The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 196 Sensational Course [Available for subscription! ]

Zhang Chen didn't expect that Professor McGonagall would come to watch his class in person, but Zhang Chen didn't plan to give up this class.

"I'm honored that Professor McGonagall wants to watch." Zhang Chen smiled slightly.

Next, Zhang Chen and Professor McGonagall followed all the students to the Quidditch stadium.

Along the way, the other students of Hogwarts were a little surprised. Why did this group of people walk together? They all thought that something big had happened, so some people followed curiously, wanting to see what this group of people wanted to do. As a result, more and more people followed behind, and in the end there were even nearly three hundred people.

Many of them recognized that there were acquaintances among the more than 30 people in front, so they went up to ask what this was for, and everyone who was asked said proudly that they were going to the Quidditch stadium for class.

This led to the team becoming more and more powerful.

Finally, Professor McGonagall couldn't stand it anymore, adjusted her glasses, turned around and asked the students behind her, "Aren't you going to class?"

Soon the students said that they were not going to class.

Professor McGonagall was in a dilemma. She originally just wanted to see what Zhang Chen, a Muggle without magic power, could teach the students, but she didn't expect that there would be so many people in the end.

At this time, Zhang Chen smiled slightly, "It's okay. I can teach this class even if all the students in Hogwarts come."

Professor McGonagall frowned when she heard Zhang Chen's boast.

You are just a Muggle. Is it really okay to boast like this? Since you don't care, I want to see what you want to do!

"Okay, let them follow."

Soon, Zhang Chen's team attracted Dumbledore's attention.

Even many students who were about to go to class did not go to class, and wanted to come to see Zhang Chen's class. In the end, Dumbledore had no choice but to give all students half a morning off to watch Zhang Chen's class.

On the other side, Zhang Chen led a team of nearly 500 people on the way to the Quidditch stadium. He took the time to look back. Zhang Chen could still see many students and even tutors rushing over, and couldn't help thinking.

These should be about it, right?

But obviously, Zhang Chen underestimated the curiosity of the wizards. In fact, many people became curious about him on the first day Zhang Chen came to Hogwarts. Everyone was wondering, what qualifications does Zhang Chen, a Muggle, have to be the tutor of these wizards? Is it based on age or nepotism?

This time, Zhang Chen's class directly attracted the entire Hogwarts, and people wanted to see what Zhang Chen was capable of.

After walking for half an hour, they finally arrived at the Quidditch stadium. Zhang Chen took the time to turn his head and look back. The people behind him were estimated to be more than 800 people.

Because there were too many people, Zhang Chen decided that except for his students and tutors, all other students would sit in the audience, so that it would not affect Zhang Chen, and they could also see Zhang Chen's actions.

Zhang Chen told Professor McGonagall about his idea, and Professor McGonagall agreed. He immediately contacted other tutors and asked other students to go to the audience to watch the excitement.

Finally, there were less than 50 people left in the stadium, and the surroundings suddenly seemed much more spacious.

Zhang Chen walked into the center of the Quidditch stadium, first bowed slightly to the students in the audience, and then Jian Yuan controlled the sound and accurately transmitted it to every student's ears.

"Thank you all for coming to my class, although I didn't invite you at the beginning." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

The students around him laughed kindly, and Zhang Chen's first sentence stunned the whole place.

"First of all, I want to make it clear that everyone should try to keep quiet. In this class, everyone just listen to me and watch me do it. If you want to come down and experience it yourself, please wait for my explanation." Zhang Chen continued to speak to the students around him.

As Zhang Chen said, the surroundings soon became quiet.

Zhang Chen nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, Zhang Chen turned his head and looked at the dozen professors and tutors on the side, "Can you all step aside now?"

As soon as Zhang Chen finished speaking, several professors and tutors showed dissatisfaction on their faces.

You are a Muggle, we came to your class to give you face, but you still make demands on us?

However, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape stepped aside after hearing Zhang Chen's words. Although the other professors and tutors were dissatisfied, they also stepped aside. After all, the two deans had stepped aside. If you don't step aside, isn't this not giving face to the deans?

Zhang Chen bowed again in gratitude, and then began to stand in the center of the Quidditch field and slowly closed his eyes.

Time passed by minute by minute, and it was about to be half an hour. At this time, the sun began to be scorching, and everyone was impatient and felt that Zhang Chen was just a show.

Some students who couldn't bear it even got up and went back.

Other tutors gave Zhang Chen a face and didn't leave directly, but they also complained more and more about Zhang Chen.

The thirty or so students Zhang Chen taught personally also felt something, with a look of disbelief on their faces.

On the tutor side, only Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape felt something, and their expressions became more and more serious.

Finally, one tutor couldn't help it, "Hey! Muggle! Are you capable of this? We are all suffering here with you!"

After hearing this, Snape turned his head and glared at him fiercely with a cold look, "Shut up!"

Snape had just finished speaking when the venue suddenly changed.

One after another, golden sword energy surged out of Zhang Chen's body, rushed straight into the sky, and then fell to the ground again. Each sword energy fell according to a certain pattern. In a short while, the surrounding ground was filled with dense sword energy.

Then, Zhang Chen closed his eyes again.

Professor McGonagall looked at the sword energy on the ground at this time and pushed his eyes, "Professor Snape, have you seen anything?"

Snape shook his head, "Except for the amazing power, I can't see anything else for the time being."

The two had just finished speaking when there was a commotion in the audience, and many students pointed at Zhang Chen.

At the same time, words such as mystery and pattern were faintly heard.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape looked at each other and nodded to each other. Professor McGonagall used Transfiguration to turn into a cat and jumped onto Snape's shoulder. Snape waved his wand and slowly rose to the sky.

Rising into the air, Snape and Professor McGonagall, who had transformed into cats, finally understood what Zhang Chen had just done. Around Zhang Chen, the golden sword energy formed a magic circle with a radius of about 50 meters.

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