In the middle of a small island near Lionheart Island, Sakaski looked at the movements on Lionheart Island and the sea with blood on his face.

He stepped on a severely burned pirate captain and held a two-meter-long wild sword in his hand.

The environment on the island was exactly like the embers left after a volcanic eruption, with magma and corpses everywhere.

"Who is the pirate among us? Magma kid, hehe..." The pirate he stepped on said to him in a mocking tone.

"As long as I can kill you guys, what's the point of sacrificing a few innocent people?!" Sakaski put anger on his face and ended it with a knife.

The strong wind cooled the hot magma on the island, gradually solidifying them into magma rocks, spreading all over the island.

Not long after the mission was completed, a soldier ran from outside the island in the strong wind:

"Colonel Sakaski, our ship and the pirates' ship were all sunk by Colonel Dragon's ability!"

After killing the pirate captain on his island, Sakaski walked straight to the sea outside the island and looked at Lionheart Island with a telescope:

"Once Dragon's ability is activated, it can't be stopped."

After a long time, the sky was about to light up-

The storm on the sea near Lionheart Island gradually subsided.

"Ha~" Dragon consumed a lot of physical strength and walked to Arthur who was smashed into the ground.

Looking at Arthur snoring in the herringbone pit, he was stunned for a moment:

"This guy's physical fitness is really strong. He actually fell asleep in this environment!"

He guessed alone and reached out to pull Arthur out of it.

The blood soaked Arthur's whole body, and he woke up instantly. In Dragon's eyes, he didn't look as bad as he imagined.

Arthur quickly regained his firm posture, holding the gun behind him and said to Dragon:

"The gun behind me is broken... You won't ask me to pay for it, Colonel Dragon."

"I'm glad you're okay." Dragon remained serious, observing Apollo who was blown into the island by his ability attack.

Apollo slowly stood up from the ruins, with varying degrees of injuries all over his body, and laughed at Dragon with a ferocious face.

"Hehe, I'm not dead yet, Garp's son."

Hearing Apollo's voice, Arthur quickly turned his head to look at the dock town, pointing at Apollo and said: "He can still stand up, Colonel!"

With a plop, Dragon's ability was over-activated, causing his physical strength to gradually run out.

In addition to the consumption of the previous fight, he needed to rest for a while.

He said to himself: "I need to rest for a while, damn it."

Facing 370 million pirates alone, Dragon felt that he was still struggling at the moment.

Although the devil fruit moves are gorgeous, they are not well developed and the power is not ideal.

If it is well developed, the time for the move just now to be launched is enough to kill Apollo.

He really feels sorry. He should not resist his father's hard training at ordinary times.

Apollo stood up from the ruins and walked towards Arthur: "You bastard, I just hit you with all my strength, why can you still stand up?"

Apollo's eyes were bloodshot, and his whole body was covered with bloodstains. The blood had dyed the ground around his feet red.

"Why?" Arthur smiled at him disdainfully: "Because I will never faint before the end of the battle."

Just now Apollo was in full state, and he couldn't beat him.

Now he was weakened by Dragon's big move, and he decided to retaliate. He also realized that his current combat power without a sword was not very strong.

If he met this kind of battle-hardened guy with fists alone, he would most likely die.

He was very glad to understand his own strength through this battle.

A large number of disabled soldiers suddenly ran over the island, holding guns and surrounding him.

"Give up, Apollo!"

"Your men and ships have all been destroyed by our navy, don't resist in vain!"

Arthur walked through the crowd, walked in front of Apollo, looked up at his miserable state, and sneered:

"You were so majestic just now, but now you are really embarrassed, haha."

"You too, navy kid." Apollo also showed a disdainful smile and glanced around unyieldingly.

He found that he would most likely be shot to death in his current state, but if he surrendered, he would most likely be killed by Shiki when he returned.

Shiki would never accept the failure of the mission to capture the navy's stronghold in the Evor Sea Islands.

"Dear navy seniors, don't shoot first! I want to fight him!" Arthur stretched out his hand to stop the navy soldiers on the Dorag warship.

They all felt heavy-hearted, as they were missing many familiar faces that they had only seen for two days.

The soldiers looked at Dorag, who was kneeling on one knee and resting.

