The sun is shining brightly, and the sun is shining brightly.

A few days later, the sunset.

Near the Twin Cape Lighthouse under the Upside-Down Mountain, almost all the crew members of the Roger Pirates stood in amazement on the shore of the turbulent river of the Upside-Down Mountain.

The knives flew in the hands of Rayleigh and Arthur, like a storm, slashing at each other frantically.

"Without using domineering, he can actually fight the vice-captain on equal terms?!"

"The Navy finally released a true message. Is that guy really the most powerful genius in the history of the Navy?"

"Hero Haki, Armament Haki, Observation Haki, Swordsmanship, the ability to freeze the sea, and an almost abnormal physique, how far will he grow in the future?"

All the members of the Roger Pirates were shocked by Arthur's current strength.

In the distance, on the top of a lighthouse, Shanks and Buggy stared at the two people fighting at high speed in the distance.

Buggy suddenly looked at Shanks, and found the shocked expression on his face and teased: "What's wrong? Shanks, aren't you always calm?"

"In the pure swordsmanship and sword moves, Mr. Rayleigh can't even get the upper hand in his hands." Shanks, who had looked down on Arthur, was in awe of him at this moment under the recognition of power.

Across the river from the Twin Cape Lighthouse, on the red soil plain where Rayleigh and Arthur fought.

The turbulent collision and the explosive impact spread everywhere.

"Do I need to improve my fighting style? I always doubt the swordsmanship I have figured out." Arthur attacked Rayleigh frantically like a sword shadow.

And asked him what he was lacking.

Without using domineering power, Rayleigh had to grit his teeth and resist Arthur's lightning-fast attack with pure swordsmanship.

"You said you figured out this swordsmanship yourself?!" Rayleigh was shocked by Arthur's sword moves.

Suddenly, Arthur was a little tired of attacking, and immediately stopped his galloping steps, slowly circling Rayleigh with a knife.

He changed from attack to defense, staring at Rayleigh coldly, recovering his strength while moving slowly.

"During the more than one year of assassination by the Navy and CP spies, I almost survived in this way, including the attack on Red Harbor."

"Then I have to admit that you are really a genius, not only physically, but also far beyond ordinary people in terms of brain!"

Rayleigh attacked Arthur who was in a defensive state and strolling leisurely.

"Your swordsmanship that combines both offense and defense is as fast as lightning when advancing and as stable as a mountain when retreating. This unique swordsman fighting style does not need to learn other fighting methods at all. If you keep it in your own style, it will be perfect."

The fierce confrontation has lasted for almost a whole day, and the two are having a lot of fun.

In a lighthouse in Gemini Cape.

A man with a strong body, a jaw that is obviously wider than his face, and a flower-like hairstyle is sitting side by side with Roger, talking happily.

"Your disease is terminal. In the early stage, you can live a few more years if you treat it in time." Crocus used some medical instruments to check Roger.

He immediately found his condition and informed him.

"Terminal disease... It's really not the right time, hahaha." Roger heard the news and smiled: "Then how many years do I have left?"

The man talking to Roger is called Crocus, a former member of the Rumba Pirates. Because the crew adopted an island whale, they could not sail with them.

He stayed to take care of the island whale Lab, but learned the news of the destruction of the Rumba Pirates many years ago.

"Normally, he would die in one or two years. But what I didn't expect was that a man like you would be infected with a terminal illness."

"One or two years!" After hearing this time, Roger's smile instantly faded: "No, this time is not enough for what I have to do next."

Seeing Roger suddenly go crazy, Krocas said to him calmly: "I can extend your life, but this is a terminal illness and cannot be cured."

"Really?!" Roger seemed to see hope, approached Krocas, and touched his face with his forehead: "How long can it be extended?"

"Don't get so close! How can you ask a doctor like this? Why are you so anxious?" Krocas pushed Roger away from him and continued: "There are conditions, Roger."

"Just tell me, as long as I can do it, I will satisfy you."

"I want to extend your life, but I also have to give up my most important partner and follow you to the sea."

"Partner? Where is it?" Roger looked around. In the Twin Capes, except for Krocas, he

No trace of other people was found.

"In the sea, it's called Laboo, not a person, but an island whale. A companion left behind by our Rumba Pirates."

Outside the lighthouse, a giant smooth figure slowly emerged from the deep sea.

It was attracted by the fighting between Rayleigh and Arthur.

All the members of Roger's pirate group looked at the huge monster, startled again, and screamed in horror.

"What is that!"

Hearing the crew shouting, Roger opened the window of the lighthouse and looked at a huge whale floating on the sea outside.

It pointed at it with a look of surprise and looked at Crocus: "Are you talking about it?!"

"Yes, it is Laboo, and its size has reached 400 meters now." Crocus introduced calmly and continued to talk about his conditions: "I can go out to sea with you, but you have to promise me to find the whereabouts of the Rumba Pirates."

"I promise you!" Roger agreed without thinking, and his body began to cough violently.

Blood spurted out of his mouth. Roger covered his mouth in a hurry, looking at the blood in his mouth in disbelief.

"This is all normal. When you reach the late stage, you will feel dizzy and weak. No matter how strong you are, you can't resist this disease. Only I can extend your life."

As he said, Krocas gave Roger a medicine in the lighthouse warehouse, which made him feel better.

"How long can you extend my life?" Roger's cough was suppressed by the medicine, and he continued to ask.

"At most ten years."


After the negotiation was reached, Krocas packed up his luggage and walked out of the Twin Cape Lighthouse with Roger, looking at the battle between Rayleigh and Arthur in the distance.

"Hey! Big guy, didn't you force him into a desperate situation a year ago? How come you still have such a great record in the competition with Mr. Rayleigh!?" Under the sunset, Buggy on the lighthouse suddenly shouted to Barrett below.

"Hmm?" Barrett turned to look at Buggy and sneered: "Of course! How can I compare to a guy who experiences life-and-death battles every day!"

"Cooper!" (I don't like you, bastard!) Cooper stared at Barrett seriously from beginning to end. He didn't trust Barrett at all.

Even if Arthur joined Roger's pirate group and was on the same ship with him, he couldn't regard him as an accomplice.

"What? You want to fight me too?" Barrett felt Cooper's hostility, flexed his fist and walked towards him.

"Stop, no fighting between crew members, Barrett." Jabba warned Barrett when he saw this.


Barrett was disdainful to retreat. Now that he had joined Roger's pirate group, he felt that he should listen to the orders of the officers on the ship.

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