As soon as the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult finished speaking, Dugu Yuyun's flying sword rushed to his back with a destructive momentum.

At this time, he calmly stretched out a hand and accurately touched the tip of the flying sword with his fingers.

A wave of air spreads around with wind pressure.

Dugu Yuyun's face darkened.

The strength of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult has improved again. Although he can still beat him, Dugu Yuyun can no longer keep him.

The flying sword missed and flew directly back to Dugu Yuyun, floating aside, obviously gaining momentum.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult still didn't turn around, "You know you can't keep me now, right? So, why are you wasting your efforts? Alas!"

After that, he continued to walk out.

Zhang Chen looked at the back of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, and suddenly his heart became fierce. He took out the Guiyuan Liquid and Spiritual Wine and drank a lot. Then the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand shook suddenly, and a mysterious aura began to fill the surroundings.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult felt this aura and instantly turned his head, looking at Zhang Chen like lightning.

Zhang Chen looked at the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult without any sign of weakness, felt the spiritual energy beginning to surge in his body, and said calmly, "Since the leader has said so, I really want to give it a try!"

After saying that, Zhang Chen's consciousness led the spiritual energy in his body to rush out of the body. For a moment, a commanding sword intent rose up from the surrounding area. The white clouds that were originally floating in the sky were instantly repelled by the sword intent, and the white jade surrounding him for a kilometer instantly Disappeared, the rays of the setting sun shone down, illuminating Zhang Chen's tall and tall figure even more slender.

At this moment, Zhang Chen had no scruples at all. Even if Worshiping the Moon attacked, Zhang Chen would still have Dugu Yuyun protecting him. He could just use the leader of Worshiping the Moon to try out the new moves he just learned this morning!

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult glanced at the clouds in the sky and his expression froze slightly.

Zhang Chen was obviously amplifying his move, and judging from the momentum, this move should not be underestimated.

Now the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult can't leave even if he wants to, unless Zhang Chen's move ends, because Zhang Chen has locked the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult firmly with his spiritual consciousness. Even if he hides in the ends of the earth, this move can still find him.

All the heroes present were shocked and speechless. From Zhang Chen's sudden counterattack to the appearance of the Moon Worshiping Leader, too many things happened in this short period of time. When Zhang Chen's move When the sword intent soared into the sky, they could only stare blankly at the sky, their minds going blank.

Zhang Chen did not dare to delay for too long, and his spiritual energy was not enough to continue to accumulate momentum for the sword moves. He moved at will, and the shadows of five giant swords slowly appeared beside Zhang Chen.

As the five giant swords appeared, the face of the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader became a little ugly. He could feel that these five giant swords could pose a certain threat to him.

What the hell is this?

The five giant swords finally took shape, and the already powerful sword intent surged out even more as the giant swords took shape.

Zhang Chen's consciousness was always firmly locked on the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult opposite.

The five giant swords hovered next to Zhang Chen for a moment, and then suddenly rose to the top of Zhang Chen's head. The tips of the swords that were originally hanging upside down were raised, pointing at the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult not far away.

The first reaction of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult at this time was to slap Shi Gonghu on the body, sending Shi Gonghu directly down the mountain gate, and then turned around to face Zhang Chen for the first time.

"Zhang Shaoxia, I still underestimate you!"

Zhang Chen shook his head and smiled. He didn't care that the hem of his clothes was shaking violently. He gently cupped his fists and said, "Master, please give me a lesson!"

As soon as Zhang Chen finished speaking, the five giant swords spun at high speed and rushed directly towards the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

Before the giant sword arrived, the strong wind pressure blew the Moon Worshiping Leader's hair away, and the black clothes on his body also made a rustling sound.

However, the face of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was still very calm, and he opened his arms as if to embrace the upcoming sword move.

"That's okay. Being young and energetic is a good thing, but being young and frivolous is very serious. If you don't say it well, people will die."

Zhang Chen no longer cared about talking at this time, but used all his strength to activate the five giant swords.

Now Zhang Chen is still a little too reluctant to activate these five giant swords. He has consumed too much spiritual energy before, and after a day of sparring, his consciousness is not very healthy, so Zhang Chen can only concentrate on Above this sword move.

