The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 127 Half a Year Later

Zhang Chen flew the sword for less than half a day before landing.

He didn't want to implicate Lin Yueru. Zhang Chen originally wanted Lin Yueru to no longer have the same ending as before, but if Lin Yueru was with him, she would only suffer more.

"Let's find the Five Spiritual Pearls first."

Zhang Chen decided to forget Lin Yueru, so he devoted himself to finding the Five Spiritual Pearls in the following time.

Half a year later.

In the Hanging Mountain above Mount Everest, Zhang Chen quickly flew out of the ice cliff. Even though his skin was frozen purple and covered with a layer of ice slag, Zhang Chen's hand still tightly grasped an ice-crystal flower.

Zhang Chen glanced down at the snow lotus in his hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

I finally got you!

Back on the Hanging Mountain, Zhang Chen's body was still emitting cold air, and his skin had not recovered from the purple color, but Zhang Chen's actions were no longer affected.

After pouring a bottle of Guiyuan liquid and a bottle of spiritual wine into his mouth, Zhang Chen took out a light red bead and began to heal his wounds.

The effects of Guiyuan liquid and spiritual wine soon took effect, and some of the cold air in Zhang Chen's body was forced out.

However, the cold air forced out was too little compared to the cold air in Zhang Chen's body.

Zhang Chen was not panicked at all, but held the red bead with both hands, and the spiritual energy circulated through his hands and the bead.

As the spiritual energy circulation formed, Zhang Chen's body began to emit more cold air, and a layer of ice formed on the ground around him.

The cold air around Zhang Chen became more and more, but Zhang Chen's expression became more and more relaxed. In the end, the skin on his body began to slowly recover.

This process lasted for three days. After three days, Zhang Chen opened his eyes.

The surroundings were completely frozen. Zhang Chen tried to touch the frozen grass under his feet. Just a light touch, the grass directly broke into ice chips.

"What a sin, what a sin, I didn't expect that the cold air would be so shocking, causing damage to the environment here, what a pity..." Zhang Chen felt a little regretful. If time hadn't allowed, Zhang Chen wouldn't have started healing here. It was because there was too much cold air in his body at that time. If he didn't force it out, Zhang Chen might have been frozen to death the next moment.

At this time, a girl jumped down from a tree nearby, "Benefactor, you're awake!"

"Well, you've been watching me for the past few days." Zhang Chen nodded.

"It's not hard. If it weren't for the three drops of spiritual liquid that you gave me, I wouldn't have had the chance to transform now." The girl smiled and said to Zhang Chen.

"Don't worry, this is an opportunity. It's getting late, let's get ready to go back to Shushan."

Zhang Chen looked around again, turned around and flew towards Shushan.

In the past six months, Zhang Chen has been looking for the whereabouts of the five spirit beads. On the day he left Lin Yueru, Zhang Chen returned to Shushan and learned from Dugu Yuyun that the five spirit beads were inductive, so Zhang Chen used the earth spirit bead as a sensor to look for the remaining spirit beads.

The first thing Zhang Chen encountered was the thunder spirit bead.

The thunder spirit bead was actually in the hands of a little monster, and the little monster had been confused by the thunder spirit bead and began to kill. Zhang Chen took the thunder spirit bead out of her body. After waking up, the little monster actually said that she knew herself. It was the girl who followed Zhang Chen now. She was the little spider that Zhang Chen had saved.

Later, after having two spirit beads, Zhang Chen took the little spider and found the water spirit bead.

However, Zhang Chen did not touch the water spirit bead because the water spirit bead was on Li Xiaoyao. The most important thing was that Lin Yueru was next to Li Xiaoyao.

Zhang Chen did not disturb them, but took note that the water spirit bead was in Li Xiaoyao's hands and turned around to look for other spirit beads.

Zhang Chen found the Fire Spirit Orb in the ruins of an ancient temple.

It has been more than half a year now, and Zhang Chen must go back anyway.

During this period, the martial arts world was turbulent, and Zhang Chen also paid attention to some of Li Xiaoyao's affairs.

Li Xiaoyao had been to Shushan once, entered the Demon Locking Tower and made a big fuss. Although he was finally rescued by Senior Brother Dugu, the Demon Locking Tower had begun to crumble.

Ling'er's Nuwa characteristics also began to emerge, and the entire plot of the Fairy Sword has begun to move towards the end.

Zhang Chen kept thinking about this question on the way back to Shushan.

After arriving at Shushan, Zhang Chen walked non-stop to the place where Dugu Yuyun rested.

When he arrived at the door, Zhang Chen hadn't spoken yet, and the door opened automatically.

"You wait here." Zhang Chen turned his head and told Spider-Man.

Walking into the room, Zhang Chen saw Dugu Yuyun again.

Although Dugu Yuyun now looks as young as before, his hair has turned completely white.

This was the aftermath of the battle between Dugu Yuyun and the Moon Worshiping Sect Leader on the day of Zhang Chen's initiation ceremony.

Dugu Yuyun was meditating with his eyes closed on the futon.

"You're here."

"Ning Chen greets Senior Brother."

Dugu Yuyun opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Chen calmly, "Junior brother, no need to be polite, there are only two of us here."

Zhang Chen nodded and smiled, "But etiquette cannot be abolished, right? Senior Brother, has anything happened in Shushan during the time I was away?"

Dugu Yuyun frowned, "Yes, something happened again in the Locking Demon Tower."

Zhang Chen nodded, "I heard outside that it was Li Xiaoyao, the disciple of Senior Brother Situ."

Dugu Yuyun shook his head, "Don't blame him, this is the cause I planted a long time ago, and now I'm just reaping the fruits."

Zhang Chen saw that Dugu Yuyun might be in a bad mood, so he stopped talking and took out three spirit beads.

"Brother, I found three spirit beads this time, including the water spirit bead and the wind spirit bead. The water spirit bead is on Li Xiaoyao, so as long as the wind spirit bead is found now, the Locking Demon Tower can be suppressed again!"

Dugu Yuyun finally smiled, "Your senior brother Situ has sent a message a few days ago, and he is rushing back to Shushan with the wind spirit bead and the water spirit bead."

Zhang Chen was surprised, "That's great!" After saying that, Zhang Chen suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong?" Dugu Yuyun looked at Zhang Chen.

"Master brother, something's wrong!" Zhang Chen suddenly became serious.

"Senior brother Situ has the skill of flying swords. If the news came a few days ago, he must have been on the way, but according to the speed of flying swords, he should have arrived earlier than me, but now senior brother has not arrived..."

Dugu Yuyun also discovered this problem at this time and stood up.

"That's right, although Junior Brother Situ is a little eccentric, he dare not be careless about the Shushan cause. Junior Brother Ning Chen, you go to meet him."

Zhang Chen nodded, "Yes, I'll go now."

In less than a quarter of an hour, Zhang Chen left Shushan again.

Dugu Yuyun looked at Zhang Chen's departing figure.

"Perhaps, accepting this junior brother is the most correct decision I have made in my life..."

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