The dream was a dream, but the truth was that it was a dream.

Recalling the dream, Arthur still felt very strange.

"But it was so cool to chop..." Arthur moved his limbs and still felt something was wrong.

I usually rest with full energy, but today it seems like I didn't sleep well, I am lacking energy, and my hands are sore.

"It should be that I want to become stronger so much that I subconsciously copied a woman who is not much different from me in strength? But her domineering aura is very weak."

This dream made Arthur linger on, as if he was really going to be killed, the tension and fear of death.

What's going on with this actual combat feeling? "Arthur thought for a while, and then stopped thinking about it.

The satisfied smile on his face made him feel the taste of it.

The pleasure brought by the battle, from the beginning to now, has never been comparable to anything, and it also made him forget the cruelty that happened to him.

"It's time to summarize the growth along the way..."

When Arthur woke up from the dream, the first thing he did was to sense and look at the dark sea.

After confirming that there were no naval ships at all, he returned to the cabin and lit the oil lamp in front of a lounge table and chairs.

"Now, as long as I don't compare with those super monsters, I can surpass most humans with swordsmanship and domineering. ”

“It seems that my body can only withstand beatings and recover, and I don’t have much talent…”

“I have a strong learning ability, but I have the advanced consciousness of a time traveler, plus the desire to become stronger, which allows me to grow rapidly…”

Think quickly and sort out the chaotic information about my own strength in my brain.

This made Arthur calm down and gradually position himself clearly.

Analyze his own strengths and weaknesses.

In terms of resistance and endurance, his physique is undoubtedly top-notch in this regard. As long as he survives, the endless power in his body will gush out.

With Arthur’s willpower now, it is difficult for ordinary humans to knock him down head-on.

“Ice Dragon…” Arthur placed the blade on the table and pulled it out of the scabbard.

The slightly cold air immediately covered the cabin where he was.

“How much domineering power do you have to absorb from me before you can be satisfied, Ice Dragon? "Arthur stroked his beloved sword, feeling the cold air that would not hurt him.

This sword, without a doubt, is his favorite personal item besides Cooper.

Based on the response of the blade before, he believed that the sword had completely recognized him.

Even now, it cannot exert its full strength.

"In a sense, you are my portable golden finger when I came to this world, right? How much can I expect from the power of extreme ice in the future?"

The cold air diffused in the cabin, and the weak flame of the oil lamp swayed from small to large, as if it would be extinguished at any time.

"After so many battles, my chance of getting injured is getting smaller and smaller."

"Observation Haki, the physical skill engraved into the bones, the Ryuo Haki that breaks the abnormal physique, the Overlord Haki that intimidates the miscellaneous soldiers..."

"And the accumulated combat experience, the tolerance rate of swinging the sword...are all proof of my growth after leaving the rapeseed village. "

"And..." Arthur touched his heart: "This original intention is also slowly changing the world."

"My experience has made me no longer fragile, my heart is as solid as a rock, I am decisive in killing, and I am determined to move forward and create my own story."

Arthur's biggest disappointment in his experience came from the civilians who shot at him.

At this time, he recalled it again, just grinning slightly and smiling indifferently.

Now the strong swordsmanship and combat experience honed in the fight have made him gradually become confident and calm.

Even the childish aura on his body is gradually fading.

No longer have beautiful fantasies about this world.

"I don't regret it at all, haha." Arthur's analysis of his own experience and encounters gradually let him get rid of the tragedy.

He felt that the past was unbearable to look back on, and those things that had passed were better to rot in his heart.

"Devil Fruit, I hope that one day, there will be a suitable one for me, it is best to be auxiliary to swordsmanship, as long as I can become stronger, even if I lose swimming, it doesn't matter. "

Gradually getting in touch with the level of the strong, he realized that falling into the water was really difficult.

He summed up his experience alone, and soon because of physical fatigue, he lay on the table alone to make up for a nap.

When he woke up in the morning, Arthur looked around and found that.

The originally messy room had been cleaned up unintentionally.

"Hmm?" Arthur touched the handle of the knife and found that the domineering energy in his body was being absorbed continuously.


But the moment he discovered it, the absorption slowly stopped.

After absorbing the domineering regret, a delicate and lifelike dragon body gradually emerged between the delicate snowflake patterns on the blade.

