The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 101 The heroes are convinced!

As expected, although Lin Tiannan was surrounded by sword beams, Zhang Chen only relied on the sharpness of Xuanyuan Sword and abundant physical strength to fight guerrilla warfare with Lin Tiannan.

Lin Tiannan had no better solution and could only use the Qi Jue sword energy to temporarily resist Zhang Chen's attack.

This situation was only seen by a few people who understood it. In the eyes of other martial arts heroes, it was clear that Zhang Chen was at a disadvantage and was being beaten by Lin Tiannan's Qi Jue sword energy!

"Alas! It seems that this little brother from Shushan still needs some training!" An old man with a kind face shook his head and sighed.

"This is also expected. Lord Lin has been famous in the martial arts world for more than ten years. It is good that Zhang Chen can hold on to this time. If it were us, who can guarantee that he can hold on for so long?" said another martial arts hero.

"Yes, yes!" Others echoed.

The battle on the field was not interrupted by the comments of this group of people.

Zhang Chen, on the other hand, became more and more excited as he fought. He changed his previous chaotic sword-fighting style and began to attack the opponent's vital points with one move after another.

Just kidding, Zhang Chen had come through a sea of ​​blood and corpses. In terms of combat experience, Zhang Chen was not inferior to anyone present, but Zhang Chen's strength was a little low.

After more than a hundred moves, Lin Tiannan's Qi Jue sword energy was already exhausted. Just when Lin Tiannan was preparing for the last big explosion, Zhang Chen suddenly stopped his attack.

After taking a few steps back, Zhang Chen put away the Xuanyuan Sword and clasped his fists towards Lin Tiannan, saying, "Thank you."

Lin Tiannan, who was just in the storm, did not react for a while. Until Zhang Chen spoke, Lin Tiannan was still a little dazed.

Lin Tiannan took a deep breath, dispersed the Qi Jue sword energy around him, and a smile appeared on his face.

"There are talents in every generation on the Jiangshang, young man Zhang, you are promising young man!"

After saying that, Lin Tiannan returned to his seat.

The people around him were in an uproar.

It was clear that Lin Tiannan had the upper hand before, so why did Zhang Chen suddenly withdraw and Lin Tiannan admit defeat?

Seeing Lin Tiannan go down, Zhang Chen clasped his fists to the heroes present and said, "Which other heroes want to come up and compete?"

The Lord of Shenjiabao, who had been looking at Lin Tiannan before, shook his head at this time.

The reason why Lin Tiannan and he created such a big reputation, with the name of South Lin and North Shen, is because the two people are equally strong, and there are few people present who can be stronger than them... No! There is another person.

Thinking of this, the Lord of Shenjiabao turned his head to look at Shi Gonghu who was drinking tea at the back.

Just after Zhang Chen finished speaking, a big and strong man jumped out.

"Let me try!"

The man was wearing leopard skin, holding a golden ring sword in his hand, and a face full of stubble. Although he looked a little clumsy, his eyes flashed a cunning from time to time.

This man is the third in command of the Giant Whale Gang.

The Giant Whale Gang has developed rapidly in recent years, and the two gangs can be said to be two giants with the Giant Shark Gang.

This third boss looks big and strong, but he actually has his own little tricks in mind.

Although Zhang Chen is strong, he has just consumed so much energy. At this time, he is not without a fight. Even if he is not good, there are still the second boss and the first boss. The round-robin battle will always make Zhang Chen fail.

By that time, the Giant Whale Gang will become famous in one fell swoop, and its influence will be expanded in front of so many heroes!

Zhang Chen shook his head at the man holding the golden ring broadsword in front of him, "Then let's start!"

This man can't handle the situation at all. When Zhang Chen saw him, he knew that the gap between this man and himself was too big.

The man roared, shook the golden ring broadsword in his hand, and it was a knife.

Too slow!

Zhang Chen thought in his heart, while leisurely dodging to the side.

After dozens of moves, Zhang Chen was unscathed, but this man was already sweating profusely.

After such a long time, Zhang Chen was not stopped once. The man was inexplicably irritable, "Damn it! If you have the guts, don't run! Let me chop you with a knife!"

Zhang Chen nodded, "Okay, I won't run."

The man immediately rushed towards Zhang Chen with a knife.

Zhang Chen took out the Xuanyuan Sword, without infusing it with spiritual energy, and simply fought with the big knife head-on.

The golden ring big knife in the man's hand was instantly split into two.

The man who was originally chopping with all his strength suddenly felt light in his hands, lost his balance, and rolled forward several meters like a gourd.

The heroes around laughed at this scene.

Zhang Chen came to the man at this time.

"Although your offensive is fierce, your lower body is insufficient, and your skills are not practiced well. Although this golden ring big knife needs to have an indomitable momentum, it also needs to be able to adapt to changes."

The man was originally ready to continue, but after hearing Zhang Chen's words, he also knew where he was lacking.

He immediately cupped his fists towards Zhang Chen, "Young Master Zhang, I'm convinced!" The man walked back after saying that.

Zhang Chen ignored the man and cupped his fists towards the people around him, saying, "Which other heroes want to come and spar with me?"

When the people around him saw that Zhang Chen could actually give advice, they all asked to come up and spar with him.

This time, there was no strong smell of gunpowder as before. Instead, it really became a sparring match. Zhang Chen helped the various martial arts masters on the field to point out their shortcomings and told them how to fight.

Although it was not very tiring to give advice, Zhang Chen still felt a little overwhelmed after dealing with hundreds of people.

Fortunately, all the heroes benefited a lot at this time. Even those who did not participate in the sparring could learn from other sparring players and have a certain understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses.

As the sky began to darken, no one came forward to discuss the matter. Everyone could see that Zhang Chen was a little overwhelmed.

Zhang Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead and clasped his fists at the people around him again, "Who else wants to come and learn from each other?" Although he said this, everyone around him smiled and shook his head.

A martial artist in the crowd saw Zhang Chen's tiredness and couldn't help but laugh and said, "Zhang Shaoxia, you'd better go back and rest quickly. We are just here to join in the fun. We can see such a wonderful scene today. We will have no regrets in this life." ah!"

"That's right, that's right. Although I didn't go up to discuss, the advice Zhang Shaoxia just gave is still useful to me. Zhang Shaoxia should rest early!"

At this time, no one jumped out and asked for a discussion. They all advised Zhang Chen to go back and rest.

Zhang Chen clasped his fists at the people around him again, "Thank you all."

Situ Zhong walked over at this time, gave Zhang Chen a thumbs up, and then said to a group of heroes, "In that case, I declare that Zhang Chen..."

Situ Zhong was interrupted before he finished speaking.


The voice came from behind a group of heroes. Everyone looked back and saw Shi Gonghu, who had a leisurely look on his face, slowly walking forward.

"I, Shi Gonghu, would like to learn some of Zhang Shaoxia's clever tricks!"

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