The old man was very angry.

Whitebeard had no ambition to conquer the world, and the Golden Lion could not win him over despite repeated persuasion, and he also lost territory.

Now, he can only come to his old friend Captain John to give it a try.

Shi Ji was smiling, and his thick golden hair fluttered in the sea breeze.

He looked at the port of Beehive Island in front of him, and a large number of pirates quickly gathered at Rocky Port.

Under John's order, they boarded the ship fully armed and waited for good news from John.

Now, Beehive Island, which gathers pirates from all over the world, is controlled by Captain John.

Even a figure like Shi Ji would be afraid to come here to negotiate with John.

No matter who comes here to make trouble, it is absolutely impossible to leave safely.

"Lord Shiki, they are starting to mobilize, and they don't seem to want to negotiate with us."

"That formation looks like they are preparing for war..."

"As long as you reach the island, I can activate my devil fruit ability." Shiki stared at the distant Rocky Port and said to the pirate ships of the captains of the first, second and third squads around him:

"But we are here to negotiate. Wait until the negotiations break down before we take action!"

John, Wang Zhi, and Silver Axe, the names of these three people put together, even any figure on the sea today would be afraid.

"If the negotiations break down, we can capture this island, right?"

"That's right! At the beginning, after the battle of God Valley, I came here as soon as possible."

When the encirclement and suppression incident occurred in the Sabaody Archipelago, Shiki, who failed to win over Whitebeard, came to win over John and others.

Various war incidents are happening all over the world, and they never stop for a moment.


The last afterglow of the day fell, and the blue ice field was filled with melted red sea water and hot lava.

Looking at the limbs and blood all over the ground, Arthur finally understood that even the conflict between Roger and the navy in the old times was not just a hot-blooded game.

"Big fire..."

Boom, Akainu mobilized the natural power in his body to gather in his arm, turning it into a fist like a small volcano, and blasted it towards Arthur.

A slash that was too fast to be caught by the naked eye instantly penetrated his arm and cut off the huge fist.

This caused Sakaski's moves to be disconnected from his body and lost control.

The magma fell into the ice surface in clumps, melting and evaporating the ice surface bit by bit.

"Damn..." Sakaski muttered and cursed, and his broken right arm recovered in less than a few seconds.

However, from his expression, Arthur found that he seemed to be very uncomfortable. It should be that the slash that he had just wrapped with a little bit of armed color domineering had an effect on the natural system.

"I said, we will have a fierce battle sooner or later!" Arthur took the opportunity to rest and pointed the blade in his hand at Sakaski: "But it seems not now."

"Looking at the battle situation, even if we can't wipe you out, at least we can defeat all of you and strangle you one by one in the cradle!" Sakaski's speech was recognized by everyone.

In this siege, under the fierce offensive of the navy, the Roger Pirates and several pirate ships led by Wang Zhi fell into an unimaginable bitter battle.

At present, Arthur resolved Akainu's moves with one knife, and squinted his eyes to see many familiar and unfamiliar figures on the ground.

At this stage, there are still many nameless pirates who joined Roger's pirates. He didn't know most of them and didn't take the initiative to contact them.

And all this, Arthur partly blamed himself and his previous identity.

If he hadn't joined Roger's pirates, the navy would definitely not be able to find them, and they might be having a party in Xia Qi's bar now.

But in that case, he might not be able to survive...

"Arthur, what happened to you?" Gion, who was almost exhausted, held on, holding the knife in both hands and asked him: "Before, you were a guy who made people feel righteous and upright when they looked at you!"

"Why are you so cold now?"

Hearing these words, Arthur secretly gritted his teeth, not thinking about what had happened, and looked at Gion coldly:

"People will change. Maybe I am really like public opinion, a wolf in sheep's clothing?"

"Impossible!" Gion denied it outright, thinking back to Arthur's previous appearance, and now he was a completely different person.

She had completely forgotten about Arthur's actions that almost killed her many times.

Arthur didn't want to say much, and rushed towards them with a knife: "Cooper, help me!"

Originally, he didn't want Cooper to take action and sneak attack Zhan Guo at the critical moment, but now it seems impossible.

"Ice and ice have a counteracting effect. It seems that you can't be like me, big

Is the range-released freezing power limited to being released from the blade? "Kuzan learned from the battle that Arthur's extreme ice power depends entirely on his blade.

"Kaji and Gion seem to be exhausted. I will provide long-range cover, and you go and fight him in close combat, slowly consume his physical strength, and you will be able to take him down soon!" Borsalino shot a laser at Arthur.

"I will never fall... Cooper!" Arthur whispered to himself and shouted to Cooper in front of him.

"You won't fall? If I burn and penetrate all your internal organs, I don't believe you won't die!"

"Why not just use this ice blade to chop off his head?"