Then, Arthur tidied up his messy long hair, took care of it a little, picked up the ice dragon and put it into the scabbard, and the heavy feeling fit his hand better.

She looked around strangely:

"No one should be able to get close to me when I sleep!"

Suddenly, the voices of Buggy and Shanks came from outside the house.

Arthur put aside his doubts and walked out the door.

When he opened the door, he found that Cooper was squatting outside the door and sleeping soundly, with a few fat and tender big fish in front of him, and two guys were practicing on the deck.

"Is it you? You've worked hard." Arthur whispered and stroked its eagle head.

"Cooper..." (I want to eat Arthur's food...)

Hearing Cooper talking in his sleep, Arthur smiled and walked to the deck:

"I'll make it right away. I want to eat dumplings, but I don't have flour and water."

He yawned and came to the deck, and saw Buggy and Shanks training.

"Too weak! Captain Roger teaches you swordsmanship every day, but you can't even beat me!"

"Huh? Isn't this evenly matched? Buggy!"

As the quarrel progressed, the fight between the two became more intense, so intense that Arthur sat cross-legged and watched, but they didn't notice.

"Hmm?" Buggy suddenly became alert, looked at Arthur who was staring at them, and rushed to him with his hands clasped: "Arthur, are you awake?"

Shanks also said: "Who of us is more powerful, Mr. Arthur?"

Arthur was alert to whether there were any ships chasing in the surrounding sea, and looked at the two of them left and right:

"How about this? Whoever of you can hold on longer in my hands will be powerful?"


Bang punched them twice, and the two agreed instantly, and Arthur clenched his fists and hit them.

Both of them had big lumps on their heads and were beaten to the ground at the same time.

"Both are weak." After beating the two, Arthur felt that the actions of the Navy in the Sabaody Archipelago really made the Navy an organization unable to send troops for targeted pursuit.

In normal times, one warship a day is the norm, and the cannons started roaring before they woke up.

"A peaceful day?" Arthur breathed a sigh of relief and planned to use the last fresh water to make a meal.

Then, just leave it to fate and sail on this sea with unpredictable climate and sea beasts attacking at any time. He didn't know what would happen next.

"Get up quickly." Walking to the kitchen, Arthur slapped Cooper in the face and woke him up.

Cooper's eyes became clear and he looked at Arthur: "Cooper?" (Is the food ready?)

One second before entering the kitchen, Arthur looked back at the vast sea nearby:

"The sudden calmness made me feel uncomfortable, like entering a new environment for the first time."

Entering the kitchen, Arthur picked up many ingredients to cook for himself, and kept sorting out his thoughts:

"After experiencing despair, my mind was filled with extreme darkness for the first time. After gradually becoming stronger... I began to find myself again, but my heart was no longer the same as before..."

The gas lit the stove, put the food in, sprinkled the ingredients, and threw the pot in one go.

While cooking, Arthur kept hearing Shanks and Buggy arguing on the deck.

It seemed that they were really a pair of contradictions born, and there was no end.

"The next direction of strength development is to calm down, be calm, make swordsmanship more proficient, reduce mistakes, try to improve domineering, and stimulate the power of the first blade, which will definitely make me transform!"

After preparing the meal, Arthur brought it to the table and stared at his masterpiece coldly:

"I haven't had a peaceful morning life like this for a long time. Now my life seems to be missing something..."

Even if Arthur is a time traveler and knows many events and plots, he cannot control his own life.

Without absolute strength and a powerful golden finger that changes the rules, he is a member of this world, a small person on the vast ocean.

"It's snowing! Shanks, it's so cold!"

"Go in and hide."

The two ran into the main hall of the cabin and saw Arthur sitting at the table, staring at the dishes on the table quietly, as if thinking about something.

"It smells so good!"

"Are these delicious dishes made for us? Mr. Arthur, then we won't be polite!"

The two were not polite at all and went forward to eat with big mouthfuls.

"What a delicious meal! I didn't expect that a cold-blooded guy like you could cook so well!"

"Cooper!" (Cooking! That's mine!) Hearing the word "cooking", Cooper rushed in and started eating contentedly.

"How strange, this kind of life is so strange!" Arthur Zhouzheng picked up the bowl and chopsticks, closed his eyes and started to eat.

