arthur's strength is very different from a year ago.

Whether it's combat experience or his own strength, it's hard to catch him on the sea.

However, he is still far from being a real strong man.

"You're not the only one who's getting stronger, you old eagle guy!" Barrett laughed excitedly, his fist was instantly wrapped in the Haki skin, and he punched Arthur's blade.

"I must kill you, Barrett." Arthur swung with all his strength and attacked Barrett frantically.

"You're covered in wounds, what can you use to kill me?!" Barrett kept punching, and he was inseparable from Arthur.

"Cooper! Kill him, don't show mercy!"

With the help of Cooper, 2 to 1, Barrett soon fell into a disadvantage under the strong offensive.

Being beaten back by Arthur and Cooper, he was even unable to defend against Arthur's slash.

Seeing this, Roger immediately asked everyone to stop him.

Because Barrett was a powerful fighter that he had set his sights on, and he agreed to duel with him this time just to recruit him.

Letting him join the pirate group could also stop this killing monster without any target from killing.

Unexpectedly, another guy with the same name as him would come out.

"Kill him, this guy has hurt us badly, Cooper."

"Cooper!" (Oh!)

Barrett, whose body could not calm down due to Arthur's blade, suddenly contracted his pupils into fine needles, watching Arthur and Cooper rushing towards him with the determination to kill.

The blade in Arthur's hand pierced Barrett's chin, intending to directly penetrate his back of the head from the chin.

Arthur, Cooper, and Barrett were stopped by members of Roger's pirate group almost at the same time.

"Stop it, what hatred do you two monsters have?"

"Why should I be labeled as a traitor? If you didn't run away, I would have killed you!" Arthur was even more angry than Barrett.

He was more angry at Zhan Guo, but if he hadn't been seriously injured by Barrett.

He wouldn't have been publicly executed on Judicial Island, causing his hands to be covered in blood.

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