Cooper stood in front of Arthur and spread his wings. The iron block and a layer of black skin instantly covered his wings. He found the right time and winged the laser beam to the nearby ice surface.

"Armament Haki... Now even the eagle around him who only knows how to obey orders has not learned it? "

Everyone was shocked and began to launch a non-stop fierce attack on Arthur.

Zhan Guo was involved by Rayleigh.

Garp and Roger have been fighting 1 on 1 and the result is still undecided.

And Arthur, facing the offensive of five people who will become admirals and admiral candidates in the future, is already exhausted and must let Cooper take risks.

"Cooper!" (If I keep flying and waiting for orders, I will fall asleep, Arthur!)

Cooper flew down from the dark sky, waving his eagle claws wantonly to assist Arthur.

"That guy will really bring us disaster!" Buggy, playing with a clown knife, has been fighting among the marines for a day.

Buggy, who has always been very cowardly, is extremely brave in battle and dares to confront and scold anyone.

"Two damn brats from Roger's pirate group!"

"Buggy, you'd better not be careless again, otherwise I can't save you. This is not a friendly exchange between pirates! "

Shanks, who stood back to back with Buggy, held a knife in one hand and chopped down the approaching marines one by one.

"You don't know!" Buggy said to Shanks behind him:

"Except for Captain Roger, the vice captain, and Mr. Jabba who led the cadres to fight against the vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters, other places seem to be in a tough battle!"

"Huh?" Shanks was puzzled. With the help of Wang Zhi, he felt that he seemed to have an advantage...

"Over there..." Buggy pointed to the messy left and right fleets of the Navy: "And over there!"

"That Barrett has gone crazy among the Navy! Arthur is surrounded by three natural ability users, a mythical beast, and a female swordsman. He may not be able to hold on."

Shanks listened to Buggy's analysis, looked at Cooper who disappeared in the sky, and murmured: "Cooper who was flying in the sky just now has also fallen. Otherwise... let's go in the direction to find that Arthur?"

"Are you crazy? Now we can't protect ourselves, why look for him? "Baki cursed Shanks, thinking he was stupid.

"Hahaha, go and see what kind of battle he is going through. Anyway, we are dealing with some miscellaneous soldiers."

The two children followed the leaders of Roger's pirate group and King Arthur's pirate group and began to break out to Arthur's location.

Because they were children and had no bounty, they were almost ignored by the navy.

This fierce battle at sea by the navy to encircle Roger's pirate group should not have happened.

The information of Seagull, Arthur's life card and identity have broken their original adventure.

"Now, can't you just use the power of the navy? "Sengoku, who was fighting fiercely with Rayleigh, was repelled by the impact of domineering.

He couldn't believe that almost all the elite troops of the current navy had caused so much damage to Roger's pirate group.

Now, Rayleigh, as the vice-captain, was able to tie with him, which made Sengoku understand that after the Battle of God Valley, the overall strength of Roger's pirate group has improved.

The battle lasted for two days and two nights. With the help of Wang Zhi, Roger's pirate group was defeated by the navy led by Sengoku and Garp in the sea.

The whereabouts of the crew members are unknown. The survivors only remember the captain's last order to retreat. Roger said to regroup in a place called "repair plant".

In this encirclement and suppression campaign, the elite troops of the navy were almost wiped out by the two major pirate groups, and the vice admirals suffered heavy casualties. The navy finally had to retreat at the cost of heavy losses.

This battle is called: Sabaody Archipelago Incident.


After the Sabaody Archipelago Incident.

GR·No Way Zone No. 23, leading to Area No. 13 On a grassy lawn in the Yarqiman Mangrove Forest.

"Why should I go with you to find them, Shanks? See what bad idea you have!"

"How do I know that the eagle suddenly dived into the deep sea and disappeared!"

Shanks shouted at Buggy behind him.

They carried the bruised Arthur one after another and quietly

Archiman walked in the mangroves.

"You have no brains, why did Captain Roger give you that straw hat, but I didn't give it to me!"

"What did you say! Do you want to fight with me?" The two threw Arthur, who was almost fainted but could hear them talking, onto the sticky grass.

Then they started fighting each other, and no one was convinced.

"Captain Roger, Mr. Rayleigh, and everyone else disappeared to cover the retreat. Where is the repair shop?"

"Bucky, you bastard, don't talk about my straw hat! This is the treasure given to me by the captain. Besides, isn't that repair shop Mr. Tom's? How could you forget it!"

Arthur, who closed his eyes to rest, listened helplessly to the quarrel between the two. They had been fighting since they were on the ship. Within the scope of their own strength, they also performed well in the battle.

They are only 8 years old now, and they will have to quarrel for nearly 78 years before they stop.

