The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 169 Meeting the Parents

After leaving the business district, it was already late. Zhang Chen and his partner did not go home. Lin Xue drove Zhang Chen directly to her home.

Lin Chengxu is the second-in-command of the entire Zhuhai City. He can be said to be a powerful figure second only to the provincial officials. He has been in office for more than 20 years and has been working for the welfare of the people. In addition, he never accepts bribes and is upright. He is very popular in Zhuhai City.

Although Lin Chengxu is over 50 years old, he is still in good health and spirit. In addition, his career is going smoothly. Maybe he can make further progress in his career before retirement.

Naturally, the power in Lin Chengxu's hands also attracts many people to flatter him, but Lin Chengxu has his own bottom line and always keeps his sleeves clean.

Soon, Lin Xue and Zhang Chen came to a high-end community in Zhuhai City.

Lin Xue stopped at the door of a small villa, "Get off, we are here."

This villa was bought by the government and allocated to Lin Chengxu for living because of work needs.

At this time, there were more than a dozen cars parked at the door of the small villa. Zhang Chen took a look and saw that there were cars ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions.

Lin Xue saw Zhang Chen looking at the dozen cars and explained to Zhang Chen.

"These are all relatives of our family. When my father just became the second in command of Zhuhai City, they would come to curry favor with my father whenever they had something to do. You don't know that during that period, there were also people who climbed over the wall in the middle of the night just to make friends with my father. Later, my father was a little annoyed and directly said that if there was no special reason, they would be driven away one by one. Only then did this group of people calm down. However, later, whenever someone in my family had a birthday, this group of people would come in droves. However, this time was the first time I saw so many people coming."

Zhang Chen nodded, "There are many disputes in front of celebrities. Besides, they are all relatives of my family. It is normal to want to talk about relationships."

Lin Xue smiled at Zhang Chen and directly took Zhang Chen's arm, "Let's go in from the back door. I'm sure the hall is full of people at this time."

Zhang Chen nodded.

Sure enough, before entering the villa, Zhang Chen's consciousness found that there were at least twenty people sitting in the hall of the villa.

Lin Xue pulled Zhang Chen to the back of the villa, where there was a small door. Lin Xue took out a key and opened the door, "Come in quickly."

After Zhang Chen entered, he found that this seemed to be the kitchen, and there was a dining room between the living room.

Lin Xue pulled Zhang Chen into the dining room, and while the people in the living room were chatting, the two quietly went upstairs.

Just as they reached the second floor, Zhang Chen and Lin Xue ran into a middle-aged woman in simple clothes.

The aunt smiled immediately when she saw Lin Xue, "Xiao Xue, why are you..."

Lin Xue interrupted the aunt before she finished speaking, pointed to the group of people sitting and chatting below and whispered, "Aunt Liu, keep your voice down, the group of people below are still here!"

Aunt Liu was stunned for a moment, then she reacted and laughed, "Haha, okay, you are so clever, Aunt Liu just made your favorite sour plum soup, it's so hot and I'll bring it to you later, your mom and dad miss you a lot, go see them first." At this time, Aunt Liu noticed Zhang Chen, "Who is this?"

Lin Xue nodded and smiled sweetly at Aunt Liu, "Hehe, Aunt Liu, this is my boyfriend, Aunt Liu, I'm going to see my parents first." After that, Lin Xue took Zhang Chen to the second floor.

Zhang Chen didn't have time to talk to Aunt Liu, he could only nod and smile politely at Aunt Liu and was pulled away by Lin Xue.

Aunt Liu looked at the backs of Lin Xue and Zhang Chen and shook her head with emotion, "Xiao Xue has grown up so fast, and she has brought her boyfriend home." After sighing, Aunt Liu went downstairs to get sour plum soup.

On the other side, Lin Xue did not take Zhang Chen to see Lin Chengxu and her mother directly, but took Zhang Chen directly to her room.

Lin Xue's room exudes a sense of girlishness, the surrounding walls are light pink, and there are also a few plush dolls on the bed.

"Xue'er, didn't you say you wanted to meet your parents?" Zhang Chen was pulled into the room by Lin Xue and asked.

Lin Xue glared at Zhang Chen, "I'm afraid you will talk nonsense like this. I tell you, you must be more disciplined when you meet my parents, don't leave a bad impression on them, after all, my dad has not completely agreed to you and me being together, and he reluctantly agreed because you were seriously injured..."

Zhang Chen nodded.

"I know, don't worry."

He knew about this. When he woke up and heard Lin Xue talking about her boyfriend, he was confused. Later, it was Xu Da who explained it to him before he knew the whole story.

Until now, when Zhang Chen thinks of this incident, a warm current flashes through his heart.

Zhang Chen doesn't know how hard Lin Xue tried to use her innocence to help Zhang Chen.

However... it is precisely because of this that Zhang Chen chose to confess to Lin Xue. It can be said that if there was no such incident, Zhang Chen and Lin Xue might still be just an ordinary landlord and tenant.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen hugged Lin Xue directly.

Lin Xue exclaimed and then said coquettishly, "Ah! What are you doing! This is not our home."

"It's okay, I just want to hug you for a while." Zhang Chen said softly.

Lin Xue's face was slightly red, "Okay, I have to meet my parents later."

Zhang Chen nodded and let go of Lin Xue.

"When you meet my parents later, leave a good impression on them first, do you hear me?" Lin Xue tidied up her messy clothes while instructing Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen saw that Lin Xue was actually a little nervous, "Well, I will definitely satisfy you by then."

"What do you mean by satisfy me? You have to satisfy my parents! Let's go." Lin Xue rolled her eyes at Zhang Chen and pulled Zhang Chen out of the room.

The two went up to the third floor, where there were only two rooms. Lin Xue took Zhang Chen to the first room.

"Are you ready?" Lin Xue held Zhang Chen's hand tightly, obviously nervous but asking Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen held Lin Xue's hand tightly, "Yeah."

Lin Xue knocked on the door slowly a few times.

"Come in."

A slightly deep voice came from the room.

Lin Xue took a deep breath and opened the door.

What caught the eye in the room was a row of bookshelves, which were full of books. Zhang Chen saw with his extraordinary perception that almost most of the books had traces of being flipped through.

There was a desk in the middle of the room, and Lin Chengxu was looking at a book in his hand in front of the desk.

"Dad! I'm back!" Lin Xue walked in holding Zhang Chen's hand.

Lin Chengxu put down the book in his hand, and saw Lin Xue and Zhang Chen behind Lin Xue, who were stunned for a moment, but soon smiled and said, "Why are you back so early today? Didn't you always come back at night in previous years?"

Lin Xue stuck out her tongue, stepped forward and held Lin Chengxu's arm, "Isn't it the weekend today? I don't have classes, and I miss my dad, so I came back early, right?"

Lin Chengxu glanced at Zhang Chen intentionally or unintentionally, "I think you are here to force me to abdicate?"

Ps: Two updates in the next two days, let the author take a break, and then continue to burst out three updates every day in the next few days!

I also want to apologize to everyone here. I may not be able to pay attention to the book review area all the time in the next two days, but don't worry, the author will read every book review!

Thanks to Falcon for 400 book coins! Thank you to Star Point for 399 book coins! Thank you to Peach Blossom King and Yan Emperor for 100 book coins! Thank you to Tree Master for 1100 book coins!

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