The wound was so severe that the wound was still alive.

Knife's stomach was ripped open.

The highly corrosive sulfuric acid fell from his stomach to the ground.

The things around him began to rot, making a scalding "hissing" sound.

The cut abdomen can still heal without bleeding.

Arthur knew at a glance that such a person was a Devil Fruit ability user.

"Don't go over there, you'll die!" Knife saw his men rushing towards Arthur.

He quickly reached out to stop them.

"Natural system?" Arthur pointed a knife at Knife: "Or superhuman system?"

"Don't do it!" Knife saw his men approaching Arthur with weapons.

He immediately shouted to stop them.

"Captain, why!"

"If we kill him, we can report to the navy and be promoted to Shichibukai. Our lives will change dramatically."

"Yes, Captain, we are not afraid of death,"

Knife could not explain.

If his subordinates had observation Haki, they would understand how terrifying this dark boy in front of them was.

Seemingly calm appearance, but with endless murderous intent.

It was like a monster emitting cold air standing in front of him.

"Anyway..." Knife's face was covered with cold sweat, and he swallowed his saliva: "Don't move, all of you."

His disemboweled stomach slowly healed, and he looked at Arthur with fear.

If Arthur had tried with the first knife just now...

The second knife would definitely not be hidden.

"Shichibukai?" Analyzing the other party's purpose, Arthur frowned and became more alert.

The King's Shichibukai was just established, and he didn't know who joined in this era.

"Yes, I came to you for that position."

Knife hurriedly explained. Arthur's extremely fast knife just now had made him sweat profusely.

If they really fight, he will definitely not win.

Originally, he came to try his luck with the mentality of picking up leaks.

Now it seems that it is just wishful thinking.

"I have nothing to say to a man like you who dresses pervertedly." Arthur's momentum sank and his legs exerted force.

The soil under his feet splashed high, and he quickly approached Knife and slashed him with a knife.

"What did you call me!" Knife's anger was aroused on the spot.

He hated it most in his life when others called him pervert...

It's just a little hobby, wearing a strange Gothic style.

Why is he called "pervert"?

Suddenly, his right hand was wrapped with the armor-colored skin on his arm, and he gritted his teeth and blocked it in front of him: "This is Gothic!"


The moment the blade chopped Knife's fist, the sharp ice dragon directly cut into his armor-colored skin.

"What, the domineering armor is broken!" Knife was shocked, and his body flew backwards unconsciously.

The terrifying power of Arthur's sword swing had completely suppressed him.

"Domineering also has levels, understand?" The slightly drunk Arthur slashed Knife and chopped him away from him.

What splashed out of Knife's wound was not blood.

Instead, it was sulfuric acid that made Arthur feel dangerous, which quickly rushed to Arthur.

"Bloom." Arthur looked at the viscous liquid that looked like raindrops, squeezed the handle of the knife and whispered softly.

Instantly, frost surged out of his body, forming an ice and snow barrier around him.

All the sulfuric acid that flew in front of him was frozen solid.

Knife himself was knocked into the primeval forest by Arthur, and his body could not stop in mid-air.

Breaking down trees one after another, they kept rushing inside.

"Captain Knife..."

The other members of the Sulfuric Acid Pirates were ready to go.

They were ready to attack Arthur at any time.

But without the captain's order, everyone could only stand there.

"The ice and snow that lingers around him is the source of the title of Extreme Ice Swordsman, right?"

"How can we beat him with swordsmanship that is so fast that we can't see clearly..."

The body swayed slightly, and the brain was confused.

Arthur, who hadn't drunk a drop of alcohol for more than ten years, stood there drunk.

He looked at his sword horizontally: "I can't drink anymore, I can't control the strength anymore."

Suddenly, Arthur turned and looked at the other pirates in the camp.

The murderous aura in his eyes surged, and the domineering color like a tide engulfed them.

"Domineering color...ah..."

"Is this the crew of Roger's Pirates? What's the matter with this configuration!"

Arthur was a little surprised after releasing the domineering color.

Unexpectedly, this group of pirates that no one had ever heard of actually had a few people who could resist his Conqueror's Haki.

In his understanding.

People without a firm will would only be stunned by the Conqueror's Haki.

He counted and found that only 4 people were left standing in cold sweat out of hundreds of people.

Then, Arthur mobilized the power of extreme ice to cover the blade in his hand and swung it at them.

Without waiting for everyone to speak and explain.

Even without waiting for them to beg for mercy.

The cold air slash instantly submerged them and their unconscious companions behind them.

It turned them into many dazzling human-shaped ice sculptures, all frozen.

