On the other side Naval Headquarters, Marineford!

Inside Akainu's office!

At this moment, Akainu has not changed much compared to 5 years ago. He just has a little more wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, but it is not unusual for him who is almost 60 years old!

At this moment, they were smoking cigars neatly, crossing their legs and listening to the intelligence officer reporting some recent maritime intelligence to him. When the news about the Sabaody Archipelago was mentioned, the intelligence officer's expression was obviously a little solemn.

"According to the intelligence department at the front, it seems that this time the Sabaody Archipelago has gathered the largest number of pirates with the most powerful lineup in history... The top 10 supernovas of the era are all among them, as well as countless famous big pirates. Mixed in among them, the Celestial Dragons Saint Charlos is also there..."

"Sir, do we have to deal with those pirates ourselves?"

The spy suggested, after all, in his knowledge, only their Marine Admiral level experts could deal with pirates who had been there for so many years.

Hearing this, Akainu just raised his eyebrows and said something.

"I have sent three Marine Vice Admirals, Tianlong, Tianhu, and Sword Girl, to solve this matter!"

With just a simple sentence, the spy immediately lost his panic and grinned confidently.

"Since the three of them have taken action, I think nothing big will happen this time!"


Akainu nodded!

The tone of the two of them was very natural, as if this was a matter of course, and that was the fact.

Tianlong! Tianhu! Knife girl!

Perhaps only Akainu, who truly knows them, knows how powerful these three Marine Vice Admirals are!

It can be said that the talents of these three people are the only ones Akainu has seen in his life. Perhaps only under Luo Xiu, who has never shown up. These three children from Conch Village, Akainu almost treats them as treasures.

He put a lot of effort into them, and even personally taught them and led them on tasks. You know... Akainu is a Marine Admiral, and his time is really extremely precious.

But he still thought it was worth it, because the talents of Konan, Xiaohu, and Xiaolong were so terrible that they mastered Marine Six Styles in just one month, and mastered Armament Haki in the same year!

Then came Observation Haki, when these three children were only 13 years old!

This is not over yet, and Xiaolong and Xiaohu also obtained a Devil Fruit respectively when they went on a mission. The Zoan phantom beast Devil Fruit obtained by Xiaohu can transform into a white giant tiger... Its power is amazing!

The little dragon also received a Zoan phantom beast, the Devil Fruit, which can transform into a cyan dragon, somewhat similar to Kaido's Devil Fruit ability.

The two brothers seemed to have divine help, and they were progressing very quickly anyway.

Although Konan did not obtain the Devil Fruit, he had extremely terrifying talents in the art of swordsmanship. At the age of fifteen, he had defeated many swordsmanship masters in the Admiral of Headquarters and was self-taught...to practice swordsmanship alone!

The growth rate of these three children shocked not only Akainu but also everyone in Naval Headquarters. When the current Marine Marshal Sengoku saw these three children, he wanted to pass his mantle to them...

Naihe was directly rejected, but this also shows how talented these three children are!

Of course, what Akainu values ​​most about them is not their talent, but... hard work!

Akainu squinted his eyes and inadvertently recalled the stubborn figures of these three children.

Yes, there is no shortage of geniuses in this world, but there must be a shortage of hard-working geniuses. This is the case for the two Konan and the three others.

Because the obsession in their hearts is too powerful, and their obsession is also very simple!

That is...kill all the pirates!

The power of hatred may be the most magical and terrifying thing in the world. I have witnessed my family being massacred by pirates... and I have watched my brother give up the chance of life for them.

How could they waste their hard-earned lives? For them, every minute and every second that can improve their strength is precious.

This means that they are only seventeen or eighteen years old and already have extremely strong strength. Among the Marine Vice Admirals in Naval Headquarters, they are also extremely strong!

"This is the first time these three children have gone on a mission together in so many years. I hope those pirates can be more durable... Don't make it too easy!"

In the office!

Akainu also rarely showed an arrogant smile. There was no way... Konan and the others gave Akainu such confidence.

The intelligence officer also echoed from the side,

"Having three of them in our Marine generation is really a blessing to our Marine!"


Akainu laughed heartily, indeed...he really couldn't find anyone among his peers who could defeat Konan and the three of them...

Akainu was thinking about this, but a special figure emerged subconsciously in his mind. It was an equally stubborn young man...

The unique pair of my blood eyes left Akainu fresh in his memory. Akainu still remembers the shock that boy gave him.

He fought alone in a city and killed all the pirates who dared not show his face, and he also killed Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, in a traffic jam... The boy was only 13 years old at that time.

It is so terrifying that no one can compare with it if we count decades or even hundreds of years of history!

His name is Luo Xiu, blood-eyed Luo Xiu!

After a moment of silence, Akainu suddenly asked the intelligence officer beside him.

"Still no news about the child?"

The intelligence officer naturally knew what Akainu was asking, and he answered calmly.


Akainu's eyes suddenly looked lonely. The boy who kept saying that he wanted to kill all the pirates in the world and determined to change the world...

Is he really dead?

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