This was the last meal, the fresh water was used up, and I had to drink blood to moisten my throat in the future


The two people who were fighting over food at the dinner table suddenly looked the same, staring blankly at Arthur who was dodging the flying debris and eating calmly with his eyes closed.

"You... feel it, Shanks." Buggy stared at Arthur and said to Shanks beside him: "If it was Captain Roger's ship, we would have been punished by Mr. Rayleigh if we made such a fuss."

"He seems different today. Why didn't I notice him on the deck just now?" Shanks stared blankly at Arthur's appearance.

He was completely different from his previous sloppy appearance. His aura was very calm and murderous.

"There are three scratches on his left face. He looks so cold and domineering!"

At this moment, Arthur is trying to restrain his murderous aura to facilitate disguise, so as not to let people know that he is a beast that may lose control at any time as before.

He is also honing his character and improving his psychological realm.

"You've become handsome... bastard, why didn't I see that before!" Buggy cursed disdainfully. As soon as he said it, Arthur punched him against the wall of the room, foaming at the mouth.

"Sorry, Arthur, I just said it..." He apologized quickly.

After hearing this, Cooper smiled at the two of them: "Cooper..." (You don't know, in the village where we grew up, those human girls wanted to line up to give birth to Arthur's children, but he rejected them all...)

It said it proudly, completely forgetting that except for Arthur, Buggy and Shanks couldn't understand what it said.

"What are you talking about... Cooper, I'm really curious about how you and Arthur usually communicate."

Shanks reminded Cooper to react.

It was stunned, as if for a moment, it also regarded itself as a human being and felt assimilated.

"Don't worry about them, Cooper, he's only eight years old." Arthur said to Cooper at this time: "What a brat."

Now, Arthur didn't realize that the red-haired child in front of him would be the Four Emperors who would dominate the world and show their domineering aura in the future.

On the other hand, people like Buggy can live freely no matter where they are.

He is flexible and ruthless.

After dinner, Arthur asked the two to clean up, and he took the map and took Cooper to the deck to check the sailing situation.

"Cooper..." Cooper covered the tip of his beak and stared at the sea chart on the barrel: "Cooper...?" (Arthur, according to the navigation knowledge we learned in the navy, it will take us three more days to reach this small island called Carnival Island...?)

"Carnival Island? I seem to have heard of it somewhere... but... it will take about a week to get there. Cooper, you calculated the sailing speed of the warship. This is an old small sailing ship."

"Cooper..." (Really...? I thought that the sailing speed of human ships is the same.)

"It doesn't matter. No matter what natural environment, we can definitely survive." Arthur looked at Buggy and Shanks who were cleaning the main hall:

"If they want to live, they must drink the same thing as us."

Drinking blood and eating raw meat are very easy for Arthur, who has been hunting in the mountains and forests since he was 4 years old.

But for Shanks and Buggy, it may take some time to adapt.

It takes at least ten days for this ship to reach the Seven Water City. If it passes by an island on the map, it will take about a week.

"Cooper?" (If you really encounter a civilian ship, what would you do, Arthur?)

"Stun them all, and then grab fresh water. After all, drinking blood is not a long-term solution."

After discussing how to survive next and determining the route, a cold wind blew towards Arthur and Cooper.

The harsh climate of the Grand Route soon covered the small sailboat with ice and snow.

But whether it was severe winter, hot weather, or various extreme weather, it was impossible to defeat him and Cooper.

"Cooper?" (But Arthur, so much snow fell from the sky into the ship, can't you pick it up and let it melt into water?)

Cooper looked at the heavy snow in the sky and reminded Arthur.

"Uh..." Arthur seemed to have opened the door to a new world, and suddenly realized: "Then doesn't it mean that I can also melt ice cubes made with a blade into fresh water?"

Cooper tilted his head, and Arthur also tilted his head, and they stared at each other blankly for a long time.

"Cooper!" (Then what fresh water do we need, Arthur!)

"Take my strength and domineering power to make water?" Arthur stretched out his right hand and pulled out the ice dragon, holding it in his hand, and suddenly smiled foolishly: "Why didn't I think of it before."

This discovery completely improved Arthur and Cooper's survival adaptability.

No more worrying about drinking water for the rest of their lives.

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