
"Koya-chan, wait a minute. I'm going to make breakfast. Xiao Bai put down Keya, who was half-squinting. So happy, and so sexually happy! White is really good! Mom! Kya fell asleep in a daze.

"Keya-chan, get up and eat." Picking up the sleeping Kaya, Xiao Bai leaned Kya on himself and said. "Hmm. White. I'm so tired! I really want to sleep!?" Keya wiped her eyes. "Good! I'm going to sleep after eating. Let's come to this ramen. "Ahh Delicious soup!! The noodles are delicious, too. It's good to be white! Keya praised Xiao Bai while eating ramen.

"Fool. If you want to eat it, I'll make it for our Keya sauce! Eat it!! After eating, I made up for sleep!!" Xiao Bai touched Keya's head and said. "Hiss. Wow. It's so full!!" Keya patted her stomach and said. "Okay, let's rest!!" White! Never leaving Keya, right!?" Xiao Bai, who had just wanted to get up, listened: "Baga! Never!" Looking back at Keya, I realized that I was talking in a dream. "Huh! Rest well. Xiao Bai changed the quilt and walked out of the room. At the moment when Xiao Bai closed the door, Keya opened her eyes with a smile. Then he closed his eyes again. "White really. It's really good! Mom! ".....

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