When the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult saw that Zhang Chen was no longer paying attention to him, he also understood that Zhang Chen would not hear what he said. His originally open arms trembled slightly, and streams of black energy emerged from them.

The black energy condensed and gathered at the feet of the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader, lifting the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader into the air, and then formed the shape of a giant centipede with a body length of dozens of meters.

After the giant centipede formed by the gathering of black energy took shape, it roared at the five flying giant swords, and then rushed forward without fear of death.

At the same time, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult took out a small golden scorpion from his arms and threw it directly forward.

The scorpion swelled in the wind, and when it landed it was already a giant scorpion nearly seven or eight meters tall.

Then the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult took out a jade-covered spider, a golden toad and a small blue snake.

These three poisonous creatures also swelled up in the wind, and finally turned into big guys several meters tall.

After doing this, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult looked at Zhang Chen with a relaxed expression.

"You'd better play with my little guys first!"

Situ Zhong saw these five "little guys" and shouted, "Five poisons!"

Dugu Yuyun's face didn't look very good at this time.

Originally, there was a rumor in the world that the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was awakening the five poisonous beasts, the ancient magical beasts. Now that these five poisons have appeared, the rumors of the five poisonous beasts seem to be true.

Zhang Chen couldn't speak at this time, and could only control the five giant swords with all his strength. However, after the five poisons appeared, Zhang Chen still saw them, adjusted the position of the flying sword, and took the lead in shooting at the five poisons.

The five poisons showed their magical powers, and venom, poison gas, poison thread, poison mist, and poison tongue all faced the giant swords in front of them.

In almost an instant, the tip of the giant sword was stained with a layer of emerald green.

At the same time, the color was constantly added, and the range was constantly expanding.

Zhang Chen's face changed, and he quickly retracted his consciousness and compressed it behind the giant sword.

The toxicity of these five poisons can actually infect moves!

As the color expanded, Zhang Chen had to reduce his control over the giant sword, and his consciousness was ready to withdraw at any time.

The spiritual energy was eroded, and it was hard to guarantee that the consciousness would not be harmed. Zhang Chen did not dare to take risks.

After the five poisons were sprayed, the giant sword slowed down a little because it lost most of Zhang Chen's control, but it still descended in front of the five poisons with unabated momentum.

After the five poisonous creatures had finished spitting out their venom, they had no room to resist and were directly killed by the giant swords. However, the giant swords were also corroded by the venom and had gaps one after another.

While the venom had not completely corroded the five giant swords, Zhang Chen controlled the giant swords to finally shoot at the Moon Worshiper, and his consciousness instantly returned to his body.

The Moon Worshiper was suppressed by the sword intent on the five giant swords, but he was not panicked at all. His arms were still open, and a light black light curtain suddenly appeared in front of him.

The five giant swords hit the light curtain one after another.

When the first giant sword was installed, the light curtain did not move at all. When the second giant sword hit it, the light curtain began to shake. When the third giant sword hit it, the color of the light curtain was extremely light. The last two giant swords directly smashed the light curtain.

In the end, only the hilts of the last two giant swords came to the Moon Worshiper. The Moon Worshiper waved his hand lightly, and a black air directly eliminated Zhang Chen's last move.

Zhang Chen was completely exhausted at this time and fainted. Before the world was completely dark, Zhang Chen saw Situ Zhong rushing over and anxiously saying something to him.

Then, Zhang Chen's consciousness fell into darkness!

The author appeared again! Thank you Question for the 100 book coins reward!

Then recommend an interesting doomsday book!

"I Have a Pot of Flowers in the End of the World"

Life is always painful...

Zhang Xin slept, traveled through time, changed, encountered some zombies, and provoked a ruthless woman...

In a world full of zombies, in the era of awakening superpowers, there is a fake woman holding a pot of flowers and wandering around!

This article is a little funny, a little dark, a little bloody, and a little... a little warm...

There is already a novel of one million words, please feel free to collect and fatten it up!

Finally, promote the group: 618030592

The group drives from time to time, girls, benefits, gay friends, everything is here!

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