The more he touched the handle of his knife, the more he felt.

Inadvertently, Arthur touched the handle of his knife.

He wanted to fight with the existence that hurt him before but didn't kill them.

Just at the moment of touching, Arthur clearly felt...

The speed at which the ice dragon absorbed his domineering aura became faster.

"What's going on...? Don't absorb too fast, ice dragon, I can't stand this frequency!" Arthur muttered to himself to his knife.

His domineering aura was lost very quickly.

He looked uncomfortable.

His body lost strength.

Suddenly, Arthur felt as if it could understand human words.

As soon as he blurted it out.

The speed at which the ice dragon absorbed domineering aura slowed down.

It became the usual slow speed.

"Good sword." He praised, not finding it incredible.

This world even has demons, contracts, and all kinds of fantasy things.

What's so strange about this?

Arthur then looked in the direction where Tom was running.

"A fat man running with such a big ship in his arms, how abstract do you think you are?"

"Hahaha!" Tom and the Roger Pirates laughed, not caring about Arthur's words at all.

Seeing the tsunami coming, Arthur quickly ran into the repair shop.

He picked up Cooper, who had been treated and was sleeping, and followed them.

This group of people were as fierce as tigers when fighting.

They worked desperately.

Roger Pirates, who all have funny attributes in life.

Arthur had to accept it.

He had to accept it whether he accepted it or not.

Because, now he is a member of the ship.

In addition to the Four Emperors Agreement, it is entirely possible to grow slowly in this pirate group.

Because, the current enemies are only some strong men who can be dispatched in the navy.

Most of the others are bounty hunters and pirates.

"No matter what happens in this world, it's not strange anymore!" Arthur ran wildly holding Cooper.

Arrived at the height of the huge Seven Waters with Roger's pirate group.

The water gods were like a spectacle, forming an hourglass that surrounded the Seven Waters.

The tsunami formed was a hundred feet high.

Arthur, who was on the island, looked up as if the end of the world was coming.

"The waves are getting bigger again, Tom, they weren't this big last time!" Roger looked at the huge waves hitting the coastal islands of the Seven Waters.

The island seemed to be shaking.

It was like the earth was shaking, making people unstable.

"It gets much higher every year. The last time you saw it, it was almost ten years ago, right?" Tom looked at the huge waves.

Holding the Ol Jaxson, he went to the territory of other Tom Shipbuilding companies.

"The gods of water will not stop until the Seven Waters City is completely submerged in the sea. By then, we should all be gone."

Tom said as he walked to a higher place.

Hearing these words, Arthur narrowed his eyes.

This world will be submerged by the sea, and all land and islands except the Red Earth Continent will cease to exist.

This rare wave is one of the reasons, right?

"I'm tired, where can I rest?" Arthur asked, looking at everyone.

"I hope the repair shop has not been washed away. Let's go to my shipyard, Tom." Tom led everyone to other places in the Seven Waters City.

Soon, a group of people came to a very large shipyard in full view of the public.

There were various woods piled up inside, and many built hulls.

Waiting for customer service to buy.


Tom parked the Oljexson on a wide flat ground and looked at the Roger Pirates:

"It's getting late today, Kokoro, let's rest here."

"We've been busy all day, don't be polite, just find a place to rest." Kokoro assisted Tom and continued to entertain the Roger Pirates.

To them, the Roger Pirates were precious guests.

"Hey." Yamon walked into the house and patted Arthur on the shoulder behind him: "After the duel with the captain tomorrow, come with me to record a day's sailing diary, Arthur."

After that, Yamon patted Arthur on the shoulder.

Then, he walked to the room next to him with his spear on his back.

"Ah?" Arthur was confused and tilted his head.

Looking at Yamon's primitive clothes.

He had very few clothes on, and his thick golden hair completely covered his entire back.

His hair was so long that it almost fell to the ground.

"You have the same primitive smell as me, Arthur, try to get along with everyone." Yamon waved his arms with his back to Arthur.

This move shocked all the other members of Roger's pirate group.


Yamon, who is always aloof, actually took the initiative to talk to someone?

Or with a newcomer?

"I don't know how long the fight will last. Anyway, there may not be enough time." Arthur responded.

I thought, if I can be as good as Rayleigh in swordsmanship.

I won't be much different from Roger, right?

"Don't worry, it will be quick." Yamon entered the room and responded to Arthur: "You will probably have to stay with me all day tomorrow."

"Hehe." Arthur sneered.

Looking at the pirate group with only more than 20 people left, it was really a bit dull.

Before, there were about 40 people...

"Alas, is it caused by the Sabaody Archipelago?" He hugged Cooper and jumped onto the cool factory shed.

Then, he placed Cooper under him and lay on it.

Looking at the stars in the sky, listening to the sound of the tide receding, he gradually fell asleep.

A dreamless night.

The peace made him uncomfortable.

The next day.

Arthur suddenly woke up from the shipyard shed.

The sun gradually rose.

He covered the hilt of the scabbard in his hand with caution and looked around.

On the flat ground below, the early-rising Roger Pirates had already started a bonfire.

Cooper helped them and started to make breakfast with everyone.

And Barrett, who was hit yesterday, was training his body madly.

In the corner of the shipyard, doing physical training.

"Is Cooper awake..." Seeing this scene, Arthur panted quickly: "No warships... No sound of artillery shells... huh."

"Get up, Roger, it's time to check your body!" Krocus was on time at 8:30.

Ran into the house on the big ship where Roger was lying, woke him up and checked his body.

Prepare for the duel with Arthur today.

The shouting was deafening, and Arthur's spirit instantly perked up.

Just woke up, he stretched his sluggish muscles and bones, and jumped down in one step.

Walked into the room.

In the hall, I saw Roger, who was sleeping and being forcibly caught by Crocus for a physical examination.

"Damn it, why do I have to be controlled as a captain?" Roger stammered, still not sober.

"Before the battle, you must check your body carefully to avoid mistakes, Roger."

Suddenly, Yamon came with a diary, leaning against the door with his arms folded across his chest, waiting:

"Let's start quickly, I'm waiting for him to help me record the diary."

"Don't worry, even if he has just mastered the domineering color entanglement, I will end it in an instant." Roger stared at Arthur in a daze.

I am also looking forward to whether this guy will be like Barrett.

Killed by himself in an instant.

"Try it." Arthur clenched his back teeth, not doubting Roger's words at all.

He really has the strength to end the battle in an instant.

"I will do my best to meet you, Roger." Arthur also responded.

This competition is very important to him.

If he could withstand Roger's attack, which ended the battle in an instant.

This means that he can hold off the Golden Lion Shiki for a long time now.

"Haha, I haven't seen a newcomer who can last two hits on him. Even if you are very resistant, you can't withstand that domineering aura." Yamon said.

I don't think Arthur can match Roger from the bottom of my heart.

"Okay, your body is normal and you can fight with high intensity!" Krocas announced that Roger can fight.

Roger stood up, came to Arthur and grinned:

"Let's go! Let me see how strong your domineering aura is. I will end the battle with one strike. Come on with all your strength!"

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