"The soul is pale and white. Do you want to kill me!?" Nami pinched Xiao Bai's neck and shook it! "Hmmm! Mei! The top has arrived. "Xiao Bai's face is full of pig brother." Yes! You're colorful. Wolf. "Bang bang BOMM Nami after a punch and kick." Obviously, Xiaomei herself came up. Xiao Bai muttered. You also say. Look at the hit ".........

The cart was running with a bang, and suddenly a stone knocked off the wheels. "Ahh BOMM: "Woo! It hurts so much that I bite. "Ahh Nami sprang to her feet, her hands on her chest. "You're a bleak soul. Hue. Wolf #¥@#¥@#%" "This! Looks like you bumped into me yourself! Xiao Bai was sweating profusely. Yes! Nami screamed as she looked at the cart that was almost in the air. Aren't you afraid!?" Nami looked at Koya with tears in her eyes. "It's okay! White and strong. "“....."“ Oh hehehe. I'm a pirate with a bounty of 1000W Bailey, which is a little bit of a storm. Oh hehehe".

"Huh! It's like running on the ground just now!! Why. Nami thought as she looked at the cart that was almost floating on the sea. Ahhh It's so slow to sail over! What the hell are they doing!?" Xiao Bai looked at the shadow of the Merry around him. "Boom, boom, boom", the whole sea is shaking. "What's going on, is something going on!?" Nami grabbed the feathers of the thousand-year-old dragon and asked Xiao Bai. "That's just a prelude to the emergence of the Dragon's Lair. Soul light Luffy. Come on! Xiao Bai waved his hand.

"Yo Si! Immediately in the direction of the Great Voyage. Xiao Bai looked at the board cart that had been fixed with a rope and commanded. Why do we have to listen to you? "Sanji jumped out unhappily." Don't ask so much! Just go. Nami yelled. It's "*4 boom boom. The sea is shaking more and more. "Hurry up. Try to stay away from Gunkanjima as much as possible. One more point is fine. Xiao Bai looked at the increasingly obvious green of the sea.

"Boom, boom." The dragon's lair, which sank to the bottom of the sea, came to the surface. "Wow! Master Long! Look at that! Dragon's Lair! We're in the Dragon's Lair. Now Long Ye will be fine. "Roar!" the thousand-year-old dragon suddenly roared towards the sky. Long Ye said! Time's up! "

Abyss stared blankly at the dragon master who roared into the sky. "Let's go!" Xiao Bai pulled up Koya Carmen and Abirita and walked onto the boat, "Hey! Why is Xiao Bai in a hurry to leave! Luffy asked Xiao Bai puzzled. Luffy! Men should leave silently. Xiao Bai said solemnly. I know! Luffy said as he pulled his companion up and got on the boat.

"Guys! Take care. Take care of the strange millet too. Ablis turned back to the Merry in the distance and said loudly. Oh! Ablis should take care of herself, too. Nami said, waving.


"Look at it! I've heard rumors, and that's how it was drawn on the charts. If that's the case. The entrance to the Great Passage is in... Mountains. Nami said, pointing to the charts. Hey! Are we going to put it on the mountain? Keya picked up a piece of apple and sent it to Xiao Bai's mouth. I don't think it's possible either. On the nautical chart, the canal is painted on the mountain. And our ships are going to ... Mountaineering. "

"Hey, hey! Nami, the currents here are so strong! The rudder won't turn. Usopp said, pulling the rudder. Yes! I understand. ............... That's it, we're already on the current, just take the helm and it's OK. "

"Xiaomei! It's raining outside! Xiao Bai walked to the deck and said to Nami in the cabin. Luffy. I'll leave it to you. Nami finished packing her raincoat and ran to the deck.

"Hurry up! Put the sails away. The soul is faint and white! You can help too! Nami looked at Xiao Bai who was standing on the deck blowing the wind and roared. Xiao Bai put out a leather sofa and made it, bringing out a cup of black tea and enjoying it. Of course, the rain was blocked with power.

"See, Red Earth." “HO! It's amazing, it's on the clouds! Luffy was so shocked that his jaw dropped to the ground. So! Miss Navigator, what are we going to do now! Crashing directly into the Red Clay Continent!? Xiao Bai was lying bored on the sofa. It's amazing! The water is really climbing the mountain! Sauron suddenly burst out with a word. Usopp went straight ahead! As he spoke, the ship had reached the foot of the Red Earth Continent.

"Usopp, right full rudder!" Nami said when she saw the hull of the ship tilted to the left. "The right rudder is full of rudders, damn it, Sanji is here to help!" Usopp: "Oh! "It's really hard to turn the rudder!" "BOMM" Sanji and Usopp suddenly crashed into the table on the wall. "It's strange, why did the rudder suddenly turn to the right!?" Sanji and Usopp thought speechlessly.

"Whew! Isn't it just a rudder! You don't have to move a finger to do it! Xiao Bai whistled proudly. Feed! Everyone! For this moment, let's have a toast! Xiao Bai took out a rum punch. Oh! Cheers "*8" Woo! Hahahaha, so happy! The beauties of the Great Voyage. Cheers. "Wooh!" The ship flew up, boom! and floated down the current.

"Hey! Did you hear anything!? "Zoro heard Rab's roar as in the original." Isn't that the wind! Nami was enjoying the sea breeze with her eyes closed. What is that! Usopp pointed to the large black shadow in front of him. Whales! "*N

"Usopp, hurry up and fill the rudder!" "The rudder can't turn!" "What! I'm here to help, too. "Soul light! Xiao Bai, why don't you feel nervous at all! Nami looked at Xiao Bai, who was still drinking leisurely, and scolded. Feel relieved! Feel relieved! Didn't your captain act! I'll just sit. Well! What a nice sea breeze! Whew! Xiao Bai tilted his head and fell asleep. BOMM" Luffy fired a shot, "Bang! "Ahh Oh my grand seat! Luffy ran out of the cabin in a rage. Syllable! "“??? How did I fall asleep? It's weird. "Xiaoya! Kaka! Is the meal ready? "What did you do to my stateroom!" "Bang" Luffy sent a pistol to Rab's eyes. "Huh! Xiaomei! Why are you all crying? "'Roar'" soul is faint! It's okay, you're called a hairy! Xiao Bai said as he flew a barrel into Rab's eyes. Roar! "Whoa! The Merry was swallowed.


"Hey! I'm not dreaming! Zoro looked at the 'sky' and said, "No! I don't think I'm dreaming. Usopp looked at the green sea. I thought we were swallowed by a whale! Sanji lit a cigarette. "The octopus king popped up. "Wow! Grilled octopus. "Woohoo! Xiao Bai cooked the 8 legs of the octopus into his own space at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye. "Just now! The guy swung his sword. No one saw it. That guy is definitely a great swordsman. Zoro thought as he held the word and thought about it.

The events that followed were as they were in the original book.

PS: Copy! Stickup! Ask for flowers. Ask for a tip. Asking for a monthly pass..........

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