After walking in, Zhang Chen found that this place was similar to other ordinary small hotels, except that there were no windows in the corridor and it looked a little dark.

Zhang Chen was about to lift his feet and walk away when suddenly a hand as big as a casserole stretched out from the side and blocked his way.

At the same time, a deep voice came from the side room, "Pay the fee!"

Zhang Chen looked carefully and found that it was a small window, but his outstretched hand had blocked all the space, and Zhang Chen couldn't see what was going on inside.

Zhang Chen took out a few gold galleons from his arms and placed them directly on the palm of this hand.

Soon, the hand retracted, and when it stretched out again, there were only two fingers left, holding a brass key between the two fingers.

"Come in, here's your room key."

Zhang Chen took the key and walked forward directly.

You don’t need to look to know that the gatekeeper is a giant.

But this also made Zhang Chen a little interested in this place.

The non-existent store still requires a letter of introduction, and finally there is a giant as the gatekeeper. It seems that the owner here must be extraordinary.

You know, giants are not that common in this plane. Although Hagrid is a half-giant hybrid, real giants are very rare, because almost all giants have a fear of humans. They live in isolation in the desert. Live in such a place and try not to be discovered by humans.

It is precisely because of this that almost all giants are wary of humans, but in this seemingly ordinary small hotel, Zhang Chen actually saw a giant.

"It seems there are many secrets here." Zhang Chen thought of this, with a trace of inquiry in his eyes.

Walking all the way to the end, Zhang Chen found that there were only corridors on both sides, without a single door, only a door at the end.

After taking a look around to make sure that there was nothing else that interested Zhang Chen, Zhang Chen directly opened the door with the key.

When he opened the door, Zhang Chen could feel the fluctuation of magic power. Zhang Chen gently twisted the key and pushed the door open.

Inside is a small room with a window, some simple furniture, and nothing else.

Very clean room. This was Zhang Chen's first impression.

The sun shone in from outside the window, illuminating the whole room very brightly. Zhang Chen walked to the window and looked outside, and found that there was a small grassland outside.

The scenery is pleasant and it is a good place to take a vacation.

Zhang Chen took out the things he brought with him from the storage space.

Then arrange this place.

“This is where I’ll be for the next week.”

This week, Zhang Chen is ready to study black magic. As for the formations, Zhang Chen is not in a hurry now. After all, just the Heart-Questing Formation consumed a lot of his sword energy before. He wants to use the formations to increase his combat power. This One o'clock is still a bit early.

But black magic is different. Zhang Chen recently discovered that as he became more and more understanding of black magic, Zhang Chen's sensitivity to magic was also increasing. Moreover, the various weird black magic in these books also attracted Zhang Chen's attention. Attracted.

If ordinary magic is civilian, then black magic is militarized.

Compared with ordinary magic, black magic pays more attention to harming others, focusing on offense, while ordinary magic is better at defense and use in daily life.

But what Zhang Chen needs is something weird like black magic.

Zhang Chen's current attack methods are quite simple. He either fights with Xuanyuan Sword, or fights with sword intention and sword energy. This kind of confrontation has good and bad aspects.

The advantage is that it is straightforward, and it is the most refreshing to crush the enemy head-on. However, the disadvantage is also obvious. If the opponent is on par with you or stronger than you, then you will be easily suppressed. If you are not careful, you will die.

The previous battle between Zhang Chen and the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult is a good example.

Black magic is different. Words like weird, sinister, and vicious are all used to describe black magic, but in the final analysis, black magic is something sinister.

For example, the book on black magic that Zhang Chen is reading now summarizes a lot of black magic about curses and direct death.

Everyone may know about the curse. Unless the curse is lifted by the correct method or by the caster himself, the curse will not stop.

But the curse is not the most terrifying thing, the most terrifying thing is the direct death magic.

As long as the direct death magic is successful, you will die directly. No matter how powerful you are, as long as you have no ability to resist, you will definitely die.

This is a good thing for Zhang Chen. Although magic can avoid direct death in many cases. For example, as long as Zhang Chen uses Jian Yuan to protect his body, black magic cannot defeat him at all. However, there are always times when people are negligent, and no one will Always maintain defense, if you make one mistake, you will die if you are hit by a direct death spell.

Before leaving Hogwarts, Zhang Chen had borrowed five books on black magic from Dumbledore, covering all five books from beginner to master.

Zhang Chen has the potential to learn black magic. As long as he knows these black magic by heart and has a suitable magic wand, Zhang Chen will be a nightmare for his enemies.

The reason why Zhang Chen took a vacation during this period was because it was inconvenient for Zhang Chen to do some things at Hogwarts.

After all, there are students and tutors in Hogwarts, and Zhang Chen is now a celebrity in Hogwarts. His every move will be seen by those who care about him. So Zhang Chen came out directly. On the one hand, Zhang Chen can concentrate on studying black magic, and on the other hand, Zhang Chen wants to give Voldemort a chance.

Since Zhang Chen and Voldemort met, Quirrell has not appeared for a long time. It is said that he asked for leave for something, but Zhang Chen knows that Quirrell received Voldemort's instructions and temporarily withdrew.

But Zhang Chen believes that Voldemort will not give up what he wants easily. He must be observing Hogwarts' every move somewhere, and Zhang Chen's departure must be seen by him.

Zhang Chen needs Voldemort to move, because Zhang Chen has already made up his mind that he wants to take Voldemort away from this world.

At first, Zhang Chen wanted to take Harry away. After all, Harry is the protagonist, but later through observation, Zhang Chen found that this was not a good decision.

Harry is more suitable to live under the sun. What he needs is a calm and stable life.

Compared to before, Voldemort is more suitable to serve Zhang Chen in various planes, after all, he is already familiar with darkness.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chen came back to his senses, took out the book he was reading from the storage space, turned to the place he read last time, and began to study hard.

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