The Miao leader glanced at the inn and said, "I will book this inn for three days. Here is the money for three days." Then he took out two gold ingots from his arms.

Li Xiaoyao was just about to take it when Aunt Li next to him snatched it away, "Haha, you are too polite. Don't say three days, even five days or seven days are fine!"

After saying that, Aunt Li saw Li Xiaoyao still standing there, and quickly touched Li Xiaoyao with her elbow, "Stinky boy, what are you standing there for? Hurry up and serve the masters!"

Li Xiaoyao watched the gold ingots that he had obtained being taken away by Aunt Li. He couldn't help but sigh and said to the three Miao people, "Sir, please follow me. There is also this package. How can you continue to carry it? Come, give it to me."

He was about to take the package carried by the two Miao people behind him.

The leading Miao immediately grabbed Li Xiaoyao, "Don't worry about the package, lead the way for us."

Li Xiaoyao was stunned for a moment, "Ah, good!"

After the three Miao people were arranged, Li Xiaoyao began to whisper to Aunt Li about Zhang Chen's affairs.

These gentlemen had booked the inn, but Zhang Chen came in advance, and the two were embarrassed to ask Zhang Chen to leave directly, which seemed too powerful. Fortunately, Zhang Chen did not go out of the house during the days he came. If he was still like this in the next three days, then the money would be safely in hand.

Zhang Chen in the room did not care about the three Miao people. According to the development of the plot, Li Xiaoyao was not in danger during this period, and Zhang Chen was too lazy to go out and cause trouble for himself.

At night, Zhang Chen, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes and flew out of the window directly on his sword.

Zhang Chen felt a familiar breath nearby.

In the air, Zhang Chen identified it again and flew out of Yuhang Town.

Just after flying to the land temple, a sword light rushed towards Zhang Chen in the woods not far away.

At the same time, a figure also flew out of the woods and flew towards the distance.

After Zhang Chen dodged the sword light and saw the figure in front of him, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

I have been waiting for you in Yuhang Town for so long, and I can still let you run away?

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen's speed, which was not slow to begin with, increased again.

At night, accompanied by the moonlight, two figures chased each other in the air.

Zhang Chen seized an opportunity and directly sent out five sword qi, blocking all the ways of the figure in front.

Now Situ Zhong had only two choices, one was to stay where he was and be caught up by himself, and the other was to go around a big circle to avoid the sword qi and be caught up by himself again.

Obviously, Situ Zhong chose the first one.

"Hahaha, Junior Brother Ning Chen, what a coincidence, it's so late, why are you here, are you also like Senior Brother, can't sleep at night and come out to watch the moon?" Situ Zhong slowly fell to the ground.

Zhang Chen almost laughed out of anger.

He had obviously discovered me a long time ago and ran away, but now he was caught up by me and said he came to watch the moon!

"Haha, Senior Brother Situ is really in a good mood. He came to this place thousands of miles away from Shushan to watch the moon in the middle of the night."

"Hahaha, the moon here is rounder!"

Zhang Chen came in front of Situ Zhong and smiled slightly at Situ Zhong who was smiling falsely.

"Brother, I've been waiting for you here for a long time. You've screwed me over the wine recipe."

Situ Zhong was embarrassed instantly.

"Ah! Life is short, enjoy life while you can. Junior brother, it's not good to care about these things. Just let it go, right!"

Zhang Chen laughed.

"Brother, that's right. In that case, why don't you help me and use your wine to make me happy?"

When Situ Zhong heard that Zhang Chen actually wanted his spirit wine, he immediately grabbed his wine gourd, "Stinky boy, I'm telling you, don't pay attention to my wine anymore!"

Zhang Chen saw that Situ Zhong's true colors were exposed, so he stopped being hypocritical.

"Then why don't you give me the spirit materials so I can brew it myself! Giving me a wine recipe specifically is cheating. I gave you face by not snatching your wine just now."

"Who made you drink so much of my wine!"

"Then who ate the rabbit I worked so hard to pickle!"

Zhang Chen and Situ Zhong stared at each other.

Zhang Chen sneered at this time, "Hehe, and some people use a wine recipe to cheat their junior brothers. I think! After returning to Shushan, I will ask Senior Brother Dugu to issue a new rule to ban alcohol! Senior Brother, you also know that as long as my request is not excessive, Senior Brother Dugu will satisfy me. Then! Hehe!" Situ Zhong heard Zhang Chen's words, although he gritted his teeth, he still lost his temper. This kid is grasping his life. He is actually going to let Senior Brother Dugu ban alcohol. For Situ Zhong, this is to kill him! Situ Zhong completely accepted his fate this time, "Say it! What do you want, kid, tell me first, except my wine!" Zhang Chen showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. Finally, he suppressed his senior brother! "I want the spiritual materials on the wine recipe! Millennium deer antlers and Lingtan pure water and millennium snow lotus!" Situ Zhong rolled his eyes, "No!" "Impossible!" Zhang Chen certainly didn't believe it. This wine recipe was given to him by Situ Zhong. How could he not have it? Situ Zhong lay down on the grass, took out the wine gourd and took a sip of wine, "No means no, these things are all what I encountered when I was traveling, I don't have them on me. After all, if you keep these rare treasures on you for a long time, even if they are well preserved, their effects will still be lost."

Zhang Chen felt worried now. Situ Zhong was right. Unless this kind of thing is preserved in a special way, its efficacy will slowly be lost as soon as it is placed on the body.

For example, the thousand-year-old ginseng obtained at Liu Jinyuan's home was obviously painstakingly preserved, but Zhang Chen was sure that its efficacy would not be as good as the fresh spiritual material just picked.

Situ Zhong glanced at Zhang Chen who was worried, "Although I don't have it, I know where these things are. I can tell you, but there is a condition!"

Zhang Chen was shocked when he heard that Situ Zhong knew the whereabouts of these things.

"What conditions?"

Situ Zhong chuckled, "Exchange it with your punishment-locking mind blade!"

Now Zhang Chen was a little curious. You must know that Situ Zhong created his own Bacchus move. This Bacchus move is extremely powerful. It should be as powerful as the punishment lock mind blade he created. Why do you suddenly think about it now? Do you want this homemade sword move?

As if seeing Zhang Chen's doubts, Situ Zhong began to explain.

"Actually, the reason I came to Yuhang Town this time is to recruit a disciple. But when you recruit a disciple, you must have something that is at the bottom of the box, right? Although my Dionysus is strong, it has too many limitations. It is difficult for others to learn it. In comparison, Now, your Xingshao Mind Blade will be different."

Only then did Zhang Chen suddenly realize.

It turns out that Situ Zhong was going to borrow flowers to offer to Buddha and taught this trick to Li Xiaoyao!

Fortunately, with this move, Li Xiaoyao will not be in too much danger. He will also have time to look for spiritual materials. When the time comes to find the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, he will have more strength and gain more with one stone. Zhang Chen agreed immediately.

"make a deal!"

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