The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 121 Departure to Baihe Village

On the surface, Zhang Chen and Lin Yueru on the stage were fighting hard, but in fact only a few people could see that Zhang Chen was letting them win. Not to mention the two parties involved, Zhao Linger and Lin Tiannan could see that Zhang Chen was letting them win.

Zhao Linger frowned, "Brother Xiaoyao, what do you think the two are doing?"

Li Xiaoyao was watching with great interest. When he heard Zhao Linger's words, he answered casually without turning his head, "It's a martial arts competition to recruit a bride. Look, the two are evenly matched, and it's so exciting. However, if I had gone up, the fight would have ended long ago. This man didn't know how to adapt several times. What a fool."

Zhao Linger nodded thoughtfully, "But the man is obviously very strong!"

After hearing what Zhao Linger said, Li Xiaoyao turned back and touched her head, "You don't understand yet. Some people look strong, but they are only strong on the surface. This kind of people are strong on the outside but weak on the inside."

Zhao Linger shook her head and stopped talking.

In her perception, there was an energy in Zhang Chen that surprised her a little, and it had been dormant in his body.

It looked like the two men were evenly matched, but Zhao Linger knew that if this man really started to fight, he would not need any moves at all. As long as this power burst out, no one here could withstand his casual attack.

Zhang Chen saw that the time was almost up, so he just exerted a little force and forced the already exhausted Lin Yueru back, bowed to Lin Yueru, and said, "Thank you."

As the battle on the field ended, the people below began to cheer.

"It's wonderful!"

"I didn't expect that this young man looked so young, but he was so powerful!"


"Yes! Marriage!"


Soon, the cheers on the scene were unified into the word "marriage".

Zhang Chen listened to the waves of marriage below, and his head was big. He signaled Lin Yueru with his eyes to save the situation quickly.

Who knew that Lin Yueru just stared at him blankly at this time.

Zhang Chen wanted to hit someone!

At this embarrassing moment, a round of applause rang out from the crowd, and at the same time, Lin Tiannan's full voice came out.

"Hahaha, Young Master Zhang is really amazing."

When the crowd around saw Lin Tiannan coming, their cheers suddenly quieted down.

Just kidding, the real boss has come out, and they, the crowd, just need to eat melons.

Zhang Chen knew it was going to be bad when he saw Lin Tiannan coming. Sure enough, Lin Tiannan's next words made him feel that he had fallen into a trap.

"Since Young Master Zhang has already won my daughter, you see your marriage..."

Zhang Chen felt bitter in his mouth, "Lord Lin, you also know that I am Shu..."

When Lin Tiannan heard that Zhang Chen was about to refuse, his face immediately fell, "Young Master Zhang, do you think that what I, Lin Tiannan, said is not counted?" Although Lin Tiannan's face fell, Zhang Chen clearly saw a hint of pride in his eyes.

Zhang Chen looked at so many people around him and immediately understood Lin Tiannan's idea.

This old fox actually wanted to use the public opinion of the people around him to force me to submit...

However, even if he knew that he was trapped, Zhang Chen had to drill in. Who made him want to die? He only thought about not letting Lin Yueru and Li Xiaoyao again, but didn't think about himself! Not to mention that he still had to rely on Lin Tiannan's connections here to find the whereabouts of the Five Spiritual Pearls...

Lin Tiannan saw Zhang Chen's resigned face, and his originally depressed face suddenly smiled, and shouted to the people around him, "Everyone, when my daughter gets married, I will prepare invitations for everyone, I hope you will show me your favor!"

Zhang Chen followed the people from Linjiabao back to Linjiabao. After everyone left and only Lin Tiannan was left, Zhang Chen smiled bitterly, "Master Lin has a good plan."

Lin Tiannan was puzzled when he heard Zhang Chen's words, "Why did Young Master Zhang say that?"

Zhang Chen sighed, "Master Lin, there are only two of us here, just tell me directly, did you determine from the beginning that I would fall into the trap?"

Lin Tiannan smiled but said nothing.

After calming down, Zhang Chen became serious, "Lord Lin, even if I really agree to marry Miss Lin, it's not now. You know, the situation in the world is beginning to become turbulent. There are Miao people making trouble outside, and the Demon Locking Tower may have problems at any time. At this time, I will definitely not think about love affairs."

Lin Tiannan nodded, "I know that Young Master Zhang has ambitions, but this turbulent situation will always stabilize. I can wait."

Zhang Chen was relieved when he heard this and clasped his fists towards Lin Tiannan, "Thank you, Lord Lin, for your understanding." After speaking, Zhang Chen looked at the sky and found that the sun was about to set. "It's getting late now. I also want to go and see the specific situation of Baihe Village. Zhang Chen will take his leave first."

Lin Tiannan stopped Zhang Chen at this time, "Wait!"

Zhang Chen turned his head and looked at Lin Tiannan.

Will this old fox regret it again?

"Young Master Zhang doesn't know the way if he goes alone, so you should take Yueru with you. I believe that with Young Master Zhang's strength, he should be able to protect my daughter."

You are so cruel!

Zhang Chen understood that this old fox was worried about him, so he let his daughter follow him first, and then reminded him that he had an engagement.

"I understand." Zhang Chen nodded, "I will wait at the gate of Linjiabao for half an hour."

After that, Zhang Chen walked out without looking back.

This place couldn't stay any longer. Zhang Chen felt that if he stayed for one more second, he might be calculated by Lin Tiannan, the old fox again!

Zhang Chen stood outside the Lin Family Castle for a while, and Lin Yueru came out from the door.

However, Lin Yueru now is different from before. Not only is she not as willful as before, but she even walks with her head down.

Zhang Chen was speechless when he saw Lin Yueru's shy look.

Who knew that this young lady would fail at such a critical moment? !

"Let's go." Zhang Chen didn't know what to say. Now he should go to Baihe Village to see what's going on. These troubles can be delayed as long as possible.

Lin Yueru nodded and followed Zhang Chen without saying a word.

After walking out of the Lin Family Castle and coming to a dense forest, Zhang Chen stopped and said to Lin Yueru behind him, "Come up!"

Lin Yueru looked up at Zhang Chen at this time, but found that Zhang Chen was actually stepping on the flying sword, and couldn't help but be stunned.

Zhang Chen frowned when he saw the stunned Lin Yueru.

This girl has been acting strange since the martial arts competition. Now she not only looks strange, but also seems to be getting stupid.

Zhang Chen couldn't wait any longer, so he directly pulled up Lin Yueru's hand, picked up the flying sword, and flew towards Baihe Village.

Lin Yueru flew in the air for the first time, and when she saw the ground flashing quickly below, she couldn't help but hold on to Zhang Chen in front of her.

Zhang Chen felt the softness of the girl behind him, and he almost couldn't hold on to the flying sword.

Hey! Girl, don't play with fire!

Thanks to Shuzhe and I'm Not Lemon Why I'm Sad @for their 100 book coins reward

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