The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 106 The Secret of Xuanyuan Sword

The vision of heaven and earth caused by Zhang Chen's breakthrough was spread to the heroes of the world who were still in Shu Mountain.

Zhang Chen once again became popular in the world, and it was a complete mess.

People in the arena are going crazy.

Are you going to let people live? It's also cultivation. How come you, Zhang Chen, can make such a big noise and have the vision of dragons and phoenixes appearing in heaven and earth? Why are we all unknown?

Because of Zhang Chen, many more people went to Shushan to practice Taoism. Many young people who followed Zhang Chen's example set off to Shushan.

The purpose is to become a celebrity like Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen didn't know anything about this yet. Now Zhang Chen couldn't care less about these things. He was taking a shower non-stop.

That's right, taking a shower.

After breaking through the barrier that day, Zhang Chen was almost fainted by a stench the first time he woke up. Then Zhang Chen discovered that his body was wrapped in a layer of dark impurities.

I don't know what these impurities are, but they are extremely smelly. When Zhang Chen was practicing, he didn't realize that he had succeeded in breaking through the realm, and he was instantly stupefied by the fumes.

After Zhang Chen successfully cleared the barrier, Situ Zhong didn't come in either.

Everyone comes here like this, of course Situ Zhong knows what will happen next.

In the next few days, Zhang Chen still did not come out, but soaked in the water for several days.

When he came out again, Zhang Chen stretched himself refreshed.

After sitting there motionless for more than ten days, Zhang Chen felt uncomfortable all over and wanted to move around.

Summoning the Xuanyuan Sword, Zhang Chen was about to move, but was stunned.

Xuanyuan Sword gave Zhang Chen a completely different feeling than before.

Before, Zhang Chen only felt that this was a divine weapon, indestructible, and there was nothing strange about it in other aspects, but now Zhang Chen could feel that as he summoned the Xuanyuan Sword, the sword was actually getting excited? !

Zhang Chen picked up the Xuanyuan Sword and looked at it carefully.

Although the patterns on the Xuanyuan Sword were magical, Zhang Chen still couldn't understand any of them. However, as Zhang Chen looked more closely, he didn't know if it was an illusion or something, but Zhang Chen felt that the luster on the Xuanyuan Sword became a little brighter.

There was no other way, Zhang Chen could only try to observe Xuanyuan Sword with his spiritual consciousness.

It is worth mentioning that since Zhang Chen successfully built the foundation, when Zhang Chen looked inside, a small platform appeared on the lower Dantian. There was only a small phoenix on the platform, and it was still motionless. It was to compete with Zhang Chen for spiritual energy.

Fortunately, this little phoenix absorbed very little spiritual energy, which did not affect Zhang Chen at all.

In addition to physical changes, Zhang Chen's spiritual consciousness also experienced some changes. The total amount increased several times, and he became more comfortable to use.

As soon as Zhang Chen's consciousness came into contact with Xuanyuan Sword, he felt the world spinning.

When Zhang Chen woke up again, he had already arrived in front of a palace.

The palace looked a little dim, and the entire palace was tightly bound by more than a dozen chains.

This is where?

Zhang Chen looked around.

Didn't I just check Xuanyuan Sword?

Just when Zhang Chen thought about Xuanyuan Sword, the palace door in front of him suddenly opened a tiny gap.

From the gap, some light golden mist spread out.

At the same time, the eleven chains that bound the palace suddenly began to shrink, and the door that originally had a gap closed again.

Zhang Chen saw the scene in front of him and had some enlightenment in his heart.

Could this be the inside of Xuanyuan Sword? Then I...

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen lowered his head and looked at his body.

Sure enough, Zhang Chen's body was a little illusory, obviously not a physical body.

Zhang Chen walked to the palace door and touched the vicissitudes of the door with his hand, "What do you want to tell me?"

Following Zhang Chen's movements, the entire hall shook more violently. At the same time, the door suddenly opened a gap. This gap was even larger than before, and countless amounts of light golden mist spurted out and poured directly into Zhang Chen's body.

Soon, the chains began to prepare to shrink, but there was no movement in the hall before the chains.

Zhang Chen's body was sprayed with light golden mist, and as the golden mist blended into Zhang Chen's illusory body.

Zhang Chen suddenly felt that he had a slight connection with the hall in front of him.

Just when Zhang Chen was about to continue to see the specific situation here, a sharp pain brought Zhang Chen back to reality.

"You kid is dying! How dare you leave your body! Fortunately, I arrived in time, otherwise, you would have been completely finished!"

As soon as Zhang Chen opened his eyes, he found himself sitting cross-legged on the ground. In front of him, Situ Zhong was pointing his sword finger at Zhang Chen's eyebrows, cursing with an unhappy look on his face.

"What happened just now?" Zhang Chen was a little confused.

Seeing Zhang Chen's confused look, Situ Zhong sighed helplessly.

"You're such a big-hearted kid. You dared to leave your body just after building the foundation. Don't you want to live? If you don't want to live, tell me and I'll kill you with one palm. If I hadn't pulled you back just now, your soul would have been gone." If God stays out longer, he will not find his way back.”

After that, Situ Zhong carefully explained to Zhang Chen the danger just now.

It turns out that the reason why foundation building is called foundation building is that this foundation is built for the Yuan Shen. Generally speaking, the Yuan Shen is a person's soul, and spiritual consciousness is also derived from the Yuan Shen. In other words, the Yuan Shen is the spiritual consciousness. The origin of the spirit, if the Yuan Shen is destroyed, the human being will be destroyed, and if the Yuan Shen is strong, the human soul will be destroyed.

Under normal circumstances, the Yuan Shen is born in the center of the eyebrows, that is, the upper Dantian. The next thing Zhang Chen needs to practice is to condense the Yuan Shen, turn the Yuan Shen from virtual to real, and finally transfer it to the lower Dantian. When this Once completed in one step, it is the elixir formation stage. Of course, this process is a long process and requires a large amount of spiritual energy to nourish it.

And Zhang Chen's Yuan Shen had just been pulled into the Xuanyuan Sword. Originally, this was nothing, but Zhang Chen's cultivation was too poor. He had just succeeded in building the foundation and the Yuan Shen had just appeared. This was the most vulnerable time, so Situ Zhong found out that he would be so nervous later.

Zhang Chen nodded after hearing this, "Thank you, Senior Brother Situ. What did Senior Brother come to see me for?"

When Situ Zhong heard what Zhang Chen said, he patted his head and said, "You are so angry that I asked you to go to the main hall."

"Senior Brother Situ, does he know why the head master called me over?" Zhang Chen asked.

Situ Zhong glanced at Zhang Chen, took off the gourd and took a sip of wine, "What else could it be? You have been coming to Shushan for a few months, and now that you are successful in cultivation, you will probably be arranged by your senior brother to travel soon. "

Zhang Chen suddenly realized.

Yes, time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, it has been three months since I arrived in this world.

Zhang Chen has been busy practicing for the past three months and has not felt the passage of time at all.

It has been three months, and now my strength has greatly increased. I am now ready to travel, and the system tasks are about to be completed.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen got up and walked to Shushan Hall with Situ Zhong.

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