The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 158 Sword Art [Second update]

Zhang Chen called Zhang Xiaoyu and asked about the company's progress. When he learned that the company's decoration had been completed and the next step was to recruit people, Zhang Chen encouraged Zhang Xiaoyu and happily decided to continue to be a hands-off boss.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen called Lin Xue again.

The previous teacher-student love affair has passed, and Lin Xue is in a good mood now. She told Zhang Chen that she had helped Zhang Chen get through the relationship, and Zhang Chen could pass the exam this year without taking it.

Zhang Chen and Lin Xue chatted for a few words and then hung up the phone. At the end, Lin Xue told Zhang Chen not to forget to go home with her to celebrate her father's birthday in four days.

If it were before, Zhang Chen would definitely worry about what gift to prepare for his father-in-law, but now there are three bottles of spirit wine in the storage space. Although the quantity is small, this thing can only be precious when it is less, so Zhang Chen is naturally not afraid.

Finally, Zhang Chen called Xu Da, who is now preparing for the exam. When he knew that Zhang Chen was exempted from the exam, he first insulted Zhang Chen and then expressed contempt for Zhang Chen, and finally decided to blackmail Zhang Chen for a big meal.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen smiled.

The real world is great, nothing has changed.

A new building has been added to the return space, and it will take five days to enter, but Zhang Chen also has things to do. After all, he has just entered the sword path, and Zhang Chen also needs some time to explore.

Sitting cross-legged, Zhang Chen's consciousness slowly entered his sea of ​​consciousness.

The exercise in the sea of ​​consciousness slowly flowed through Zhang Chen's heart.

The words on the exercise are obscure and difficult to understand, and Zhang Chen doesn't even know these words, but Zhang Chen can understand the meaning of them.

As Zhang Chen began to practice, Zhang Chen's body began to slowly float in the air.

The exercise method talks about another way of practice.


The practice of sword does not rely on anything from the outside world. It only needs to condense the sword intent in the heart, and then comprehend the world. With your own sword intent, you can stir the power of the world and produce incredible and powerful power.

The improvement of sword is closely related to the sword intent, and the most important thing is to improve the level of sword intent.

Zhang Chen's sword intent has just condensed, belonging to the minor success, and there are two more levels of major success and perfection.

When the sword intent is perfect, Zhang Chen needs to integrate other sword intents to enhance the strength of his own sword intent. This stage is called fusion.

When the sword intent of the natal sword intent is integrated with nine different sword intents, what Zhang Chen needs to do is to sublimate his own sword intent.

As for how to sublimate and the path after sublimation, the practice method does not say, but the things mentioned in the practice method alone have opened up a new world for Zhang Chen.

This time, there is no small gathering of spiritual energy around Zhang Chen, but a sense of oppression has been generated around Zhang Chen, which is caused by the continuous condensation of sword intent.

The cultivator who has entered the sword path can also be called sword cultivator. Unlike other cultivators, sword cultivators have a single means of attacking the enemy, and their attack power is one level higher than all cultivators of the same period, because sword cultivators do not cultivate other things, only one sword.

What Zhang Chen needs to do now is to consolidate his sword intent and make it more solid.

According to the method, the more condensed the sword intention is at the beginning, the further you can go in the future.

Zhang Chen knows this truth. A tall building is built from the ground. Without a good foundation, it will collapse before it is half built.

Fortunately, although Zhang Chen's sword intention is now a small success, it is no different from the previous foundation-building stage. Zhang Chen calculated that the sword intention of the great success should have entered the golden elixir stage, and the latter also corresponds to the previous realm of spiritual energy cultivation, which saves Zhang Chen trouble.

Soon, the sky darkened.

The oppressive feeling around Zhang Chen began to slowly dissipate, and Zhang Chen slowly opened his eyes and came down from the air.

"I can feel that the sword intention is condensed a little, but I can only feel a little progress. This speed is a bit slow..." Zhang Chen summed up his previous feelings and looked at the time. Lin Xue should be back soon. Zhang Chen put on his clothes and went out to prepare a dinner for Lin Xue.

After buying some fresh meat and vegetables outside, Zhang Chen touched the long-lost kitchen.

What's good about the world of Fairy Sword? Beautiful mountains and clear waters, fresh air, but the basic settings can't keep up with Zhang Chen's needs.

Cooking and going to the toilet are not as convenient as in the real world.

In general, both the real world and the world of Fairy Sword have their own advantages.

Although Zhang Chen hasn't touched pots and pans for a long time, fortunately his cooking skills are not rusty, and he made a relatively sumptuous dinner in less than an hour.

Not long after Zhang Chen finished the meal, the sound of the key opening the door rang at the door.

Lin Xue smelled the fragrance of rice as soon as she entered the door, "It smells so good, did you cook?"

Zhang Chen smiled and nodded, "I haven't been back these two days, I don't reward you, I'm afraid you will be jealous."

Lin Xue glared at Zhang Chen with a reproachful look, "You are the only one who knows how to please people."

"Hurry up and sit down to eat." Zhang Chen smiled and took Lin Xue's bag and hung it on the hanger.

Zhang Chen didn't eat too much during the meal.

As his cultivation level improved, Zhang Chen's demand for the nutrients in these foods became lower and lower. He ate mostly just to taste the food or to make himself look less different.

"Have you thought about bringing something for my dad these days? If not, I'll take a day off in the next few days and we'll go out for a walk." Lin Xue asked while eating.

Zhang Chen shook his head, "I've already decided what to give, no need to go through so much trouble."

"Ah? Already decided? What are you going to give?" Lin Xue was a little confused and curious.

Zhang Chen kept it a secret for a while, "You'll know on your father-in-law's birthday."

Lin Xue blushed slightly, and gave Zhang Chen a charming look, "Who is your father-in-law? We haven't even started dating yet!"

Zhang Chen looked at Lin Xue's expression and his heart was moved, "Then let's try to draw that stroke today?"

Lin Xue blushed, "What nonsense are you talking about, hurry up and eat."

Zhang Chen smiled slightly, looking at the shy Lin Xue, and suddenly the appearance of Lin Yueru before they parted flashed in his mind.

Then Zhang Chen sighed in his heart.

If he has the ability in the future, try to enter the fairy sword world again.

The next day, Lin Xue got up to go to work, and Zhang Chen also got up early. Because he was afraid of affecting Lin Xue's relationship, Zhang Chen went out and found a deserted place in the park and started practicing.

An hour later, more and more people came out for morning exercises. Zhang Chen looked at the time and decided to go back to continue practicing.

After returning home, Lin Xue had already gone to teach. Zhang Chen continued to condense his sword intent, but it was destined that Zhang Chen could not practice peacefully today.

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