Sengoku said calmly, this was one of the few major decisions he made.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was another commotion in the conference room.

The expressions of a group of Marine executives immediately became extremely exciting, and the lazy brows of Kizaru, Aokiji and others could not help but spread.

A pirate was publicly executed at Naval Headquarters Marineford. This was the first time in so many years!

However, the son of Pirate King Roger does have this qualification. He represents Roger's spirit. Assuming that he is really publicly executed by Marine in Marineford... it will definitely be another heavy blow to the pirates.

At that moment, a group of big guys from the main war faction nodded in agreement.

"The marshal's plan is good, let the son of Pirate King Roger be publicly executed... This can once again severely damage the spiritual power of pirates in the entire sea area, and give everyone who wants to go to sea to become pirates a heavy blow."

"The impact of this operation...maybe no less than the last Sabaody Archipelago incident! It is a new major turning point for our Marine!"

But the militant faction thought this was an excellent opportunity, but a group of conservatives thought it was inappropriate.

"This Portcas, D, Ace seems to be the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates. With the character of the Whitebeard Pirates, if we want to publicly execute their crew members in Marineford... it will be tantamount to Their provocation.”

"It is very likely to force the Whitebeard Pirates to go to Marineford and start a war with us immediately!"

"The consequences of a head-on war with a Four Emperors pirate group are too great... We must be cautious and cautious!"

Unsurprisingly, a heated argument broke out between the two parties on this topic. This is also an extremely common thing that happens in every major Marine meeting!

There's almost nothing that two different factions can agree on, and that's the Marine way of balancing things...both good and bad.

But everyone knows that there are still a few people who can ultimately make these decisions.

Those are the ones sitting at the front of the conference table, the Marine three Admiral...Kizaru, Aokiji, Akainu, and the crane known as the think tank, Vice Admiral, Sengoku and...that one.

The old man who lowered his head and listened to the heated discussion without expressing any opinions had a complicated expression on his face... He just kept sighing.

His name is Garp and he is known as the Hero of the Marines!

It's just that at this moment, he was a little uncharacteristically depressed.

"Sengoku...I'm a little tired and want to go out for a while!"

After a moment of silence, Garp suddenly looked at Sengoku and said, Sengoku hesitated and nodded.

Immediately, Garp opened the door of the conference room and walked out, regardless of everyone's gaze!

Garp's impolite behavior made a group of people frown, but due to the opponent's title of Marine Hero, they couldn't say anything. Only a few people who knew some inside information knew... the reason why Garp did this.

Because according to rumors... this Ace seems to have a relationship with Garp, but it's very hidden.

In the end, Sengoku clapped his hands again to stop the quarrel. He narrowed his eyes and spoke.

"Let's stick to the old, the minority obeys the majority, one vote for Marine Vice Admiral and below, two votes for Marine Admiral...I have three votes."


If there is any debate, just vote. Marine's system is still very complete, and everyone started this round of voting without hesitation.

However, because this incident is indeed extraordinary and may affect the future situation of Marine and even the sea, everyone seems to be much more cautious in voting.

Except...a few people!

A man wearing a red suit, smoking a cigar and crossing his legs even in the conference room, took the lead and voted in favor.

Everyone's lips twitched when they saw this. Akainu is still as tough as ever. Wherever there is a battle, he will be there, without any thought at all!

And those who followed Akainu were three young people... It was Sword Girl, Tianlong, and Tianhu Vice Admiral. They also quickly voted in favor of the public execution of Ace in Marineford, and then quietly sat back in their own seats. Location.

Looking at the three youngest Marine Vice Admirals, Tianlong and Tianhu, who barely hesitated, everyone had complicated expressions.

As the three people with the most potential in Marine currently, most people present actually want to win them over to their own camp. After all, the three of them are very likely to become one of the leaders of Marine in the future...

But it seems that the bond between those three people and Akainu is a little too deep, and they have no chance to recruit each other.

Everyone was a little disappointed that three more war maniacs would be cultivated. Then Marine would have a headache in the future!

Voting continues...

Most of the conservatives and militants voted for their own camp, which is also the common acquiescence of everyone. But what is surprising is that even those two lazy guys started to move and directly expressed their support. …

Everyone looked at Aokiji and Kizaru who voted in favor with astonishment. These two guys are famous throughout Naval Headquarters for their eccentric temperaments.

I just push the blame wherever I can, and I don’t want to take any responsibility at all... If it weren’t for the fact that no one in Naval Headquarters can support the position of Marine Admiral, Aokiji and Kizaru would have been replaced long ago, and now these two goods are actually Support the war?

Simply incredible!

Kizaru and Aokiji ignored everyone's whispers. After voting, they sat back and pretended to squint in their seats.

Only Sengoku crossed his arms and glanced at Aokiji and Kizaru, as if he had already guessed the other's choice!

And with the statements of these Admirals, and Sengoku's unquestionable vote in favor... it also directly pushed the voting result to an obvious result.

That is war!

Marineford publicly executed Ace and broadcast it live... If the Whitebeard Pirates dare to attack Marineford, then they will go to war!

Let the latter never come back!

The conservatives scratched their heads and had no choice but to do anything. The militants were very excited, but this was no longer important, the matter was a done deal!

Everyone subconsciously held their heads high at this moment!

Maybe... if their generation of Marine really makes history again!

There was silence for a while. Sengoku looked at the unflinching expressions on everyone's faces and was immediately satisfied. This is Marine!

Marine who dares to fight!

"In that case... at noon seven days later, Portcas, D. Ace, son of Pirate King Roger, will be publicly executed at Marineford!"

"By then, the Whitebeard Pirates will most likely come to Marineford to rob the law... We need to be fully prepared."

Sengoku started to discuss preparations for the war with a serious look on his face. Everyone pricked up their ears and listened carefully!

Time passed by like a flash, and the meeting on dealing with Ace lasted until late at night, during which no one left early!

This meeting also discussed several main contents!

The first is to mobilize the excess Marines from various sea areas as soon as possible to come to Marineford to assist in the battle. If you want to fight, then fight in one wave. It is best to destroy the Whitebeard Pirates here, so sufficient troops are indispensable!

The second is to call on all Seven Warlords of the Sea to come and help in the battle in the name of World government!

In fact, the policies of the Seven Warlords of the Sea have always been criticized, because each of these Seven Warlords of the Sea are actually big pirates who have committed many serious crimes, but they have to be balanced to support them... And limited to a controllable range.

In a certain sense, it is a win-win situation, but with the development of these years, the Seven Warlords of the Sea have gradually become uncontrollable... The risk factor is extremely high, so the World government has been considering whether to abolish this system.

That’s why after Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, was killed a few years ago, no one was chosen to take over...

The purpose of letting these Seven Warlords of the Sea come to join the battle this time is to see if these Seven Warlords of the Sea still need support!

If you don't come or don't do anything when you come...then maybe this system really needs to be abolished!

The third main content is about the issue of Ace, when to pick up the opponent from Impel down, and then who to send to pick him up...the subsequent execution and a series of other issues.

All in all, Marine took this public execution of Ace seriously as never before!

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