Dorag looked at him.They nodded and agreed to let Arthur do it.

The soldiers then left the area where Arthur and Apollo were, forming a circle to make room for the two.

They understood that Dorag wanted to cultivate a rare talent like Arthur, a talent with a distinct personality and opinion.

The flames on Lionheart Island had been blown out by the power of Dorag's big move just now.


The island coast with lightning and thunder, everyone gathered here focused their attention on Arthur and Apollo.


The heavy rain soaked everyone's clothes, and everyone was watching the battle in front of them in the heavy rain after the storm.

Many soldiers were still rescuing and saving people, and both pirates and navy suffered casualties.

"Did you hear the cry for help in this town?" Arthur, whose blood was washed by the rain, ran to Apollo and punched him on the side of his abdomen, and asked him.

Even if he was injured, Arthur's fist power did not weaken much.

A solid punch pushed the weak Apollo back several steps from where he was standing. He covered his side with a painful smile:

"Hahaha, kid, what do you mean?"

The evil smile made Arthur frown, obviously very angry: "I mean, did you hear the cries for help from those civilians?"

"Haha..." After Apollo learned about it, he laughed even more wildly: "Are you kidding? Telling me these things? I'm a pirate!"

After saying that, Apollo rushed to Arthur and swung his fist, which was bigger than Arthur's whole body, and knocked him back with one punch.

Arthur blocked his hands in front of him as a defense.

"Damn navy, you just asked me such a boring question just to duel with me!?"

"I'm asking you these questions because I'm a navy now!" Arthur glided on the ground for about seven or eight meters before he stabilized and roared at him:

"Otherwise, you would have become a pile of debris now, beast."

He was full of righteousness. If he hadn't followed Dorag on the ship to see this world, he really didn't know that there was such a bloody scene in this world.

"Boring..." Apollo thought Arthur's question was childish, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his wrist, clenched his fist and ran towards him:

"In this world where the strong prey on the weak, the strong can always trample the weak underfoot. The weak are the toys of the strong. Do you understand what this sentence means? You, a child who hasn't even grown all the hair."

Hearing these words, Arthur's face darkened and he didn't say anything more.

As if the other party was not wrong at all, he acquiesced to Apollo's words.

In this world, having absolute strength seems to be able to do whatever you want.

It's just that he is now a navy, a righteous side, and has to stand on his position and fight him.

The two of them fought closely, and the weak Apollo punched Arthur, thinking that at least he would be better off killing him, so that someone would be buried with him.

But the next second, Arthur dodged the huge fist by stepping sideways.

Arthur held his thick forearm with his left hand, and hit his forearm bone with his right hand.

With a click, the crisp sound of broken bones resounded around.

"Ah!" Apollo twitched all over, and the pain of the broken bones forced him to scream, his face full of pain.

His already weak body knelt directly on the ground with his legs, and his five-meter-tall body was hunched over, but not as tall as Arthur.

Seeing this, Arthur clenched his fists and hit him in the face frantically, saying:

"Let's see who falls first!"

In order not to damage the reputation of his Flying Pirates Beast, Apollo also waved his other hand towards Arthur.

However, he soon couldn't withstand Arthur's attack, and his head was hit violently dozens of times in a row, and he finally lost his resistance.

From dawn to dawn, Apollo was beaten unilaterally - and finally fainted and lay on the ground in front of Arthur.

Arthur looked at Apollo, whose skin was torn and flesh was exposed, and thought:

"I just can't understand why someone likes to unilaterally massacre innocent people!"

"Especially after experiencing it myself, this feeling is really heavy. Damn, the price of growth is to pay my expectations and blood?"

"No... I will never become that kind of guy."

"I will always maintain my kindness and original intention to become stronger. Otherwise, it will take more than 30 years to see Luffy and his friends go out to sea. How can I hold on for so long?"

The mission on Lionheart Island was completed, and the battle ended.

The navy soldiers approached the unconscious Apollo and quickly handcuffed his hands and feet with iron chains.

"Count the casualties!"

"Contact Colonel Sakaski and Colonel Borsalino to see if their mission objectives have been completed.""Yes, if they haven't finished yet, do they need support?"

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