Although Zhang Chen was practicing, he was still alert in the wild, so he summoned Xuanyuan Sword to guard around him.

Ever since Zhang Chen's soul accidentally entered Xuanyuan Sword, the connection between Zhang Chen and Xuanyuan Sword has become closer.

The little spider was very cautious. Just a hint of the tempting breath just now made it feel refreshed and even improved its cultivation.

It was because of this that the little spider took the risk.

It was now on the verge of transformation and was extremely eager to get the genius treasure full of spiritual energy. Zhang Chen's arrival made it feel that its opportunity had come.

The little spider came to the tree behind Zhang Chen and observed carefully.

This human didn't look special, but the tempting breath just now came from this human.

After hesitating for a moment, the little spider decided to go to this human first. Thinking of this, the little spider climbed along the branches of the two trees to the tree where Zhang Chen was.

The little spider didn't notice that in the bushes behind it, a small snake was spitting at it.

After sensing the little spider, the little snake slowly approached its prey.

The more the little spider walked, the more uneasy it felt. When it was less than half a meter away from Zhang Chen, the little spider finally stopped and began to look at Zhang Chen vigilantly.

Zhang Chen did not move, but the little spider felt a breath of death shrouding his heart.

The little snake approached the little spider and found that the little spider had stopped. In an instant, it bent and shot out.

Only then did the little spider discover the snake, but the snake was too fast. The little spider could only watch the snake head slowly grow bigger, revealing a trace of despair.

At this moment, Zhang Chen, who was practicing, suddenly felt two weak demonic auras appear around him.

Zhang Chen opened his eyes instantly and saw the little snake rushing towards him.

With his eyes fixed, Zhang Chen directly reached out and grabbed the little snake's seven inches, and the sword light flashed.

The little snake died completely without even having time to react.

All this happened in a flash, and the little spider experienced life and death in such a short time.

Zhang Chen did not relax after killing the little snake. He directly expanded his spiritual sense and began to search for the other demon.

It was not until his spiritual sense swept over the little spider that Zhang Chen found this little guy who was about the size of a thumb nail.

Zhang Chen's spiritual sense could feel that there was no strong smell of blood in the breath of the little snake and the spider, which meant that the two little demons had not killed anyone.

Humans are different from other animals. Humans are the spirits of all things. They have blood in their blood and souls. If a demon has killed a person, the spiritual sense will find scarlet aura and a trace of the wailing of the dead. This situation is called karma.

The more people kill, the more karma there will be. When the karma accumulates to a certain extent, it will hinder the breakthrough of the realm. This is not only for demons, but also for humans.

Zhang Chen wrapped the little guy with spiritual energy and asked softly, "What are you doing here?"

Since Zhang Chen released his spiritual sense, the little spider has begun to tremble. Zhang Chen has put too much pressure on it.

So even if Zhang Chen asked it, it did not respond at all, but just kept retreating.

Zhang Chen saw the panic-stricken Spider-Man, sighed, took out a bottle of spirit wine, took out three drops, wrapped them in spiritual energy, and sent them to the Spider-Man.

Then, he gently put the Spider-Man down and floated away.

After Zhang Chen had been gone for a long time, the Spider-Man woke up under the stimulation of the tempting aroma.

Ignoring the three drops of spirit wine he had dreamed of, the Spider-Man looked at Zhang Chen's figure going away, and gradually became a little dazed.

Zhang Chen embarked on the journey again, but what Zhang Chen didn't know was that he had just planted the cause on a whim, and the fruit he produced saved his life in the future.

This time of crossing was different from all the previous crossings. For the first time, Zhang Chen had his own time and could do what he wanted.

This made Zhang Chen pay more attention to the system.

"If I continue to grow, will there be a world where I can slow down and walk around to see the scenery later?"

Zhang Chen shook his head self-deprecatingly.

"I am really too ambitious. I have just reached the foundation building stage and I am thinking about the future."

Zhang Chen walked all the way from Yuhang to Jiangnan.

If there is something to gain on this road, it would be better. If not, Zhang Chen plans to go to the big pharmacy in Jiangnan to see if there may be something to gain.

The incident with the little spider taught Zhang Chen one thing.

It's not that there are no demons, but the aura of Zhang Chen makes all the demons know that he is not easy to mess with. The instinct of animals makes them all avoid the dangerous Zhang Chen.

So Zhang Chen began to suppress his aura, trying to keep his aura to the lowest.

This time, Zhang Chen finally saw a lot of little demons on the road, or to be more precise, various spirits.

Because this plane is full of spiritual energy, it makes it easier for animals to become spirits. However, I don't know whether it is because there are few people here or the spirits here are very kind, all the spirits Zhang Chen met had no karma.

Originally, Zhang Chen thought that the world outside Shushan was very chaotic, because many people said that demons are rampant now, but now it seems that hearing is false, seeing is true.

Zhang Chen walked towards Jiangnan while looking for the spiritual materials on the wine recipe. He didn't encounter any thousand-year-old ginseng along the way, but collected a lot of other spiritual materials.

Zhang Chen didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

Half a month later, Zhang Chen finally found human traces again.

This is a dilapidated temple. It looks like it has been abandoned for a long time. Even so, Zhang Chen was relieved.

Having a place to live is better than sleeping in the wild. Although Zhang Chen likes nature in the past half month, he also feels the cruelty of survival of the fittest in nature.

It rains a lot in Jiangnan. During the half month that Zhang Chen was in the wild, it rained almost every night. Without the shelter of the house, Zhang Chen was wet all night.

Seeing the dilapidated temple, Zhang Chen naturally prepared to go in and rest for a night. Zhang Chen hadn't rested in a house for a long time. Now Zhang Chen yearned for the house very much.

Zhang Chen hurriedly sped up when he saw the dilapidated temple.

Arriving in front of the dilapidated temple, Zhang Chen rubbed his hands with an excited look on his face.

"Finally I can live in a house, the ground is dry, and I can make a fire. I finally waited for you!"

Zhang Chen was about to push the door, when a black gas and a green gas suddenly diffused from the ruined temple. The two different spiritual energies collided with each other. As a wave of wind and waves hit Zhang Chen, Zhang Chen watched the door he was about to touch fall to the side without support. As the ruined temple collapsed under the heavy load, two figures different from ordinary people were revealed inside.

In an instant, Zhang Chen's eyes turned red.

Zhang Chen is very aggrieved now.

I haven't seen a house for half a month. Not to mention being caught in the rain outside every night, I want to live and I am afraid of causing a fire. I finally saw a building, but I haven't seen what it looks like inside, and I haven't even touched it, but it has become a ruin? !

Thanks to Question, Yijia Laoliu, Luoxi, and Shuzhe A for their 100 book coins!

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