After defeating everyone, Arthur walked to the grill near the campfire.

He picked up a piece of barbecue that was more than one meter long with a knife and fork, and walked towards the direction where Knife flew.

The whole process took less than a minute.

All the members of the Sulfuric Acid Pirates except Knife were killed.

In the primeval forest, Arthur looked at many towering branches.

Almost all of the branches were corroded by strong liquid, forming a large hole through them.

Knife, who was knocked off and fell on the forest soil, lay on the ground, staring at the night sky covered by leaves.

"I definitely can't win..." Knife felt the huge gap in strength and slowly got up.

Watching Arthur licking the last piece of roast meat on his blade, he came to him not far away and looked at him.

"What did you do to my crew? Did you release the Conqueror's Haki just now?"

"They all turned into ice sculptures and are sleeping here forever. Also, I can only freeze people, not thaw them." Arthur threw away his sword and looked at him calmly in the dark forest.

"Ice sculptures...sleep forever..." Knife's pupils gradually dilated, and his heart stopped staring at Arthur.

Unable to believe what Arthur had just said, he suddenly became furious:

"How can you...start a war without reason! I have ordered that no one is allowed to attack you, why are you making it difficult!"

All his companions were killed, causing Knife, who was always calm and cautious, to collapse a little.

Uncontrollable anger surged from the bottom of his heart.

He wanted to continue the negotiations, violate the mission given by the navy, and choose to live instead of joining the Seven Warlords' Sea Selection.

Now, the kid in front of him killed more than 400 of his men without saying a word...

"War without reason?" Arthur took out his life card, which was only the size of a small square:

"I sneaked into the banquet and thought you were an ordinary pirate group, camping on the coast and leaving after recording the magnetic field."

"Who knew that you were hired by the navy to kill me."

At this moment, no matter what Arthur said, Knife hated him to the core.

He was so angry that he was shaking all over. He had no doubt that his partner, who was like a family member, was killed.

The other party had this strength and the cold-bloodedness that had been rumored in the past two years.

"How can you be so cold-blooded and cruel, high-concentrated sulfuric acid cannon!" Knife's arm turned into a cannon, aiming at Arthur and firing decisively.

He was completely enraged by Arthur's behavior and there was no reason at all.

He just wanted to kill Arthur and avenge his partner.

In the darkness of the primeval forest, it was impossible to capture the other party's breath with just the eyes.

Knife could only use the observation Haki to capture Arthur's position.

"No way? We are all pirates. Do you think the person standing in front of you is a saint?"

Arthur swung a knife at the sulfuric acid shell that rushed towards him, and it froze into a ball of ice on the spot and fell on the soil in front of him.

Then he couldn't help but smile, activated the ice dragon's extreme ice power, and swung a cold air slash at him through the air.

His body also followed the slash, moving quickly, preparing to launch a surprise attack.

After using his observation Haki to predict, Knife decisively chose to dodge, and then let the domineering aura wrap around his body to fight Arthur in close combat.

If the cold air penetrated into his body, his sulfuric acid body would be frozen.

He sensed the danger behind him and decisively swung a punch at his back.

Ding! The domineering fist was easily blocked by Arthur's blade.

In a sense, Arthur's extreme ice power restrained his sulfuric acid fruit, making him unable to do it.

"Or do you think that I am pure and innocent?" Arthur said standing behind Knife, and used his strength to deflect his fist, making his body unstable.

With overwhelming strength, Arthur watched him lean and was about to be sulfurized again.

Decisively wrapped a layer of Ryu Sakura Haki on the blade, and suddenly slashed at him from top to bottom.

Ryu Sakura Haki destroyed Knife's insides through the air, causing him to spit blood on the spot.

After a while, he fell to the ground, his eyes were empty and motionless, staring at the sky.

"This is the swordsman..." Realizing that he was doomed to lose in terms of force, Knife smiled with relief: "I am called the king of sulfuric acid, but am I just an ant?"

At this moment, he didn't understand why the other party would kill him without hesitation, even though he had shown weakness and fear.

However, at this moment, his body had been severely injured, and everything was no longer important.

He looked at Arthur standing in front of him with a knife, staring at him expressionlessly.

It was like staring at an ant.

"The sky tonight is really beautiful." Knife admired the last beauty of the world, and his vision gradually blurred.


Then, he saw Arthur slash through his body with a knife, and his consciousness completely disappeared into nothingness.

"That's right, but you can't see it anymore." Arthur frowned, shocked by the mentality of the guy in front of him.

He was so calm in the face of death, and still had the mind to appreciate the scenery of the world?

