Zhang Chen followed Jiang Lao all the way to the back of Kunlun Palace. After passing through a small dense forest, he came to a cave.

After walking into the cave, he reached the end after a few steps. The end was an underground hall. In addition to the night pearls around, there was only a stone formation with mysterious patterns on the ground.

"The entire Kunlun Peak is covered by a huge spiritual pressure. Even I can't do anything about the spiritual pressure at the top. However, there is a teleportation formation built by the Emperor of Heaven himself. You can go up directly, but this teleportation formation needs to be adjusted every moment." Jiang Lao explained to Zhang Chen while controlling the spiritual energy to move the stone formation on the ground.

Zhang Chen looked at the complex stone formation and was a little surprised.

"Master, how do you know the position of this stone formation?"

Jiang Lao laughed, "There are many things in it, astrology, astronomy, geography, and yin and yang formations, so you still have a lot to learn in the future."

Zhang Chen nodded thoughtfully.

After a while, Jiang Lao finished debugging, stretched out his hand and hit a stream of spiritual energy, and the whole stone formation emitted a faint blue light.

"Come on, come up." Jiang Lao stood in the middle and said to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen walked to the center of the stone formation.

Jiang Lao pinched a set of magic formulas in his hands, and the entire stone formation began to release fierce blue light from the outside.

The blue light gradually became brighter and brighter, and finally flashed suddenly, and the entire stone formation returned to calm again, and Zhang Chen and others on the stone formation disappeared.

Zhang Chen felt dizzy, and when the discomfort disappeared, Zhang Chen found that he had come to a quiet place.

Looking into the distance, there was nothing to see in the white, but there was a lot of white mist vaguely. In front of him were five huge stone pillars, and the stone pillars were engraved with words that Zhang Chen did not understand.

"This is the Kunlun Peak, come with me, and trigger the guiding divine light." Jiang Lao said and walked towards one of the stone pillars.

Jiang Lao took off his raincoat. This was also the first time Zhang Chen saw Jiang Lao take off his raincoat.

After taking off his raincoat, Jiang Lao looked thin and a little hunched, but for some reason, Zhang Chen always had a feeling that if his master stood up straight, he would be a man of great stature.

Zhang Chen was still thinking, when suddenly a stream of colorful light appeared from the sky.

Zhang Chen's eyes were attracted by the stream of light and he looked up at the sky.

The stream of light seemed to have crossed the distance of time and space, and it came to Zhang Chen in almost a blink of an eye, and then in another blink of an eye, Zhang Chen was wrapped in it.

At this moment, Zhang Chen suddenly found that there was a burst of white light on his body, and at the same time, Jiang Lao's voice came into his ears.

"Although the light of receiving the divine light is harmless to the body and has many benefits, your current strength is too low. If you are exposed to the divine light, it may squeeze your own potential."

Zhang Chen felt warm in his heart when he heard this.

Although Jiang Lao never said that he loved himself, whether it was fighting against Xing Tian or the light of receiving the divine light, it made Zhang Chen feel the love of his master for him.

[The mission is completed by entering Kunlun Mountain! 】

This is an independent small world. Because of its rich resources and abundant spiritual power, it was used as its base camp after being discovered by the Emperor of Heaven. This is Kunlun Domain, a magical place.

Zhang Chen had actually heard about it a long time ago. Although he had never really entered Kunlun Domain, all kinds of legends had been told countless times by the chatterbox Quail. Now that he had stepped into this place for the first time, Zhang Chen did not dare to believe that this was the legendary place.

In front of him was a barren Gobi. Not only was there no bird song and flower fragrance as imagined, but even the spiritual energy was thinner. Zhang Chen even keenly felt that there was a violent and dark atmosphere in the air.

"Is this... the legendary Kunlun Domain?" Zhang Chen asked Jiang Lao and Quail uncertainly.

The quail did not answer Zhang Chen's words, but said to Jiang Lao seriously, "Jiang Lao, do you feel it?"

Jiang Lao looked towards the east of Kunlun Territory and nodded, "Well, this is the breath of Emperor Yan. It seems that what Xing Tian said is true."

This reflects the gap between Zhang Chen and the quail Jiang Lao. Zhang Chen only felt a violent and dark breath, but Jiang Lao and the quail had already sensed the breath of Emperor Yan from an unknown distance.

"Follow me, we have to go there quickly. There is probably still a battle over there. It looks like the situation is not good!" Jiang Lao flew directly into the air and flew towards the east.

Zhang Chen flew with Jiang Lao on his sword without saying a word.

"Quail! Why don't you fly by yourself!" Zhang Chen looked at the leisurely quail on his shoulder with some depression.

The quail glanced at Zhang Chen with a look of contempt, "Don't you know that there will be a big battle later? I have to save my energy, and don't you know how tired it is to fly by yourself!"

Zhang Chen was completely defeated by this guy.

How could this guy be the last phoenix in the world? Lazy, annoying, and likes to cheat people, it is simply a disgrace to the Phoenix clan!

However, Zhang Chen really has no way to deal with it, so he can only take the quail bird and fly behind Jiang Lao.

The quail bird kept chirping along the way.

"Look, this used to be a forest with colorful larks singing the most beautiful songs, but now it has become a yellow sand."

"And here, do you see that cliff? It is a holy place for lovers, and it used to be full of birds and flowers, but now..."

Zhang Chen couldn't help sighing while listening to the quail bird talking about the scenery here in the past and comparing it with the real scenery he saw now.

It was too miserable. There was no grass growing here. As far as Zhang Chen could see, there was only yellow sand or barren Gobi Desert. Zhang Chen even saw some traces left after the battle.

"It was just a devastated place!" Zhang Chen muttered as he looked at the ground without a trace of green.

The quail looked at Zhang Chen, "Now you know why the Emperor of Heaven wanted to defeat the Emperor of Flame? The Emperor of Flame's philosophy was to plunder everything and leave no life. If such a person ruled everything, then the world would come to an end."

Zhang Chen nodded without saying anything.

It seemed that the system and himself also survived by plundering...

But after thinking about it, Zhang Chen shook his head again.

However, this was different from the Emperor of Flame. The Emperor of Flame was completely plundering. Whether it was life or other things, everything was in his hands without a trace. Zhang Chen just grew up by absorbing various nutrients in various planes. It can be said that there was an essential difference.

Zhang Chen, who had figured it out, looked at the quail, smiled, and accelerated to chase Jiang Lao.

Just as Jiang Lao and Zhang Chen were rushing over, a voice that could reach the sky and earth suddenly rang out throughout the world.

"Emperor Yan, it's useless. You can't get your hands on the Xuanyuan Sword."

The author is here again! I'm begging for collection and recommendation votes!

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