The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 162 Sky-high Price [Three Updates]

The first lot was successfully sold, which was a good start for the whole auction. The following lots were sold at good prices.

Next, several pieces of antique jewelry appeared, all of which were sold for good prices. Zhang Chen roughly calculated that only one-third of them were sold, and he had already paid off all the money advanced by the jewelry store.

Although Zhang Chen doesn't attach much importance to money, since he wants to start a company, he cannot do it without money.

There was nothing in the auction that Zhang Chen could like.

Now Zhang Chen has no interest in some ordinary items.

Only some heavenly and earthly treasures or treasures with special heaven-defying effects can arouse Zhang Chen's interest.

Lin Xue didn't see anything he liked. After all, with the blessing of Poseidon, other antique jewelry only had a higher commemorative significance.

Finally, two hours later, the grand finale of the auction came up.

"Now for our last lot."

As Mr. Chen said, the waiter pushed the cart out. This time, the things on the cart were larger than before and looked square, which aroused everyone's curiosity.

"Mr. Chen, stop being so pretentious and tell me what's going on here!"

"Yes, yes! What can be the finale is definitely not an ordinary thing."

Mr. Chen smiled slightly, "Okay, since everyone wants to see it as soon as possible, then I might as well obey your orders respectfully." After saying that, Mr. Chen directly lifted the white cloth.

A small box that looked like it was made of bronze appeared in front of everyone.

The surface of the box looks a little patina, but the texture on it is clearly visible. The small box has been opened and there is something else inside.

Mr. Chen carefully put on his white gloves and took out several pieces of jewelry from the box.

"As you can see, this is tonight's grand auction item."

"There are a total of eight pieces of antique jewelry here, all of which have been appraised by our top appraisers. The eight pieces of jewelry have achieved integration and unity in terms of style and matching. They can not only be used for collection, but also for attending various parties. Wearing this set is also elegant and luxurious, which can better reflect your taste and value. "

"Not much to say, the starting price is 8 million, each bid must not be less than 100,000, the bidding begins!"

As Mr. Chen's hammer fell, the scene suddenly became quiet.

No one acted rashly.

Most of the people who came here today have actually known about the finale items for a long time, and many of them are entrepreneurs or successful people who love jewelry or antique collections.

For them, the previous auction items are just trinkets, and sets like this are the most precious.

Because no matter what it is, as long as there is a complete set, the value will be different immediately.

Take stamps for example. There are many stamps that are not valuable individually, but as long as you own an edition, the value immediately increases by dozens or hundreds of times.

The same is true for antiques and jewelry. For these collectors, they don't care how much they spent to buy it, they only care about how cherished it is.

This last complete set of antique jewelry is definitely more valuable than the previous ones. Some thoughtful people can find that the previous items were only bought by people in the box, and many people did not do it. What they are waiting for must be this last auction item.

Mr. Chen saw that the scene had become quiet and there were no bidders. Not only did he not panic, but he smiled knowingly.

He has been working in the auction house for most of his life. He has seen this situation where the last item suddenly became quiet more than once, but each time it was sold for a sky-high price.

This time, the things were even more unique and precious. He didn't believe that these people would not be moved. It was just the calm before the storm.

Time passed by minute by second, and finally, a person on the field couldn't help it and raised the sign in his hand.

"8.5 million!"

"The bid is 8.5 million on the 13th!" Mr. Chen immediately knocked down the hammer in his hand, with a smile on his face.

It finally started.

"Nine million!" A man said fiercely, holding a bidding device in one hand and pulling his tie hard with the other.

"10 million!" A well-dressed lady elegantly held up the sign.

Mr. Chen didn't even have time to interrupt, and the bidding price skyrocketed.

The price finally stopped at 46 million yuan.

Mr. Chen looked at the people present and knocked the hammer in his hand. "No. 71 bids 46 million yuan. Is there a higher price?"

It was quiet down there.

"46 million for the first time!"

Mr. Chen slowly knocked down the wooden hammer in his hand.

Sitting in seat No. 71 was a somewhat bald middle-aged man. The middle-aged man's face was covered with beads of sweat. He stared at the hammer in Mr. Chen's hand and said, "Hurry up! Knock like this!" What are you doing!"

Mr. Chen was very calm, "46 million for the second time!"

At this time, Lin Xue was holding Zhang Chen and watching the fierce bidding scene below in disbelief.

"Oh my god! 46 million! So much! Zhang Chen! You have become a rich man!"

Zhang Chen smiled at Lin Xue and inadvertently glanced at the other boxes in the auction house, "Yes, I have made a fortune. It just so happens that I don't have to worry about the company's operating funds."

However, Zhang Chen didn't think that this was the final price. After all, Zhang Chen's consciousness could clearly see that all the boxes were full of people, and some of them had never bid anything from beginning to end.

Old Chen looked around, "46 million..." and the last hammer was about to fall.

Suddenly, a voice came from the box in the auction house, "50 million."

Old Chen immediately stopped his action, "50 million! The VIP in box 8 bid 50 million!"

The bald man who had shouted out the price of 46 million collapsed on the chair after hearing 50 million, gasping for breath.

As the first box began to bid, other boxes also began to bid.

"60 million!"

"61 million!"

"63 million!"

"68 million!"

"70 million!"

As the price rose again and again, it finally slowed down when it was raised to 80 million.

"80 million for the first time!" Old Chen was also a little excited.

According to the current trend, it might be close to the previous auction house's record of 90 million.

"Anyone else wants to bid? 80 million for the first time

At this time, an old voice suddenly came from the middle box.

"100 million."

After hearing this price, Old Chen forgot to knock down the hammer in his hand.

Everyone at the scene looked at the middle box, but all the box glass was special, and no scene could be seen from the outside.

Zhang Chen was also stunned when he heard the price. If he remembered correctly, there should be an old lady in the middle box.

There will be another update tonight!

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