Tom… Arthur slowly opened his eyes after hearing the key words and looked at the sky:

"Seven Water City? Before Roger fell into the deep sea of ​​the ice crack, let's go to the Seven Water City to gather?"

In this battle, Arthur fully understood that it is not enough to have domineering without quantity.

A protracted war consumes too much domineering and physical strength, and the two are closely related.

He felt that he had to focus on it in the future and unilaterally improve the domineering quantity.

Hearing Arthur's hoarse voice, the two stopped fighting, walked in front of him at the same time, and asked in unison:

"Arthur, are you okay? Where did you let Cooper go when you retreated?"

"My money, I asked him to go to the ship and take my 50 million Bailey away. It should be able to find me soon."

That was the first time Arthur met the Five Elders. He would never give up the money he got at the risk of his life.

He felt that in this damn world, it is better to trust Bailey than anyone else.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Arthur. That move of flying ice dragon really saved everyone, and it also exhausted your physical strength..." Shanks' eyes became clear when he looked at Arthur now.

"Sir..." Buggy curled his lips and stared at Shanks with disgust: "Didn't you look down on Arthur before?"

"What did you say? Why do you always go against me, Buggy, I'll kill you!"

"Come on, let's see who is afraid of who!"

This battle made Shanks respect the boy who was eight years older than him.

Arthur, lying on the ground, suddenly frowned: "You two, be careful, there are people on the branches nearby."

Someone? Buggy and Shanks reacted and thought that these areas were originally lawless areas.

The illegal criminal groups, smuggling groups, slave traders and others in the Sabaody Archipelago all gathered in the undeveloped areas.

Shanks and Buggy, who were only eight years old, had to put aside their disputes and draw their weapons to be alert to the surroundings.

"It seems like there is someone here."

A large group of people descended from the roots of the Alchiman mangroves, looking down at Buggy, Arthur, and Shanks with ill intentions.

"Bounty: 400 million berries, that's right, it's him."

"Ice Sword Master!" When talking about Arthur's title, the criminal gangs all had cold sweat on their foreheads: "Now that he's in this state, let's pick him up, hehe."

"Look at his injured appearance, now the money to expand the Water Wolf smuggling Group is definitely secure."

For the bounty, whether it is a bounty hunter or a criminal group, they will most likely gamble their lives to fight for it.

The way of the world in this sea is the law of the jungle, which is a rule that can never be changed.

"Cooper~" In the sky nearby, Cooper grabbed a suitcase soaked in seawater with his claws and spun it in the air.

"Where did the eagle come from...?"

"Shoot him down, quickly!"

"Hehehe, as for these two little brats, leave them to me." A fat man flexed his fists and approached Buggy and Shanks.

Bang, bang, bang, his companions shot at Cooper in the sky.

Cooper twisted his body to avoid them all, then randomly selected a man, swooped down at a very fast speed, and knocked him out of the thick trunk of the Alchiman.

Cooper's beak pierced his body, took out his flesh and blood, and killed him mercilessly.

"That eagle...! Could it be the Condor Cooper? It's this guy's pet!"

"Cooper." (Don't want to eat human flesh, tui~) Cooper spit out the flesh and blood and a bone in his mouth, then put the Bailey box under the eagle's claws on the branch, and swung the eagle's claws fiercely at the lawn where Arthur was below.

"Cooper!" (Rain Kick!)

Boom, blue slashing waves rushed out of Cooper's eagle claws, flashing and piercing through the fat man near Shanks and Buggy.

The fat man's body shook, and his body split into two halves from the center of his eyebrows, and fell on the lawn.

This scene frightened the other members of the smuggling group, and they knelt down to apologize.

"Kill him all!"

"They, Cooper!" Arthur didn't buy it. He would never let them go when they came out to take his life when he was at his weakest.

Even if it was cruel...

"Wait, Arthur, they have surrendered. There is no need to kill them all, right?" Bucky looked at Arthur, who had sat up on the lawn and played with sticky bubble liquid and persuaded him.

"It is necessary. It is because I am now decisive in killing that I have survived to this day."

Hearing Arthur's words, Cooper spread his wings that were more than one meter long, and his eyes became cold: "Cooper..." (Treat the enemy with no mercy...)

Looking at the large number of scattered wind blades swung out from Cooper's wings, the people of the smuggling group stared in fear, watching the last scenery in their lives piercing through their bodies. The world was divided into two halves, and the body began to split left and right and up and down.

Arthur felt the disappearance of the hostility around him, and relaxed and fell exhausted on the lawn in the air:

"From leaving the navy to now, my hands may have been stained with tens of thousands of lives... I can't stop! "

Now that Arthur is regarded as a pirate by the world, why should he still do normal things?

To those who are not his own people, lawlessness is the best opening line.

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