Arthur took a long breath, smiled faintly, and decisively sent him to the underworld.

He already knew the rules of survival in this world, so it was even more impossible for him to show mercy to others.

After killing Knif, Arthur also looked at the sky covered by leaves and jumped up.

He jumped to the top of a tall tree and sat on a thick branch.

The view here is wide and the sea breeze is blowing.

The scenery of the island under the starry sky is in full view.

"I haven't been so quiet for a long time and look at the beauty beyond human nature." Arthur put the ice dragon back into the scabbard.

Looking at the sea and the island in front of him alone.

"It's great to survive and become stronger from that situation..." Arthur covered his face with his hands under the influence of alcohol and felt very fortunate.

If he hadn't been tempered for ten years, he would have died long ago even if he was more resistant to beatings.

In the eyes of others, he would naturally protect himself with his indifference.

But when he is alone, the refugees will feel that their efforts are not in vain.

When a few people are alone, they can often think for themselves and are not bound by others. This is also the time when they are the strongest.


A good night's sleep.

The next day, the fog covered the entire Carnival Island.

Arthur returned to the Carnival Castle Hall from the primeval forest and found...

Shanks and Buggy were drunk, barefoot, hugging each other and fell asleep behind the long table.

He walked slowly to the throne in the hall and watched Cooper, with his wings spread, holding all nine people in his arms and sleeping soundly.

He also snored.

"Hey." Arthur pushed it with his foot and called, "Cooper, get up."

"!" Hearing Arthur's voice, Cooper, who was drunk, suddenly woke up.

The nine beauties also wiped their eyes at the same time, opened their eyes in a daze, and looked up to see Arthur.

They were naturally frightened, sitting on the ground with their heads down and dared not look at Arthur's eyes that despised Cooper at the moment.

Arthur prepared to go out to sea with supplies.

Because the recording pointers on his hands and Cooper's chest have recorded the magnetic field of this island.

They can set off to the next island.

If he stays for a long time, who knows what actions the navy and the government will take against him.

"Cooper?" (Arthur, did you kill them? Are they enemies?)

"More than 400 people are all solved." After waking up Cooper, Arthur came to the right side of the hall again.

There was a long table in front of Shanks and Buggy. I don't know if they stole the wine...

Or did they quarrel because of a conflict, and competed to see who could drink better?

Without caring about so much, Arthur took the two of them and led everyone out.

There are still many uninhabited buildings on this island. It must be because of the devil Lily Carnation that no one dares to live there.

Thinking of the sweet fruit wine, Arthur suddenly turned around and looked at the beauties behind him:

"By the way, each of you go and bring me a bucket of those fruit wines. The taste is quite good."

"A bucket is very heavy..."

"We... can't carry it, we can only dance to serve..."

"Will you carry it?" Hearing their words, Arthur's face sank on the spot and he grabbed the knife at his waist.

"Carry it...! Go and carry it right away!" Seeing that Arthur was going to draw his knife to kill people, they had no choice but to run to the castle food warehouse and do what Arthur said.

Arthur really didn't believe that death couldn't stimulate their potential?

After a while, the beauties walked out of the castle with their heads down, holding a bucket of fruit wine one by one.

They didn't dare to resist.

No one wants to be a lesson for the woman yesterday.

A beautiful woman was killed by Arthur through the forehead in front of everyone.

"Cooper!" (What are you doing, Arthur, I'm still a single eagle) Cooper saw Arthur's attitude towards the beauties who served him last night.

He immediately patted Arthur's head with his wings and roared.

However, Arthur did not appreciate it and replied coldly:

"You are an eagle, they are people, what does this have to do with your singleness?"

"Cooper..." Cooper was stunned and felt that what Arthur said seemed to make sense.

Everyone returned to the coast where the old small sailboat was docked, raised the anchor and set sail, and arrived at the west coast of Carnival Island.

Arthur ordered the women to move a large amount of supplies from the huge pirate ship to the ship.

Even if they were tired and panting, they had to do it.

The women who shuttled back and forth between the two ships with supplies were horrified to notice the camp on the coast.

The entire coastal land was filled with people who were frozen by Arthur last night.

Recalling the huge ice dragon that Arthur had swung at the castle's stone window, they immediately understood why Arthur had gone out last night.

Imagination made them more afraid of Arthur.

Looking at the obedient women, Arthur stood on the observation deck, propping up his face lazily, and said to Cooper on the top of the mast:

"I actually enjoy the feeling of others obeying me.

"These beautiful beauties are afraid of me and obey me like dolls."

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