The Plane Lottery System of the Pantheon

Chapter 198 The Path of the Soul [Please subscribe now! ]

In Hogwarts, several students were puzzled when they saw Professor McGonagall rushing by.

What happened? Why did Professor McGonagall walk so fast?

Professor McGonagall swore that she had never walked so fast in school.

She never had to rush, because she was Professor McGonagall, the head of the Gryffindor branch, and her upbringing made her elegant and calm.

But today, Professor McGonagall was destined to make an exception for Zhang Chen.

There was no rest along the way. Professor McGonagall slowly ascended the spiral staircase to the room where Dumbledore was.

At the door, Professor McGonagall tidied up her image and tried not to look so hurried. After everything was tidied, Professor McGonagall knocked on the door.

As soon as Professor McGonagall knocked, the door opened by itself.

Dumbledore's room was quiet, which was in stark contrast to Professor McGonagall's heart at this time.

Dumbledore was sitting in front of the table with glasses looking at the documents in his hand. After seeing Professor McGonagall, he put down the documents in his hand.

"Professor McGonagall, why do you seem so flustered?"

Professor McGonagall took a deep breath, trying not to appear so rude. After a while, Professor McGonagall said calmly, "Professor Dumbledore, you'd better go and see this for yourself."

Soon, Dumbledore followed Professor McGonagall out of Hogwarts.

On the way, Dumbledore looked at Professor McGonagall, who was walking fast in front of him, and was confused, "Professor McGonagall, what happened?"

Professor McGonagall's footsteps were always high frequency. After hearing Dumbledore's question, he walked while saying with a serious expression, "Teacher Zhang Chen cast a magic circle."

Dumbledore was stunned when he heard this.

Are you kidding me? Zhang Chen? Magic circle? There is no direct relationship between the two, or even an indirect relationship, okay?

Dumbledore naturally didn't believe it, and kindly reminded Professor McGonagall, "Professor McGonagall, although you said so, I still want to remind you that Zhang Chen doesn't know magic at all."

At this time, the two had already walked to the Quidditch field. Professor McGonagall pointed to the formation emitting golden light in the distance and looked back at Dumbledore, "But that is indeed a magic circle."


Dumbledore looked at the formation emitting golden light, and his heart was not calm at all.

Zhang Chen's talent was said by the Sorting Hat. Although the Sorting Hat said that Zhang Chen had the talent to practice black magic, Dumbledore could guarantee that Zhang Chen was now a Muggle, a Muggle without any magic.

At this time, Zhang Chen on the field also saw Dumbledore's arrival, but he didn't care at all. He turned his head and looked at his three or more students, "Go in."

More than 30 students hesitated at this time.

Zhang Chen made such a big scene, and they could feel that the power in this formation was amazing. According to what Zhang Chen said in class, if there was a problem with this formation, the entire Quidditch field might be in trouble.

So after hearing Zhang Chen's words, no one dared to step forward.

At this time, Harry and Jia Lei gritted their teeth and walked out of the team.

Harry was stunned when he saw Jia Lei appear. He knew this person. This person was also from Gryffindor, but he didn't talk much and didn't seem to have many friends. At this time, Harry saw him stand up and immediately smiled at him, "Hello, my name is Harry."

Jia Lei was also slightly stunned. Originally, he just saw that no one stood up and didn't want to embarrass Zhang Chen, so he gritted his teeth and prepared to try first, but unexpectedly, Harry actually stood up. You know, Harry Potter is a celebrity in Gryffindor, no, the entire Hogwarts. Talking to him at this time made him a little overwhelmed.

"Jia Lei." Jia Lei was still as frugal as ever.

Harry knew Jia Lei's character, "Nice to meet you, Jia Lei, since we have both stood up, let's go in together, how about it?"

Although Jia Lei was nervous, he still nodded.

At this time, Hermione walked out of the team holding Ron's ear.

"Hey hey hey! Hermione! Be gentle!" Ron followed Hermione out, shouting "ouch ouch".

Both Harry and Jia Lei looked at Hermione.

Maybe in front of so many people, Hermione was a little shy, seeing two people looking at her, she couldn't help but explain, "Ron wanted to go back, but I saw it, so..."

Harry smiled and shook his head, "Since we are out, let's go in together."

As he said, Harry turned to the magic circle in front of him, "Are you ready?"

Ron was pulled by the ear and screamed in pain, "Of course not, don't you see that my personal freedom is restricted now!"

Hermione looked calm, "Ready."

Jia Lei nodded slightly after hearing what Harry said.

Harry ignored Ron and said, "Go!"

After saying that, Harry rushed directly into the formation, followed by Jia Lei and Hermione. Ron was pulled by the ears and stumbled into the formation.

As soon as they entered the formation, the four people stood still and everyone closed their eyes.

Zhang Chen smiled slightly and said to his other students, "The formation has started to work. If you don't hurry up, you may miss the last train."

The rest of the people saw that Harry and others were safe and sound after entering, and there was no explosion. They also rubbed their hands and rushed into the formation with strange shouts.

Every student who rushed into the formation stood still and closed his eyes at the moment he stood firm.

Zhang Chen looked at the group of students in the formation with a smile on his face.

This formation was Zhang Chen's first time to set up. Although it was the first time, Zhang Chen was sure that there was no mistake, because Zhang Chen had studied it for nearly a week before.

This formation has only one purpose, to form an illusion until the heart.

In the book "Introduction to Formation", this formation is used to refine the heart, and its name is the Questioning Heart Formation.

Zhang Chen thought about it and thought that it was very likely that Harry or Jia Lei would be the first to come out, after all, they were very talented in cultivation.

But what Zhang Chen didn't expect was that the first person to wake up from the Questioning Heart Formation was Ron.

Ron had a terrible dream.

In the dream, everyone disappeared, leaving only himself. In order to find others, he walked through mountains and seas, from Hogwarts to Diagon Alley. He spent hundreds of years and finally found a clue in a book, at the end of the world, under the endless glaciers, to seal this person.

So Ron began his journey to find this person. After several decades, he found the place where the person was sealed. When he broke the glacier and saw the person's face clearly, he burst into tears instantly. The person sealed in the glacier was actually Hermione.

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